iPhone Cover Orange (by FDG)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 13, 2010.

  1. Future777

    Future777 FDG Entertainment<br />Co-Founder
    Patreon Studio

    Yes, it´s amazing - so many new players in just a day :) I can´t tell who jann is right now. Perhaps a tester..will ask the team.
  2. mihapolak

    mihapolak Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Well what do we see after HackCentre's attack on Game Center ?
    Only anonymous117522 ?
  3. Shaun glitch

    Shaun glitch Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Uk yeah baby yeah
    I noticed that too it looks like when
    "Korea" changed his name its dupped it some how, why didn't they do mine then if it's a hack?? (were talking iPad score board )
  4. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    Game Impressions

    @ dev: Thank you very much for the freebie! Clearly one of the best games. Unique physics gameplay.

    Don't miss that folks. Still free!
  5. Shaun glitch

    Shaun glitch Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Uk yeah baby yeah
    Loads now:eek: no.2 in world top 25 apps only 5 star rated app in top 25 too as have said before this game us awesome :D
  6. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    ^ Impressive indeed. And without the freebie sale I'd never had heard about generous developer FDG Mobile Games GbR.
  7. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    i played the heck outa the flash version. might give this version a try
  8. FrLo

    FrLo New Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Hi guys!! what a great game, I prefer than other succeed games, nice job, I get it yesterday for FREE on AppStore... but their is a big fail !!!!

    Their is NO security on your files, you need to fix it if you can:mad:! I mean... You can get all achievement without playing once !!!! And you can change Highscore but I dont know if it's work for the leaderboards (I dont play for rank)

    For example, ppl just need to copy lines of first achievement/level/score and change numbers :


    I know that, because i'm interesting for clean games, without cheat possibility... so you need to know it... because Angry Bird with Glitch is too bad and Cut The Rop is the same U can get 3 stars by Hack !

    Greetz from France, Enjoy, and keep FUN !
  9. Shaun glitch

    Shaun glitch Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Uk yeah baby yeah
    well that explains alot hacker invasion cheers for heads up though :)
  10. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Is this iPad info. Or just too much information ( tmi)
  11. Shaun glitch

    Shaun glitch Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Uk yeah baby yeah
    Think this appleys to
    The game in general would explain guy at the top of iPhone leaderboard too:D
  12. Mrs Eyrezy

    Mrs Eyrezy Well-Known Member

    Aug 17, 2010
    UK, Cheshire
    Maybe he is just more skilful than you Ted :D:D:D
  13. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    #653 ctay, Jan 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2011
    Great! :rolleyes: don't really understand what frlo meant. I understand cheating and until Jann identifies his or her self looks like a fraudulent score to me. that said, we catters need to find a new game ;-)
  14. Shaun glitch

    Shaun glitch Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Uk yeah baby yeah
    Come on now that's just being ridiculous lol average score of Jann is 994.6333 hmmmm 991 is my top on any level never mind all120 and I would still be behind by a few hundred lol;)

    And yes the cats are restless papas even busted his phone screen know his that feels :(
  15. Shaun glitch

    Shaun glitch Well-Known Member

    Aug 26, 2010
    Uk yeah baby yeah
    Ok the game is your house ok. You don't have any locks on your house anyone walks in a does and takes what they want ,;)

    And the guy is French you have to allow for that too but I understood him fine:)

    You Americans find it hard to understand us English and we invented the language you speak lol :p
  16. jchampl

    jchampl Well-Known Member

    All dialects are continually changing, and are therefore equally old. Although English originates in England (and before that Northern Germany), neither British nor American English can claim to be first. There are several reasons for this.

    Firstly, both American English and British English show a huge amount of variety. A British person living in Glasgow speaks a very different accent to someone in Bristol. A Black person living in Los Angeles speaks a very different English to a white person in Alabama. In fact, the amount of variation within the two systems is greater than the amount of variety between standard British English and Standard American English.

    Secondly, different parts of dialects change at different rates. In many ways, standard American English is closer to the English spoken by Shakespeare than standard British English. Many words considered Americanisms, for example, 'fall' v. 'autumn' retain the older term. The fact that Americans almost universally pronounce the 'r' in words like 'car' also reflect older pronunciations. In fact, the accent now considered standard in England, called Received Pronunciation is a very recent development originating from the local accent of Oxford. It then spread from the university to other universities, and via education throughout southern England. The dialect of English probably most similar in pronunciation to Middle English is the West Country dialect.

    So, all in all, neither accent can be considered the first, since both have shown changes, some of which are very recent (for example, the pronunciation of the 'y' in happy in south England has changed in the last 50 years), and many changes are currently taking place both sides of the Atlantic.
  17. FrLo

    FrLo New Member

    Jan 17, 2011
    Sorry for my bad english, it's french style :p
    I'm just saying why people got 999.999 or earn all achievements without any scores because i'm interest of achievement/succes/trophy on any plateform and i'm curious to know how work the games .
    It's too bad, for an hard and good game like Cover Orange or Angry Birds, Cut The Rop etc... that people can shit the ranks and achievements.. for example "Axe In Face" can't be.
    Anyway, guys from this forum got great scores!!! Bravo et bon jeu;)
  18. ctay

    ctay Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Your English is understandable... Please do not think your English has to be perfect on this forum, since many of us here do not have perfect command of those skills. what I did not understand was the computer lingo/talk of : "<key>achieve_CoverOrange_Level99XXXX</key>

    I hope you will play this game and continue your input on this forum. :)
  19. ogster

    ogster Well-Known Member

    it's hard to find a game where people who can won't try to see how far they can cheat the system and register fantastic scores. the popular games are especially targeted which makes it frustrating when competition is also a driving factor. but i cannot judge those who do but instead ignore their scores. helps me enjoy what the game really has to offer.
    that being said, catters, come and join me in fragger. it's not about blasting the enemy but is more of a thinking game. i see shaun just started throwing grenades. i hope he likes it and moves up the leaderboard. sadly, fragger is not cheat proof, so top spot is impossible for non-cheaters.
    and for co, don't count me out. i'm just starting my third run through the levels. watch out ladies.
  20. Erik

    Erik Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    Well we all know who the real leaders are. Shaun is no 1 Lo is 2 tain 3 Erik 4. Lol just kidding wiz. But Shaun is right and people who just enter a score via cheating should ve banned from game center. So co need to fix the problem and delete the scores of the cheater. Because 994 is not possible on any Lvl let alone all. So to the douche on top if that is your real score try cat physics and come try to beat us straight up.

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