iPad Crimson Gem Saga: Atlus/IRONNOS JRPG

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by squarezero, Aug 4, 2010.

  1. Yeah good update. Still wish there was retina display support as well as multi tasking but I guess for a 400mb game saving the state would be hard.
  2. FPE

    FPE Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2010
    World, now Belgium
    Anybody can comment how this looks on an iPad?
  3. November's Chopin

    November's Chopin Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    You're only level 5 and you're making an assumption this is better than any other one? I can probably disagree with you on every single point you made.
    #1 Graphics being "amazing" is purely subjective, if you dislike 3D graphics in Chaos Rings and instead like 2D sprites then that's your problem
    #2 CGS basically has zero strategy involved. It's either you get one-hit-KOed by bosses (I'd love to question the strategy and reasoning behind these one-hit-KO deaths especially since revival items cost ridiculous amounts) or you ambush and repeatedly hit enemies until they die, suffering minimal damage, since ambush attacks do around 3x more damage than a regular attack. Characters in the back line of the so-called "formation" gets hit just as often as people in the front, so I can't say I know what exactly is the point of this "formation" at all other than decoration? In fact, the further back I place Henson the mage the more often he gets hit, WTF?
    #3 Muscleman is the weakest of the entire party and is a healer class, yes that makes a lot of sense
    #4 Pure grindfest if you want to unlock all skills. The fact that you need to actually unlock the skill description of a skill by spending tons of SP is stupid. After unlocking the description, you then need to spend even more SP to actually learn it. They designed it so you could skip skills that you unveiled but don't need. But was it worth all your SP to simply get a peek at its description? There's suddenly no such thing as the internet to view the skill tree instead? Henson's skills all take hundreds of SP to unlock, and you're lucky if each battle gives you 20 SP, shared by all party members
    #5 This game is basically unplayable on slightly older devices (iPhone 3G and similar), even though it's entirely 2D and graphics are about the same level as Inotia 2; crashes every few minutes. I'm at the beginning of Chapter 2, and I reckon it's crashed at least 50 times, with at least 10 times in the first 20 minutes of Chapter 2. Restarting iDevice does not solve anything. Funny thing is Chaos Rings, with its gorgeous 3D characters and backgrounds, has never crashed even once on my iPhone 3G
    #6 Voice acting is surprisingly good, but they skip 90% of the dialogue and only has voice for the 10%, makes you wonder why they skipped all the rest if the game is already 400+mb? The extra 90% voice acting would really hurt?
  4. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Well, I've beaten the game and I agree with backtothis. You're entitled to your opinion of course, but I think there's probably a direct relationship between your inability to understand the game's combat strategy and your assessment of it being a grind-fest.

    Chaos Rings is a great game. But if you're looking for a traditional JRPG experience: long story, memorable characters, varied environments that encourage exploration, and a deep, party based combat system, CGS is the better choice.

    Oh, and as to the the graphics being at the level of Inotia -- thanks for the hearty laugh.
  5. sdmiracle

    sdmiracle Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    Muscleman is ok, i feel the girl thief is weaker
  6. Krollx

    Krollx Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    @ November's Chopin

    I've also finished this game and I strongly disagree with your post for the following reasons;

    1. Once you hit level 5 you gain some understanding about the game play. It tells you how to use the different tactics (normal attacks against 1v1 and use skills to quickly kill 1v2).
    Quoting backtothis "The graphics are just amazing, perfect really." is probably directed to the other JRPG such as Zenonia, Inotia etc - not Chaos Rings.

    2. How isn't there stratergy in CGS? Killing the weakest enemy to avoid unnecessary damage, using skills wisely (don't waste mana when a single hit can kill), the ambushing system is the first I've seen in a rpg game and it can turn the tide of the battle easily.
    Getting one hit by bosses is your fault, not the game. Grind a little, get better gear and learn skills for survivabilty/damage.

    3. ... "Muscleman" is a cleric. He is not a tank, making sure nobody in the party dies by healing, curing and revivng is what he does best - taking damage is not.

    4. I don't mind the SP leveling system. Yes, i am being "purely subjective" - but so are you. It takes away all the need to upgrade stats such as strength, dexterity, intelligence and vitatilty and just requires SP for leveling skills. Getting the SP isn't a chore, i had loads of SP to spare by end game, leveling all the skills easily without too much grind.

