Updated... AND NOW IT KEEPS CRASHING ON STARTUP! D: What do I do?! I've already restarted and cleared my multi-tasking bar... This sucks!!!!!!!
Are you sure it's crashing? The first time it started on my 4S it took a few seconds to load. Perhaps the wait is longer on the 3GS.
Yeah, it's crashing and taking me back to my home screen! This freakin' sucks! Is it because I'm on iOS 4.3??
Damnit!!! I knew I shouldn't have updated... lol... Maybe they'll release an update that fixes this bug?
So did the file size go up drastically with the update? I'm fully loaded on my 3GS and would like to check the update out. Just trying to figure out the best way I can do it. For reference for those who have already updated, the previous installed size prior to the update was 335 MB.
That also makes me wonder if the differences on a 3GS are as noticeable to make it worthwhile. Obviously all the retina devices will see a big difference.
So I'm gonna have a 540mb app just sitting on my iPod waiting for an update that fixes the crash? Maybe I should just delete this game... :/
Woohoo! Been waiting for this update for a long time because I have a new ipad. Want to see how the grass looks now!
You can delete it, and when the update hits you can download it again, because your progress will be restored. With my iPhone 4S I have no problems with framerate or whatever.
IDK how, but everytime I delete and then download it again from the AppStore (without using iTunes) it restores my save data. When starting the game, it plays again the tutorial, but after that I have every level unlocked with 3 coins in each level and so on.
well this is what happens with some games over time.. they become obese. some of my most favorite games were deleted off my device due to them ballooning in size by too much over several updates and upgrades and were just not worth it because i didn't play them that much. i am going to keep CH on my device because i do play it.. just gonna have to cut my losses. still, i like the new update.