Universal CounterSpy (by Sony Computer Entertainment America)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. meril

    meril Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Oct 13, 2011
    ... and switzerland.... would be a fine thing to see this game in the swiss store. Thanks for your help, Dave.
  2. Candykiller

    Candykiller Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Dec 15, 2010
    United Kingdom
    Welcome to the forums. Good to see you here.

    The only issue I had initially was with the character movement controls. Swiping, letting go, then tapping to stop, didn't feel intuitive to me. Just about every other game uses the left portion of the screen as a floating invisible joystick for character movement. (it doesn't need a visible joystick graphic on screen) Tap and hold while moving right or left then let go to stop. It's simple and effective and it's the way most people "expect" character movement to work.

    Having said that, I've played the game a bit more now, and you do get the hang of the controls after a while. I would still prefer the option for "standard" character movement controls as described above though.

    Control niggles aside, I am enjoying the game a lot. I just haven't had a chance to play it as much as I would like, but hopefully I'll get a good run at it over the weekend.
  3. Lerisbo1192

    Lerisbo1192 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    hueco mundo
    Hi Dave. I can see you guys started implementing controller support in the game but its broken. Can you guys fix it in an update?
  4. I really want to buy this game. But because of the content, i changed my mind. If you can tell us if the full game will be added later, then i'll buy it now.
  5. Lerisbo1192

    Lerisbo1192 Well-Known Member

    Nov 26, 2012
    hueco mundo
    Also you should definitely add an optional ,more conventional type of controls with at leat 2 buttons (left and right) or an analog stick (but the last is unnecessary for a 2D game). The ideal would be to have every buttons, jump, contextual action, fire but the most urgent thing is the movements controls. Having to tap and swipe just destroys the smoothness of the game wether you mastered the controls or not. Thrust me, most of the people interested in your game would prefer to play it with virtual controls. No one wants to play this with one hand (i mean i dont think anyone would be like "i'm really enjoying this complex, one hand controlled, platformer/stealth/action game".... Its just weird). Those who want to play on mobile with one hand usually download candy crush or clash of clans. The game is really good but these controls are a massive issue that makes the overall flow extremely different from the other versions. Its without a doubt the first thing you guys should look at for future updates. I hope i was helpfull.
  6. september

    september Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2012
    Bought this on PS4 and got Vita free with it, far better game than reviews give the game credit for.
  7. VirtualBoyFreak

    VirtualBoyFreak Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 26, 2011
    @DynamightyDave: this is also my question: will we get the full Imperialists-Socialists experience in a future update, or are there no plans of adding new content? Also, could you explain better the "random levels" comment? Are they truly, 100% random, or do they load from a preset bunch of levels? If they are 100% random, that could add a lot of replayability even though one faction is missing.
  8. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    #128 bigjack66, Sep 6, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    What are you on about? This is a great game at a great price. Just cause you heard somewhere else that there's more doesn't mean you're not getting your money's worth here! Maybe if enough people buy it they'll add the other faction in an update. Also they're probably keeping the full game for their own consoles for now.
    The only problem I have is when you tap to aim nothing happens, it takes a few attempts. A fantastic game and great fun!
    I don't even mind failing a level because when you go again it's a different level. So you're not repeating all the time!
  9. Korgath

    Korgath Member

    Jan 19, 2013
    Personally I wouldn't want to see the current control scheme replaced by a virtual stick and buttons. It is rather elegant and one can indeed play with only one hand (even aiming and shooting), and with thumbs or fingers. Of course nothing wrong with having alternative control options.

    The first problem I have encountered is that sometimes the game become unresponsive to user input. Usually this happens when in cover and trying to aim. Tap and hold, tap and hold, nothing happens.

    Then sometimes when given the gesture to walk, the Agent will walk a few steps, then stop. Start him walking again and he stops again. So then I usually start running and that's that, but something is off here.

