Just made a video playlist for some of the characters, which change the world: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoJQNYwY00Yjx2GNZ7AHarQQkjnEuHITI
I noticed Crossy Road in the China app store has a different IAP and ad system, whereby 99 cents buys you 100 coins which you then spend on the lottery prizes and take your chances spending a dollar on buying a duplicate or a random character you didn't particularly want. Ads in the game are also forced and pop up randomly. I'm all for supporting the developer for creating such an awesome game but I'm just wondering why the developer chose not to use their universally acclaimed IAP/ad system in Asia. Hong Kong app store users are also forced to buy the altered China version whereas all other apps in the HK store use the regular international versions. No love for Asia?
Game Centre is insecure, and there's nothing we can do other than delete bogus scores (which we have been doing when we can).
great game, enjoying it very much! can someone explain the everyplay to me. I record with the front facing camera on and it shows up in the corner, but after I upload the video it's always disappeared?!
Great question! So Everyplay manually check every video uploaded to ensure that the face cam footage, how do we say this tastefully, doesn't contain any ... unnecessary imagery. Give it 12 hours or so (at max) and you should see your picture in picture video. I'm not a very big fan of this part of Everyplay. Hopefully they fix this workflow.
Q: Why did the Unihorse cross the road? Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel A: To kick Hoggy's ass.
Brilliant game! Played a few times and got to 205. Hopefully I can calm my dang tappy fingers and stop getting squashed lol.
I like this idea. My high score is 346 and everytime I get close I get all nervous and my fingers don't fing. I did just unlock the unicorn tho, really cool!
Damn, looks nice but not exactly original at all. Was fun for a couple minutes but it's so darned repetitive... Above all, I'm at pain to even begin to guess the amount of money spent on player acquisition in order to get that game to the topmost position on day one and beyond! LOL, that's probably a si digits figure right there. Ouch! Wish I had that much cash! (oh, maybe one day... :|)
Unlocked half of the characters and bought the dark lord to show my appreciation. Thought the Epoch character or zombie was my favourite, then I got the swift snail. Awesome just awesome.
To me it's like this game took the Frogger concept and amped it up x 100. It is repetitive in that you're always trying to avoid vehicles/trains, not fall in the water or get swooped up by an eagle, but the random level generation makes it not as repetitive for me. The fun part is unlocking all the characters and their effects and trying to top your best score. This game reminds me of the old retro games I grew up with and still love, it really is a gem in my opinion.
My daughters (13yrs old) LOVE the game lol. I am going to buy some of the characters to support the dev. While I'm sure I could eventually unlock them all, they deserve the financial support. Brilliant game to say the least. Can't wait to see what they add to it.
I am guessing you are getting pretty far then? I am averaging only 50-60 on a run and sometimes see zero coins, never more than two.