Crazy Game 8 (by: Naughty Children at Play)

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by NaughtyChild, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. NaughtyChild

    NaughtyChild New Member

    Sep 5, 2013
    3D artist / Game Designer
    Jersey City, NJ
    Crazy Game 8 is an arcade style game that takes it’s inspiration from the games of the 1980’s. Games like Kaboom!, Asteroids and Centipede that required intense concentration and fast reflexes to get through, ever increasing, levels of difficulty. Crazy Game 8 is fun and engaging and doesn’t require a huge commitment of time so it is perfect for a quick game. The game is easy enough for a novice to play but also challenging enough for the hard core gamer to feel a sense of accomplishment when they beat their high score. The game was specifically designed to be played with one hand so that you can play it while standing in a moving train. The game, itself, is simple enough. Catch the required number of bombs in the time allotted. As you progress through the levels, the speed and the number of bombs increase and you are met with various enemy devices that are designed to foil your attempts at progressing further. One enemy device adds to the number of bombs that you need to catch to complete the wave while another enemy device removes precious seconds off the clock. Other devices work to constrict your movement and ability to catch the, very bombs you’re tasked with catching. If all of this sounds impossible, there is hope. During the game, various power-ups appear to help you through the difficult times by giving you the ability to slow time while another helps you attract all of the falling bombs to your location. These items, along with the score multipliers, help keep you in the game. Crazy Game 8 is suitable for all ages and is available for Android devices.

    Watch the game play video Here

    Get the Android version Here

    Get the Kindle Version Here

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