iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I've been at this for hours - just can't see a meaningful connection between 149 and 108. Yeah, both have vertical poles, but since one drops down vertically and one pivots to horizontal, I don't get it.

    So, I'm at 943 on level 108 - well under the 988 record. Near as I can tell, you have to wait for the machine to reach the area of the vertical pole at least and that just takes a lot of time. So, basically, I just keep trying what seem to be crazy ideas - must be crazy because none work!

    But I've made progress on other levels - up to 27th place now!
  2. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Look at how the oranges in the stack of wheels and oranges are covered by the wheel above it: IMG_0224.PNG
    The left orange in #108 can be covered in the same way.
  3. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #823 dabigkahuna, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2011
    Dang, assuming you mean I can balance a wheel on top of the left side orange, I had tried that (though I would think the cloud would knock it off), but so far with no luck getting it to stay in place. Guess I'll try that one some more.

    Ah, finally got it to balance a few times - but still lost. I'll work at it some more, but it may be one of those that needs slo-mo to reduce the amount of rain.

    Thanks. Now I need to check all other levels for using this trick!

    Ah, one more update - I finally got it too work, though it takes a lot of luck without slo-mo. Still 23 pts below the top score, but it's a lot better. Also applied it to level 109 to pick up some more points.

    If I didn't have to go to bed, I'd be putting serious time into this new tactic!
  4. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Wow! That turns out to be a very useful tactic. Just finished going through the first 100 levels, looking for places I could use it. I'm up to 156,307 pts (20th place) already! Hopefully the next 60 levels will give more opportunities. Game continues to slow down (as long as I never completely quit it) - 17 seconds for level 7 instead of the original 7 seconds. But, probably more important for this tactic in some case, the rain is not as heavy. Lots of close calls that I'd probably lose if it was heavy.

    I don't see myself beating everyone - at best I've only matched top scores on any level and not many of those. But I do have a small hope that one day I may qualify for your top score on one level!
  5. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, I'm worn out - good thing I've had vacation all this week! Got up to156,538 points (14th place - long way from the next one).

    I think I can still pick up a point here and there on levels I didn't spend a lot of time on, but I want to look at those levels where I'm the furthest away from a top score.

    122 is my worst (934 pts). I don't seem to be able to use the trick of putting a wheel on top of the orange. The orange is too far from cover to be protected by a box hanging off the edge. Seems to me that that means you have to just wait for the moving platform to go to one side and back before you can move the orange to safety - which means 990 pts doesn't seem possible! But someone did it.

    BTW, appreciate you having the chart of high scores. If nothing else, it helps me know places to focus on. I copied the information, by hand, into a spreadsheet (I couldn't get any kind of copying to work). Only bad thing is when you do an update, I have to go through all 160 of them to find what has changed!
  6. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    Yes. Level 122 is tough. You need slomo, a good plan and some luck. If you want to spoil your fun of discovering it, take a look in my album.

    I'll try and highlight my next score-update for your convenience ;)
    I don't think there will be many. Updates I mean. I think most levels are optimized by now. Although, the way you're making progress, there might be some updates coming from you soon :D
  7. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, I've messed with it some - might need more slo-mo. A few times I almost had the cloud miss, but there is almost always one that gets past.

    One time I survived that, but got hit by something after that - didn't see what caused it. But it leads me to a question:

    When you succeeded, did the rain explode the bomb or did you get luck on that? The one time I came close, as the cloud went by and did explode the bomb, the box also happened to get knocked off the side - this led to the orange BRIEFLY getting wedged between the box and the swinging bars. It might have been long enough to get credit though I can't be sure.

    Anyway, just wondering if you got lucky on the bomb or if part of the trick is to have the box fall off when hit by the rain.
  8. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    I didn't have the box fall. That's the only thing i'm sure of. You need some luck with the bomb. Either that it doesn't explode at all, or - if it does explode - that the orange doesn't get knocked off (which happens occasionally). I don't remember what happened when I got lucky. I do know that I had to try plenty of times.
  9. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #829 dabigkahuna, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011
    Well, I finally got it on 122 (988 pts so not the record, but pretty good). And, just like the "almost successful" time, the box fell, briefly trapping the orange when the bomb blew up. Level finished just before the orange fell off the screen.

    Speaking of which, I assume you've experienced this before, but at least three times I've had the orange fall out of sight, yet got credit for a level. Apparently the game has a slight cushion built it. Just mentioning it in case some people tap the restart icon thinking the level was lost when, just maybe, it wasn't.

