iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Looks like everything you do, I've already done, but let's see what can be pursued further:

    I definitely drop things as quickly as possible and, right off hand, can't think of anything where simply dropping something from a higher position would matter. Maybe if you can give an example where you had to do that, it would show something not thought of before.

    I know I've done levels where, even though the last item I drop has stopped before a prior item (which had to drop further), if I hadn't dropped it as soon as I could, I might lose a point or two.

    I definitely know about stopping things - even if just for a moment. The chain with all the bombs on it is like that. Level 120 is particularly tought to get everything stopped quickly. I've managed 990, but didn't have the slo-mo enough to get good gaps and win. So no doubt I'll be messing with that on my iphone 4 again.

    Also know it has to stop after the timer reaches the max score allowed on the device. That's frustrating too! Can't find a way yet to deal with the one with the two big swinging arms (two oranges below). It either stops too late on my ip4 or one tick too soon.

    But, could be some detail you do differently that is hard to tell when written out! Again, if you have an example, it might stimulate further research.

    For level 112, my iphone 4 just doesn't behave like my 3G. I can stop the moving thing with with the 3G with two items. Just keeps going with even 3 in the way on the iphone 4.

    But what you describe may different - the 45 degree angle thing you first describe and ALL dropped on the left. Or is the 45 degree angle just the swinging arm with the barrels upright?

    What you wrote in the second message sounds different - just the barrels to the left and box to the right. That's how I got 992 on the 3G. On the iphone, it just keeps moving. Very frustrating! I just did that approach, with the box just to the right - darn thing just kept pushing all three across the screen.
  2. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    How do you get your slo-mo? As I mentioned before, I just run level 7 over and over all night. Seems it has to be a level which will restart itself (orange dies) rather than one that just sits there and runs down to zero - but doesn't restart.

    I would guess that any such levels would work the same for slowing it down, but I don't know. It's just a pain to have to wait so long to get it slow enough to matter on my iphone 4 (3G is slower to begin with and slows down sooner it seems). So if there is a way to get it slower sooner, it would be convenient.
  3. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #1303 ctay, Aug 20, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2011
    known high scores update

    Big K,
    Was going through the list and I do not have the known high score for level 99... my score on that level is 986. So that level is up for grabs so to speak. But as I recall, I think Shaun had the high score there but do not know what his score was

    SSB, all good, no need for any screen shots :) ...
  4. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011

    I scored that high, but since my name isn't on it, someone must have had it before me. I put in Shaun's name. What the heck, he sure got a lot of us going with new tactics!


    Did you actually get 990 on level 112? Or is that just where the clock stopped but you didn't "win"? Want to make sure before updating the list - and fill me in on other high scores. You probably have more considering the new points you added lately.
  5. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #1305 dabigkahuna, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011

    Was playing 112 on the iphone 4 and stopped the timer at 989 - and hit the wrong button (restart rather than pause!). That would have been an 11 pt improvement. I've messed with this probably 100 times just today only to blow it!

    Well, still a bad screw-up, but I just got 4 points more on the level just now after multiple tries.

    When I got the timer to stop at 989, I'm not sure exactly what I did. I know I dropped the two barrels to the left and the box to the right, but I don't recall more on the dropping (like whether I bumped the orange or not, but I'm pretty sure the box did, because:

    I remember the orange dropping down on trying to go between the two upright barrels. Could be I nudged it or the barrels might slight contact when hitting the ground - haven't been able to duplicate it though.

    I also remember the orange couldn't fit between them, but apparently the little bit that did was enough to stop the timer, I guess by stopping the orange from rolling around. When I got the 982 a moment ago, it was not the same thing.

    You know what we need - an app that makes a video of the everything you do on the phone, but just retaining the last 30 seconds (or whatever the user defines). That way when we do something unexpected, we can go back and check the video!
  6. Future777

    Future777 FDG Entertainment<br />Co-Founder
    Patreon Studio

    #1306 Future777, Aug 21, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2011
    Thank you! We´re very happy about the current Top 5 ranking. It´s time to make some T-Shirts or Buttons: "Top25, We´ve been there!" :)

    I´m glad you like the game, ctay and @all Highscore-Hunters :) Congrats and have fun when we release the next level pack. cheers!
  7. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Picked up two more on 112 (984) - still 5 behind the opportunity I blew before though.
  8. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011

    Evening folks, well i've been away this weekend with no time for play and have lost slo-mo so my scores deffo wont be moving for a day or 2.

    In answer to your points BigK:

    I cant remember how I got the original score on 112 (45% angle) but I too normally get the cart relentlessly pushing everything no matter what I do.
    Yesterday morning though (aided by a few days worth of slo-mo) I dropped the 2 barrels to the left and the cart wedged them against the arm and it stopped at 990. I pause-dispersed the rain and won, so yes that is the record. I think that its the level of slo-mo that is the key.

