Definately the sleeper game of the month. Excellent controls and polish on every part of this game. I agree with GoofyJ that this game badly needs Game Center achievements. Leaderboards are ok, but achievements in a game like this ought to be standard. Surely they will be added in soon, making an already great game just a smidge more fun... Highly recommended for any platformer fan...
It never gets old to push enemies into the spinning spikes . And if you bump them against each other, they will even start fighting among themselves -- Super Mario Land 3D doesn't have that!
Sh*t, now I'm getting Nintendo flashbacks (actually surprised I wasn't getting them sooner). What a release week! We definitely have GOTY changers. All 3 platformers released this week could easily be on my GOTY list.
Really enjoying this game so far, tilt controls the way they should be, and a lovely sense of fun. Buy it.
This game looks exceptional, like one of those games that could well be one of the best iOS games out there. Couple questions before I drop the ball and buy it: is there really 10 hours of gameplay? Are the levels that big and good? And is the game that fun?
The levels are fairly long and have side areas, etc. Don't know yet wether the 10 hr statement is true (it may include some replay to find the three coins per level). The game is big, though. As to fun, that's always subjective. Personally I think it's a blast, especially if you love the little details.
Dang, I don't like platformers but this one looks like one in the exception department..tempting...and out of $$$... It gets HDMI-support is another *must*!
What the heck? Where does this little gem come from? No upcoming thread, no hype, they just dropped this one on top of us. The production values are so stupidly awesome, I think I'm just gonna buy this one on the spot. Damn. Edit: In general, I must say I am satisfied. Tilt controls are tight, thankfully, and your little guy rotates fairly quickly.
I really like his game and was pleasantly surprised. Although I do think the controls are good, I would have liked to have a couple options. Dpad and 2 buttons would have been a nice option. I definitely got that N64 type vibe. Probably why I like the Dpad option idea.
That's somewhat surprising since this is one of the best release weeks of the year IMO. I guess you did just get the 360, so you're prolly playing that a ton. So understood! But yeah the only bad thing about this game is the lack of GC. Like I've said before it's disheartening when games to include it but oh well. The game itself is superb!
Oh? I was under the impression that Mega Man X, M.U.S.E., LostWinds, and Terra Noctis were all mixed bags from the posts in their game threads, especially on a 4th gen. iPod. Which one should I look into further? I downloaded Zenonia 4 and DH3 too along with a few sales. Haha, I have plenty to play either way. I just don't see how it's an amazing release week.
I guess you didn't see my impressions lol. Terra Noctis is absolutely amazing. It's definitely the best 2D platformer on iOS and one of the best I've ever played. I didn't really see any bad impressions in the thread?!? M.U.S.E is amazing and definitely rivals Shadowgun. The only thing bad is the controls and slight performance issues. I'm writing my impression for it now! I haven't downloaded Lost Winds yet, but it looks amazing and again the impressions weren't too bad. Just some problems with controls (hopefully buttons will be added). I'll be downloading it before I go to bed. Dangerous (the EVE clone) was released. I don't know how much you like puzzlers but Critter Chaos might have just topped Stretched for the best puzzler in my book. And last but not least...THIS GAME! **Also, Z4 maybe. Haven't played it yet.
Hm, alright man. Will probably pick up some of those in the coming days then. Did you see the new Shadowgun update btw? Just came out. Not interested in Mega Man X? About to try out Crazy Hedgy.
I'll check out Mega Man X, but I still have my old Gameboy Advance that I sometimes sneak off and play Mega Man on lol. I haven't seen the Shadowgun update. I'm definitely gonna check it out after I'm done typing this! Yeah, once you play this you will be like d@mn. I swear I had PS2 and Nintendo flashbacks.