Universal CounterSpy (by Sony Computer Entertainment America)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Good to see other oldies like me (54) still enjoying games. Especially great games like this. Have you noticed tho that Britain is missing from the map on the loading screen? Come on Dave put us back on the map!
    Have a good one when it comes and never stop gaming!
  2. GiHubb

    GiHubb Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Apr 27, 2010
    It's a relatively entertaining game but:
    - it gets to be quite repetitive, pretty fast.
    - the difficulty ramps up just by throwing more guards at you and not by more sophisticated and interesting methods.
    - this is half the game the console version is, a marketing decision it seems.
    - controls are not the best, although not as bad as I heard here, at least for me.

    3 stars out of 5.

  3. As i said. It's not a port but an exclusive title for iOS. Don't compare contents. Not the same audience.
  4. mikey6

    mikey6 New Member

    Sep 7, 2014
    Great game

    Hello Devs,

    I had to sign up just to say how much I appreciate this fantastic game. Just when I started to lose faith in iOS gaming, considering the past 5 months saw nothing but puzzlers, runners and world building games, then along came your game (plus bioshock, valiant hearts, and many few others) to restore my faith on the platform.

    I love the art style, the enemy ai, and the animation is fantastic. Also I want to say thanks for adding a control scheme that is perfect for the platform. I have no idea how some people seem to have an issue with that. Many iOS games based on consoles tend to slap a control scheme meant for an xbox 360/ps3 controller on the touch screen and I always find myself struggling. Gameloft and their Modern combat series are the biggest culprit of such.

    Anyway, I wasn't gonna purchase it yet since I'm still enjoying Lego Starwars Saga (another great gem) but I'm really glad I took the plunge. This is a game done right in every aspect: it runs great, looks nice and it's very fun. I applaud sony for not keeping this baby exclusive to their devices only. I wish nintendo and microsoft would do the same. I hope the other half will eventually come out. I'll galdly pay another $5 for it.


  5. Yeah SW saga is awesome. It's like a console version and not the crappy handheld version.
  6. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    Thanks, I just noticed this after playing several levels. Enough randomization for me.

    One issue I've had is with the game crashing on my iPhone 4S. I was able to play one set of levels, but the second time I tried to play, the game crashed after the first level. It happened twice, and I had only 500MB free space. Now I've cleaned up space and I have 1.6GB free, and it seems to be more stable. I still have to clean more space and even reboot the device, which might help. @Devs: is a 4S on the limit of memory for this game?
  7. Some Metal Gear Solid easter egg in this game. Thanks Dave ;)
  8. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    It's interesting to hear other peoples view. Because I've tried to finish the game several times but all I can think is this is great fun and I'm having a great time playing this. Sure it has some minor problems, but even the best games have their irritations and this is definitely one of the best. Even if you get the other missions it'll probably just change the backgrounds. It'll still be the same game. I congratulate the developers on a great game at a great price.
  9. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    The rooms are ordered differently and in different sequences. Within the rooms enemies, lockers, safes are also moved around and changed. So if you see a room you have seen before you can also face different types of opposition in the room.
  10. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    4s is definitely the minimum spec. (I have 4s myself). Often doing a hard reset of your phone can also help with clearing some memory.
  11. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    I got some information from Sony on international territories but not much I'm afraid. I know that Sony is set up for some territories but not others, so if its not in your territory right now that is why.

    I'm really surprised Australia is not a supported territory to be honest. I will definitely raise this with them. I'm seeing our Producer on Tues so will try and find out if it will be possible to get onto the Australia store.

    Sorry I don't have more info but if its not in your store currently I have not seen any plans for further roll out! :( Not to say it won't happen. I'll hopefully know more after Tues.
  12. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    Thankyou so much for taking the time to register just to post such nice feedback! For all the people who are posting to share there enjoyment, I have to tell you it means the world to us devs. We spend a lot of hours and late nights on these games with no idea how people will like them. Its kind of scary when you finally push your baby out into the real world and after so much hard work, to think that the game is giving joy and fun to people is the ultimate honor.

    For people posting critique for improvements its also valuable because we love feedback that can help us make games better.

    So thankyou for all participating in the discussion on here.

    Also, if you want to support the game please take the time to rate it. We didn't put any 'rate our game' reminders in the game so hopefully people that are enjoying the game can support us in this way! :)

    Thanks guys will check back in the week. Got to run supposed to be my day off! ;)
  13. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Australian government doesn't like violent games their more restrictive than you realise. They wanted cuts in several well known games for being too violent or gory! Check out Aliens v Predator.
  14. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    #174 VirtualBoyFreak, Sep 7, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014
    Yeap, I finally had to reboot my phone to clear up memory. Luckily for me, it played more or less like a charm all the session. I say more or less because there were some hiccups here and there, I guess due to the phone specs, but it was mostly a great experience. Most hiccups come when there are 5-6 enemies pursuing you like crazy. Unfortunately, I don't see buying a new iPhone any time soon... (But it's on Android too, right? :p)

    As for controls, I like them. You have to get used, but I think they are very precise 90% of the times. My main problem is forgetting how to do things, mainly aiming. In most games it's "hold A and swipe B, press B again to shoot", whereas here it's "hold A and aim, and hit B to shoot", so I end up shooting before aiming. But that's my problem, not the controls problem. I think they are responsive too.

    One question regarding missions: are there always 5 specs in each level? I've played one where I found 3 (possibly left 2 because it was quite at the beginning), but in another level I found 4 and wasn't able to find the 5th. Can it be possible, or did I miss it somewhere?

    EDIT: left a 5* review in the Spanish app store. Btw, I love the persuasive dart: it makes a soldier go berserk and kill all his colleagues, then you kill him and voila, stage clear without moving finger :D
  15. JCho133

    JCho133 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
    Been eyeballing this... Especially since I don't own a Sony platform and this looks like it scratches a Mark of the Ninja and a metroidvania itch at the same time. Can anyone give me the details on how long this game is and whether there are plans for missions against the US?
  16. blnGo

    blnGo New Member

    May 12, 2012
    Sorry for my english, but when this game will be available for russian store?
  17. GaZ-OiD

    GaZ-OiD Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    London, UK
    Gamer for over thirty years.
    A hobby you never get tired off lol #
  18. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Same here. iOS is my new favourite platform! You can keep your overpriced Playboxes!
  19. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    There are no plans on including missions against the US atm (check post 134, by the dev).

    As for length, it all depends on how you feel about randomization. One playthrough could be (someone stated) about 1.5-2.5h, but since there's a lot of randomization, you can perform several playthroughs without problem.

    If you asked me, I like the game, and I like it a lot. My main issue is owning a 4S and not a 5S to play this. It's perfectly playable on a 4S, mind, but I'm sure on a 5S it must be smooth as silk. Today I bought this game and grabbed Hitman Go through the IGN game of the month. Guess what? Hitman Go leaves, CounterSpy stays on my device :)
  20. gng75

    gng75 Member

    Jan 22, 2014
    There are two Sony Computer Entertainment Apps available on the Australian App Store - does that mean that Sony *is* set up for here and CounterSpy will turn up?

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