So at which point is it good to go for 1st prestige? I'm currently offered 3x with 35M more for 4x which seems a way off
Now would be a good time. I'd say prestige frequently in the early stages to keep raising the multiplier to around 20 - 30. Also stick with the West Coast Central area to begin with as this generates the most idle profit; and keep levelling up driver Jam who is the top earner. Later in the game switch priority from prestige to cash generation in order to move into new areas. CTG works opposite to most clickers in that opening up new areas produces less income - not more. So maximise fares by matching drivers to preferred cars and taking advantage of their personality traits, and make use of the free scratch tickets which provide additional drivers and upgrades.
It helps getting a 1 star driver to level 5. I have Whisper earning $103.40 per fare and Phoenix earning $95.80.
1,069 on my 8th sell out. Starting to question what my goal is though, the game doesn't change at all as you progress. Nothing to really look forward to.
My multiplier us up to a mere 303, but getting the money required to unlock The Boroughs seems to take a proportionately longer amount of time compared to unlocking the previous areas. It's fun, but I'm wondering if anything is going to change or be different once I unlock more areas/drivers etc. If it's like other 'idle clickers' probably not much will change, but it would nice to be surprised for once.
Fisk adore you need to be playing for blimps right now. That is your bread and butter the blimps give u what u need to get farther and if your not getting any splurge bonuses for free throw some diamonds to get some in the shop they massively speed up the game. Also try not to raise anyone who grows slowly try to only raise two and three star characters if you can to speed the game up.
Anyone else hit a bit of a wall around The Boroughs, or is it just me? Fun until this point by the inevitable grind has set in.
The boroughs is a bit of a slog if u don't have splurge activated. If you do make sure your gas bonus is going also. Keep pulling blimps if you don't hit a 1 or 8 hour instant money bonus just buy one and break through to the next section. I went from 330 multiplier to 1028 in two hours on boroughs so it's not too bad.
So what's the benefit of choosing a taxi driver that matches the taxi over one that earns a whole load more cash?
The finacial benefits of using favourite cabs are only apparent at the start of the game when drivers' earnings are fairly equal. This can be ignored later on after a few sell-outs, when it will be better to put top earners at the start of each level to maximise return on investment.
Thanks. Is here any point upgrading the taxis beyond the 500 level? I'm now on 22,000x Strategy has been between upgrading cabs to 500 and opening new areas which seem to give you an earning boost. I only prestige up when I'm offered around double the bonus
You are way ahead of me now! I've just got first cab to level 500 with a base multiplier of 999x, though that is increased to 104,000x with a 7x gas station and 15x loud trait. At this time 500 seems a reasonable maximum in order to balance existing investment with opening new areas. I have a similar prestige strategy of taking double or triple bonus.
So far I've got 2 cabs maxed out at level 999, and I would say that it's not really worth spending money on cabs past 500 unless you have enough cash to go all the way to 999. The amount of income you gain past 500 is relatively small compared to what you'd get if you spent that money on a different cab below 500. However, level 999 gives you a whopping 10x income multiplier, and the two bonuses I've gotten have both been crazy tickets.
So what multipliers are you on? I'm now on over 200,000 and 4x for refuelling and still earning relatively slowly
Plusone do you have all the cabbies yet? Have you maxed out any of their licenses yet? If so what is the max lvl of a cabbies license?