Hi there, loving the game so far! Believe the hype! Need some help however, probably more to see if others have/had this issue? Installed and played on iPhone, uploaded save to BScotch then installed on iPad and tried to load save game from cloud. I get this error message, saying "check your internet can't download campaign content"? Anyone else have had this and got a workaround?
This g-gnome, could someone actually explain this a little bit more? When does it appear and any clue on how to pick it up if you missed it. Screenshots would be awesome. Thanks much Edit: http://www.appunwrapper.com/2016/01/22/crashlands-walkthrough-guide/ Thanks again appunwrapper Edit: Still wouldn't mind any advise on picking it up a second time if anyone has picked it up after the crash.
Still no Watlings.. Found a few Gatlings (low tongue drop rate), no bats.. I've seen maybe 2 maximum entire game so far, and need Wats to craft the Kiln!
Me too. Guess I missed it as well. That's what I get for starting the game as soon as I got it instead of waiting until I wasn't in the middle of something else. I just don't know if Flux will be able to care about anything without her G-Gnome outside her home.
I missed my gnome too, but I think I found it in my game. There's an area North and a little West of Ramerl's Smithery that is entirely blocked off by rocks that require a level 2 pick axe to break. I don't have one yet so I can't verify, but there's definitely a gnome in there. It's not far at all from the Smithery, maybe a 20-second walk. I have pics, but for some reason I can't attach them here, something wrong with my iPhone maybe... Let me know if you need more info and I'll see what I can do.
Question before I buy. Multiple people in my household want to play this game... But we each want our own save. Can the game handle that? I'm a bit worried that the feature that allows you to use the same save on multiple devices would make it so we'd all have to share the same save. Best of all would be if we could use multiple save files even on the same device. Can we?
Has anyone here moved their home away from the initial crash site? Also has anyone actually built up a home? I have just but down the building items at the moment. Love how there are no real limits on storage and moving things is soooo simple! You can just use a local save
For some reason Baarbram cannot be saved. I already took the key and opened the door but all he says is "Take my hand." and nothing happens. The sidequest is stuck, is this a bug?
Although this game is raved about and yes a lot of effort and praise it's not for everyone. By no means am I saying it's not a good game obviously numbers don't lie . I bought this game and after 5 minutes I'm done. Just not my thing here. After reading a hundred reviews I thought ode grab it up. Just not for me.
Go talk to ramerl for the recipe. A lot has been asked our talked about in this thread. So you don't have to wait next time use the search this thread button at the bottom. It helped me out a lot so far.
Apparently it's a glitch. You're suppose to talk to him once you get the key and not open the door first.
Just explore out until night and you'll get to them. Doesnt matter the direction. They are in the savanna just way out
Maybe you should have played for 6 minutes. Seriously though, it took a decent bit more than that for me to warm up to this game (first crafting game I've ever put any effort into), not least because of the need to really get the hang of the system. You're doing yourself a disservice by giving it such short shrift.