    My score is also 989 on level 99 but I obviously didn't own it as I only updated you for the first time the other day.

    I use level 7 for slo-mo (and turn my settings to never auto-lock)

    1 example of where I use a higher dropping point to get the timing right is level 180.

    Have a great evening

  9. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    ...just noticed this one: 131 @ 987
  10. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    148 @ 986

    Level with you now Ctay :D
  11. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    How did you lose slo-mo? For me it is usually that the game just locks up and I have to quit completely to get control back - though once it just seemed to happen for no reason. Maybe if you have enough stuff running, the iOS clears out stuff.

    Seems you get slo-mo like the rest of us - sure would be nice to find a way to get it faster.

    I forget how I did level 180. Got 988 on my ip4 and 989 on the 3G. I've messed with it a little today - just quickly dropped the barrels to the outside of the two arm's pivot points in hopes of getting them to spin back and happen to reverse direction at the same time. That may not have been what I did before, but whatever, I haven't been successful. A couple close calls but the counter had not quite dropped to 991 so it wouldn't matter.

    According to my records, there are two levels I've stopped the clock sooner on the iphone 4 which, if I could actually beat them, would give me 11 more points. So, no threat to you or ctay. BTW, congrats on tying for first. But dang, how did you lose slo-mo and then get enough to add the four points you needed so quick!!! Even several days running overnight isn't enough to get sufficient slo-mo for me to have a chance at more points on my iphone 4. At least not unless I come up with some other tactics, which isn't likely at this point.

    If you get bored, you might want to look at the high score list for the particularly low scores (like in the 970's or lower 980's - may be something in the 960's but not sure). Just a personal goal of mine to see if those bad levels can be brought up to the standard of the others. I'm regularly wasting time just trying random things in hopes I stumble across something. I solved a couple levels that way which I posted about earlier here.

    But watch out. Eventually I'm going to get my 3G score on the leaderboard!
  12. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Very slowly picking up the points I blew on level 112 - got one more today to bring it to 985. Still need 4 more to completely recover.
  13. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    I'm not sure really, it's happened before where after a few days my phone just cures itself of slo-mo-itus! I didn't quit the app, I just went back to it from a minimised state and it was fast again. I got about 4 hours worth of slo-mo in this afternoon and saw that I could get 986 on that level so as it was 4 points better than before I had to try. It took some speed pause-dispersion (as I call it) of the rain and about 30 attempts but I couldn't wait for more slo-mo given the circumstance.
    As for improving the lower levels, I'm all over it, hence my recent records. There's a couple of 977's on my phone that no matter what I do seem unbeatable.
    Your 3G score is devastating so take your time ;-)
    I might microwave my phone for 30 seconds or bung it in the freezer to see if I cant get that 993 :rolleyes::D
  14. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, that's weird. As I said, I've had the game speed up without quitting it at least once, but never had it slow back down suddenly again.

    We all seem to have levels which just won't go past a certain score, even with nothing moving, though the exact score varies. Occasionally someone has hardware that lets them score much higher, but some are low scores for everyone.
  15. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    Mine always starts to slow slightly after about 2 hours. I'm not talking the 14 secs to cycle through level 7 slow, ( that's an overnight job ), but about 10-11 secs for a level 7 cycle, that's all I needed for 986 on 148 dude.
  16. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    148 isn't too complicated in a way that slo-mo would make as much difference, from what I've seen. But even with more slo-mo than you have, the timer won't stop before 984 on the ip4.
  17. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    Try dropping a wheel on the right then knocking it left with the second wheel, timing it so that the 1st wheel wedges the arm. I had 982 by dropping 1 wheel on the left and then wedging the 2nd 1 under the arm (prob how u got 984), but that way means you have to delay to time the 2nd drop. If you do it the way I described you can get them both off instantly. I bet u can get the record that way.
  18. SSBenj

    SSBenj Active Member

    Jul 17, 2011
    Plus there's the outright number 1 spot back for you Ctay if you want it!
  19. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Not sure I follow all that - maybe because you say you get them both off "instantly", but you still have to wait to release the second wheel even if you drop it from the highest position. Anyway, I tried that just now - successful just twice on the timing - and got a lower score. I did notice that when the lever gets stuck, there is a brief moment where the wheel tries to back up.

    Could be a difference in my hardware or possibly there is a slight difference in where it gets stuck that I didn't hit. Have to try it on my 3G later.

    But I've had a ton of luck with the 3G yesterday. Raised up 13 scores from 991 to 992! There are 180 of them now! And I only went through the first half of the levels so far.
  20. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Just tried the 3G on 148. Timer always went lower after about 4-5 tries.

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