Is this a game Atlus just published, or did they develop it? I recognize some of the music/character art/themes from Ogre Battle 64 (an epic in my opinion).
No, if u mean the dialogue bug. It still was a awesome game. The experience from the voice acting/storyline is simply amazing.
I am usually more into action RPGs like Zenonia, Zenonia 2, Inotia 2, Illusia, etc. but this does look quite good and it has caught my attention. Would someone new to turn based combat RPGs be able to pick up the combat system in Crimson Gem Saga fairly well?
Absolutely. It has some RT elements too, BTW, like the ambush system or critical combos. Production values are great.
Great game Love this game. I love RPGs and have been thoroughly unsatisfied with several of the existing subpar action-RPGs that are somewhat deficient in the storyline and dialogue. This one rocks with the skill tree, the dialogue, good voice-acting, and leaving out silly quests like "fetch 5 bones, then fetch 10 bones, then 15...". I just wish the porting wasn't subpar in itself. I love the voice dialogue but it's horribly ruined by only some of it being played and at the wrong time. The menu system is annoying in that it's a bit too easy to make the wrong move. But, as others have said, those are easily forgettable with the sheer quality of the rest of the game. I'd gladly buy more RPGs that are as good as Crimson Gem Saga. Plus I love watching the intro video every time I start playing. And I consistently use Spinel thanks to her Level 3 Wind Slash (or whatever it's called). It's a nice cheap way to do damage to clear all the enemies after an ambush.
I would play this game a lot more often if it had multitasking. Seems they have not done such a good job with post release support in my opinion.
yeah this game is hardly unplayable. this is a well polished game with good controls, great graphics, and good story. what is needed in an update? even the voice acting is pretty ok. all in all, one of the better iphone rpgs, and def top 5.
Guys need urgent help, how do i buy new weapons and equip them? sorry for such a stupid question but I cannot manage to do so bcoz of controls.
Well I bought this game recently at someone else's recommendation, and I'm loving it so much that I decided to go through all 102 pages of this thread to see what others thought of it. After spending 3 hours reading posts, I think I should at least be allowed to revive this thread for a bit, right? Lots of people (but not as many as iTunes reviewers) complain about the controls, but they should only take at most an hour to get used to. Quick swiping through the menus one flick at a time works perfectly. The incomplete dialogue doesn't particularly bother me, and after seeing how much the file sizes for Chaos Rings and Omega increased after the voice updates, one can safely assume that the file size would gain a few hundred MB from such a patch. And one last thing; I don't find the story shallow or generic at all: sure it starts out seeming that way, but it really ramps up in the end. All that being said, I am a bit disappointed that they haven't had an update since 2010, considering there are still a few things that could be improved (and the 99:59:99 bug definitely needs to get fixed). A minor thing I noticed was that nobody in this thread seems to have discovered the finishers of the critical combos. So here's a video showing how awesome those combos can really be Well there's my rant, hopefully it attracts or rejuvenates some attention to this outstanding game. I can safely say that this is my favorite RPG available in the App Store, outclassing Chaos Rings by far (no offense to CR fans).
I agree. Once you get used to the controls, this is one of the greatest RPG's on the app store, and certainly offers the full "console experience".
I gave up on this game a long time ago. I was having a really hard time selecting the correct things in the menu system. It pissed me off so much I deleted the game. So my question is, did they fix the menu system yet, because it was a real pain in the a$$?
Yeah it certainly offered a nice console experience, but after a while it gets boring and the characters, while initially seem interesting (maybe because of the voiceover), end up being rather mainstream and predictable. I still agree with most people who said that the original game is awesome, but the quality of the port is less so. With texture 'seams' appearing everywhere, weird controls, time bugs, etc. Compared to traditional RPGs like the generic Zenonia, this one certainly shines though.