Universal Craft The World - Pocket Edition (By Dekovir, Inc.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Love the new update! Finally DLC I hate needless iAP but when you put in dlc that's usefull ex: Sisters in arms with new items characters etc it's a instant buy for me !
    I bought the game back when it was first out I believe then it was 10$
    Loved it but got sad when we didn't stay up to par with the pc, most devices can handle well if you have 1GB and up ..
    Though every New iPads/iPods/iPhones now a days have 1GB or more ..
    I'm so happy for this update !
    Still not sure about buying the biomes dlc as well can't find much on it on google, gonna hold off till I know what it fully gives/does..
    Thank you for coming back, updating and giving us new stuffs!
  2. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    The DLC is nicely priced, on top of a update with many improvements and fixes it's worth grabbing if you haven't done so yet!

  3. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    I agree 100%.

    I didn't expect any more updates for the mobile version but I'm so happy that there is a new update! Craft The World is in my top 3 crafting games for iOS and I will certainly be picking up the added DLC.
  4. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Bought both dlcs and got confused by the biomes pack ..if I need to go do something I can't save in the biome ...is this intentional?? I had a nice house built in that biome then I needed to go do cleaning saved and went to menu came back and saw I was back at my base out of the biome! Somebody please explain the biome dlc better x.x
  5. ojtitus

    ojtitus Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2010
    Canton, Ohio
    The biomes are not places for you to build and stay in, they are meant to be places to go battle for rare loot. In the biome discription it says that if you can't complete the biome you can transfer back to the main world but will lose all collected materials if you don't beat the biomes boss. I hope this helps.
  6. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    I'm totally back into this game - forgot how awesome it is.
  7. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Dang ok yea I didn't fully understand that thank you! I read that in the description but got confused so I'm guess you should go there fully equipped o_O so much stuff is unlocked in the biomes loving this new update and both dlcs ROCK worth buying support the Devs! Maybe we will get more stuff as pc gets them ^-^
  8. yankeeblue000

    yankeeblue000 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
    I stepped out of my comfort zone and took the plunge I wanted to try something different from the kind of games I usually I play pretty much anything or should I say I'll try pretty much try anything but the one genre I haven't really been able to get into was the crafting/sim game genre I tried Terreria on my Xbox but never had time to really get into it I always wanted to get back into it but never did I didn't like Minecraft I couldn't get past the aesthetic.

    I eventually ended up trying Dont Starve which is not the same kind of game but I really really enjoyed playing that game It is so good My daughter plays it more than I do now She's really into and loves it I watch her play now and help her out a little here & there She's really good at it So now being that she has taken over the Xbox One completely I play more on my Ipad Which is fine because truthfully I've been playing primarily on my iPad for over more than a year now I love Ipad gaming

    With that said I decided to buy this game to scratch itch for a good survival/crafting game that different & new to me from Don't Starve and I found that this game from all the reviews & comments might be a solid choice So now that I have taken that plunge I was wondering if there are any tips and strategies that might help this newbie out? Are there people here still playing? This looks really good and I love Dwarves :D

    Anyway I'm going to try and play and help advance my Dwarf population but I'll probably get them killed a lot in the process but you can't build a house without breaking a few backs or should I say dwarf necks :confused:
  9. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    First off, greatly enjoying the update. Still one of my absolute favorites.

    I have found a couple issues however:

    - Saving to the cloud spits out an error on my iPad Mini2. I don't have it handy but I can provide a screenshot later. There's no useful debug text in the message however.

    - In the AppStore text it mentions "Improved dwarves AI. Idle dwarves can take tasks by themselves inside the shelter: patrolling the perimeter, eating food, have a rest, removing bushes, preparing dishes, improving furniture, hunting pests." - they definitely seem to be eating and resting, but I haven't seen them do any of the other tasks. They still complain that they're starving even though I have plenty of components for food, and they ignore pests like rats that are not aggro. I still tend to find them idle by the portal more often than not, even though I built my shelter around it. I would love to see more autonomous maintenence tasks!

    Otherwise, I'm hooked once more. Thanks for destroying my productivity! :D
  10. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Hello yankeeblue000!

    Craft The World is an amazing crafting / civilization builder game but it can be quite daunting especially if your used to the more direct control type of crafting.

    A couple tips:
    -- Play on easy or very easy to start. You want to feel comfortable with the mechanics especially when you first start out.

    -- Gather some wood by tapping on a couple of trees and build a underground shelter to start out. You may alternatively build above ground with wood (easier) or stone but I think, much like its closest kin Dwarf Fortress, building your civilization below ground is much easier.

    -- You will want to build a hatch and a table as soon as possible. To place down something you built you just need to drag it into the quickslot bar at the bottom of the screen, select it from the bar, and tap where you want it once it's highlighted.

    -- The thing that confuses many people when they first start CtW is placing food on the table. To place food just tap on the craft screen, tap on the food tab, select the food you want to place on the table, then drag the food down to the quickslot bar. Select the food from the quickslot bar then tap on the table. You may want to create / craft a higher quality food like salad but at first pine cones work as the most basic nutrition and are very plentiful.
  11. JasonLL

    JasonLL Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2014
    Rats are definitely pests in this game. Although they're an added annoyance, removing the rats and their nests yields some good resources. I agree that it would be a much welcomed feature if I could select some dwarves to autonomously maintain the shelter (rats, webs, and even place food on the table if needed).
  12. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Rat are annoying x.x I even made a nice house no dirt and they pop up ..they are a pain plus Ive noticed as well the dwarves are worse then before in Ai o.o I have to command them now to fight the ghost that comes near the pile all they do is stand around and talk plus eat and sleep when need be what happened? Please fix this it's annoying!
  13. yankeeblue000

    yankeeblue000 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2016
    Thank you so much I will be playing later on and will take heed to all your good advice and put them to good use Thanx again :)
  14. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    #254 Saucepolicy, Feb 21, 2017
    Last edited: Feb 21, 2017
    Cooking and placing food on the table is specifically called out in the AI improvements, which is why I wanted to report that I have yet to see it.

    Off topic, it's worth noting that there is a decent wiki for the Steam version of Craft the World. While the content isn't completely in parity with the iOS version, there's a lot of great info there: http://crafttheworld.gamepedia.com/Craft_the_World_Wiki
  15. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Odd question is the iOS version on par with the pc one yet? If not what are we missing?
  16. shining jade

    shining jade Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2013
    Is it odd that the game pauses every time you touch the screen to do anything o_O its actually starting to becoming a annoying feature ...
  17. HLW

    HLW Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    It should only pause when you scroll the screen I think?
    If you turn on "two touch scrolling" in the options then you won't be able to scroll the screen accidentally when you are selecting blocks etc.
  18. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    What do you mean by pausing? The gameplay stops while scrolling or when a menu is open, but all other actions should be realtime. Were you hoping that dwarves would continue to work while you're queuing up items to build in the crafting window?
  19. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Not sure if I'm answering a different question, but the game automatically pauses when you zoom out far enough. Should un-pause as you zoom in closer.
  20. Repulsa

    Repulsa Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Just starting to get into this one again after the update and buying the new DLC I don't remember having such a hard time getting a shelter going first time around no matter where I place the totem, the walls are broken etc etc anyone have any advice for how to properly set up your first home?

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