I do have all cabbies, but I haven't maxed any yet. The two highest I've got are level 8, and getting to level 9 costs 500 licenses. It's gonna be a while before I can get that many.
I mostly agree with you but one situation that is worth it to level past 500 is if you have a lot of license on a cabbie, especially the green ones. I have only two more left to get to 999 and can confirm that it's crazy tickets every time you get to 999. I should have everyone at 999 tomorrow and I'll update if there's anything special.
So I'm still confused regarding the best strategy for assigning drivers to cabs. It seems pairing cans with favourite drivers results in higher overall multiplier and therefore higher earnings. Is that the right strategy?
Favorite is only worth twice the amount for that driver. Other attributes are generally good, but it may be worth throwing away weak/useless ones for good driver placement. I've been mostly matching my high level drivers up with cars with the same attribute and where I'm most comfortable getting the car level to 500. My biggest money earners are level 8, level 5 (3 star), and a bunch of level 7 drivers.
Earlier in the game it's better to put your best guys in the earlier slots since you can get the multipliers pretty quick. Getting those guys to lvl 500 will be a lot more helpful than the 2x favourite bonus. I'm not sure when you should start assigning the favourites since I've been maxed out for awhile now, but I'd imagine once you start getting around 500ish for everyone would be a good time. And then you can put your best guys at the top slots once they start hitting 999. Maybe someone else closer to that stage of the game could give more input. EDIT: Btw for anyone who cares, getting everyone to 999 doesn't give you anything special. Just crazy tickets throughout. It seems that prestiging cost caps at 100v (ie you can prestige after every 100v) so the multiplier starts going up like crazy once you get to that point.
So I have managed to get to X248B through sellouts however it now seems that the multiplier for prestige doesn't increment as rapidly requiring a substantial amount of currency earned for each increment in the multiplier. Is this just my perception? With all of the multipliers I am earning 29o p/h at the moment
On a separate note I am now stuck. I have unlocked 59 of the 60 drivers but the missing one in Glitter Oasis is preventing me from buying the next cab. Anyone know how I can unlock this driver - e.g which can inneed to get to which level?
I hit my final driver card today. It came up as one of those awards for increasing car multiplier. I don't know if they set those up to spawn each card at least once.