    Added a bit to some other levels too, but only moved up one spot at last check in spite of all those points on 122 and smaller amounts on other levels.
  10. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Is this recommended or meh?
  11. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Well, I'd recommend the game. If you aren't sure, get "Cover Orange Valentine" - it's free and has 10 levels which is enough to see if you like it.
  12. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Okay, 14th place, picking up a couple points here and there. Gotta solve some of those where I'm still way behind. At least I'm not WAY behind like before. These are my next priorities (at least 25 pts below record):

    73 (27 pts behind)
    107 (25 pts behind)
    111 (26 pts behind)
    131 (26 pts behind)
    142 (26 pts behind)
    151 (26 pts behind)
    152 (26 pts behind)
    155 (25 pts behind)

    General question: Do you sometimes use that "wheel on top of orange" tactic when you have to do it to TWO oranges? I haven't tried that yet because I have enough trouble getting it to balance on top of one! The odds of me getting two on the same level at the same time is really low!

    But if this is how you get some better scores, I guess I'll get around to trying that in desperation eventually!
  13. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    #833 dabigkahuna, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2011
    OMG! I set a level record!

    Level 150 - 990 pts!

    My strategy was tap low, in the gap between the two bombs (above and slightly right of the right-most orange).

    Also improved on some others, including some on my list in my prior post. #142 in now only 8 behind the record.

    12th place! While it lasts!

    Whoops - just set another record! This time on 151 (986 pts). It was the first time I tried the "wheel on top of orange" strategy on two oranges. Finally got lucky. After doing the two wheels, I dropped the box on the far right - I was intending to have it disappear, but it happened to catch on the tiny flat section. That may have actually helped. I think dropping things all the way out of sight sometimes doesn't stop the countdown quickly, but I don't really know - I'll probably never get two wheels to balance again!

    That 24 point improvement on that level still leaves me in 12th place though.
  14. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I seem to be on a serious point streak - just moved up level 152 by 24 pts (2 below the record). That gets me to 11th place - but a big jump to the next position!

    Guess I better keep playing while things are working out!
  15. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    Geez, ANOTHER level record - #154 (987 pts - beat old record by 3).

    Not sure exactly how I made it work other than I know I quick tried to drop one barrel just to the right of the pivot point of the left side mechanism. Then I know I dropped the other just to the right of the pivot of the right side mechanism.

    Depending on exactly how the left one falls, it can either end up vertical or fallen over. Either can work, depending on which part of the mechanism ends up hitting the barrel.

    Again, should be an easy one for you. Once I got it, I did it several times in a short amount of time.
  16. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    I have my doubts about the two new "leaders" ... score just enough to lead but make it look ligit. I recognize one of the "names" from those who were "hackers" before. And they are not joining the forum discussion nor submitting high scores to ipancho... :mad:
    Nice to see that you are having soooo much fun with this game. Your enthusiasm spurred me to play a bit this morning.
    Keep up the good work!:)
  17. iPancho

    iPancho Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    #837 iPancho, Mar 29, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2011
    Those are some interesting scores there, kahuna! I'll put em on the list.
    I was happy when I got 984 on #154. I didn't think there was more in it. I will try your strategy. As soon as I've got some slomo, that is. My battery ran out this weekend, so I'm back to zero slomo.

    Also added some new high scores from Ctay to the list.
  18. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    I've never kept a watch for particular leaders so I didn't know if someone was one of the prior hackers or if someone very suddenly appeared in the top ranks, but I'm suspicious too.

    It's a shame when hackers can screw up the standings. Happens very much and leader boards will have zero value.

    I definitely like the game, but am also motivated because I know the longer it takes me to get more points, the more people who will eventually pass me anyway. I have one more major goal - make the top 10 (a prior goal was the top 25 so I'd be on the first page). Still 11th and need a sizable jump to reach 10. But then, if the top two are hackers, I may really be there.
  19. dabigkahuna

    dabigkahuna Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2011
    You might be able to do 154 without slo-mo, but I don't know. I don't want to try it now by starting over and losing slo-mo myself, but eventually I will. I know the position I normally have the mechanisms in has them very slightly angled up - necessary so the orange, etc, don't roll out. It may be that without slo-mo, that some rain will bounce inside.

    I was going to test it on my 3G which will be slower than my ip4, but not really slow, but when I tried to turn it own, I found the battery was down to nothing so I'm recharging now.
  20. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    I would say, dabigkahuna is in the TOP TEN!!! Congratulations! :)
    Sometimes I do pay attention to the names on the leader board... some just stand out if ya know what I mean...:rolleyes:

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