    5. The voice acting takes up 60% of the dialogue, not 10% according to the app description. (If that was sarcasm, i couldn't tell, it is the internet after all ;) )

    That ends my rant :p
  7. Qordobo

    Qordobo Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    For me it looks good but quote that if this is a little blurry or if few lines borders are squared it's not a problem for me.

    Just take care of one point, I don't think I had it some weeks ago when I played it. I launch it again today and after first screens then the music I had a fully black screen. I had then to wait the music end (and it's a long time to wait) before to get the game start screen asking to tap to start.
  8. Isilel

    Isilel Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    I have been enjoying this game a lot, despite the controls. It is beautiful, deep and comparatively well-written.
    But I can't figure out how to discover and learn new skills. My characters are at level 15 and I have some bronze medallions. Please, help! TIA.
  9. Krollx

    Krollx Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    Menu -> Skill -> click on the character which you want to level up skills ->
    press A to put skill points to unlock skills and to learn the skill.
  10. Isilel

    Isilel Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    #970 Isilel, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
    Thanks. Oh, and is it possible to raise stats too or are the increases distributed automatically?

    P.S. I was an idiot re: skills. Swipe FTW!
  11. gospel9

    gospel9 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2008
    #971 gospel9, Oct 25, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2010
    So this game's on sale for $4.99 again.

    The reviews on iTunes are saying some terrible things like how the Passive Skills actually do not work or won't work until you restart the game, among the usual "worst menu ever made" comments. On the fence on this...

    Edit: Nevermind. Looks like the game has poor music on top of poor controls. Guess I won't be picking it up after all.
  12. NolbertoS

    NolbertoS Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2009
    I finished the game and kept me entertained. With that being said, I think the developers should've polished it more or tried to better customize it for the Iphone. I also owned and finished this game on the PSP, so I can tell that it was built from the ground up with the PSP's interface controls in mind. I think it probably rivals Chaos Rings or even better, due to the full length of the game, story and old school turn-based RPG. I hope to see more PSP games on the Iphone in the future.
  13. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    Your loss. Even with the problems listed (much exaggerated in the iTunes reviews), this is still the best traditional JRPG on the platform, and up there with Chaos Rings as one of the best Asian RPGs in the App Store.
  14. BrainGame

    BrainGame Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
  15. tsharpfilm

    tsharpfilm Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2009
    Digital Artist
    I thoroughly agree. Until The Shadow Sun or Aralon are released, Crimson Gem Saga is one of the best RPGs we have right now. And the music is fine.
  16. gospel9

    gospel9 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2008
    Thanks for the quick responses. So I take it that Passive Skills actually work as some of you have already finished the game.

    I suppose I was really expecting too much for the price being offered. If the story is as good as Chaos Rings, I really shouldn't be complaining. I have picked it up based on the impressions here... but before I have the time to dive into it, here's hoping that the devs update the game's controls until I begin playing.
  17. sdmiracle

    sdmiracle Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2010
    my passive skills doesn't seems working, and so do the items(the auto mp regen). any idea how to get it work?

    but it is a good game overall. i am near the end of chapter 2
  18. EMTKiNG

    EMTKiNG Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2010
    Los Angeles,CA
    Some RPG bug bit me and ill be picking this one up especially because its on SALEEE!!
  19. squarezero

    squarezero Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver

    Dec 10, 2008
    Chief Strategy Officer
    Salem, Massachusetts, USA
    The characters in Crimson Gem Saga are more immediately engaging than those of Chaos Rings, and the story is overall more accessible. That's not to say that it's better than CR, only very different. If what you're looking from an RPG is a large world to explore, a complex story with many twists and turns, etc. then there's really no comparison.

    Frankly, I never noticed whether all the passive skills were working as expected. Regardless, it's not such a big deal, since the games offers such a rich choice of active skills. As to the controls, they will just take you a while to get used to them. Read through the comments on this thread if you want advice as to the proper way to swipe, select, etc.
  20. cherdman

    cherdman Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2010
    Unless the music has changed from the PSP version, that statement is simply not true.

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