    Another thing I found annoying at times is that since the "melee takedown" and "use cabinet" use the same gesture (double tap), you can often end up (emphasis on end) being shot at while opening a cabinet when what you really wanted to do was launch a melee attack on an enemy that happened to be near a cabinet.

    On to something else, would it be possible to have a melee takedown from above, when on a ledge and an enemy is either standing below or passing by under the ledge? Maybe jump over, grab the ledge bar on the way down and choke the enemy with your legs. That seems like something one would do in an 90's cold war spy flick.

    And of course it would be great to have the full game on iOS at some point, as others have mentioned.
  10. chris1a

    chris1a Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2010
    #130 chris1a, Sep 6, 2014
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2014
    Thanks, that really helps. I couldn't hold off my app-oholism, so it did purchase it either way last night. Looking forward to giving it a spin for sure. :)


    Edit: Saw the dev mention holding the iPad with one hand and playing/controlling with the other. I'd say this is a big no-no in designing good control schemes for the iPad. A user needs to be able to hold the iPad with both hands just like you would a regular game pad, and control the game with the thumbs - that's basic ABCs when designing user input in games for the iDevices. Just wanted to throw that out there. :)

    Personally speaking, it's been my experience that when trying out these new ways of controlling games on a touch screen, it usually doesn't work that well for a lot of users, so a regular joystick/buttons kinda solution option is always worth considering adding as an option.

  11. Sorry for me it's like a lite version.
  12. bigjack66

    bigjack66 Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2013
    Well youre missing out on a great game. It's well worth the price, it's not exactly short! Instead of worrying about what isn't there, you should enjoy what is there. Because what there is is a very good game. It's not like you're being ripped off or anything. I've seen crap cost this much. Power Puff girls cost this much and it was like looking at drawings on paper!
  13. somedumbgamer

    somedumbgamer Well-Known Member

    May 4, 2013
    I agree with CandyKiller and others regarding the lack of "standard controls." Maybe I'm getting old and lazy, but I don't want to learn a new control scheme when standard controls would work perfectly fine. I just wanna pick it up and play. Hope an option for standard controls is implemented in the future. Seems odd that a large company like Sony wouldn't just stick with what's tried and true.

    On another note, its great to see Sony break on to the iOS scene without any IAP or freemium garbage.
  14. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    It's not something currently planned. I'll be honest, we are a super small team and releasing these on 5 platforms was a huge undertaking! :) At one point we realized we had more platforms (5) than engineers (4) which is a bit nuts.

    But we were super passionate about getting the game on iOS/Android & were excited that Sony also supported this.

    It's maybe something we could discuss with Sony in the future (if enough people buy the game) but I'm not sure releasing the full PlayStation version would also drive a change in price? (this is just all speculation on my behalf)

    What do people generally think about pricing on iOS/Android? I know 2K release games at $19.99 but most people seem to want to pay a lot less.
  15. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    Some great discussion here about controls thankyou!

    I'll try and respond to some of the suggestions here.

    Press & Hold thumb for movement - This was something we had considered but had gone with the swipe gesture to reduce thumb fatigue. Are their side scrollers you have played that use this suggested system really well? Someone mentioned Stealth, Inc. I will take a look at it (I played on console haven't tried the iOS version)

    Virtual Sticks - honestly this is a tough one for me. I think virtual sticks are kind of a cop out on touch. Because its trying to emulate a controller with tactile buttons but in an inferior way. Also there is slight latency with inputs on touch compared to controller. It's definitely a big challenge for more action games on touch. I'm also not typically a fan of offering multiple control systems, even though I have seen games do that. Kind of feels like you should design your game around a specific control & commit to it? The best virtual stick game I played was Kero Blaster, which is an amazing game very simple design for touch.

    Input Response - I saw a few issues reported here. One of input not happening (walk that stops, or aim that doesn't aim when hold, going up ladders). I'll play through the game today see if I see any of this as we hadn't really seen these issues by the end of testing.

    re: melee attack vs search, it should always prioritize melee over search only thing I can think is if you were 'slightly' outside the activation volume of the enemy that would activate the melee so the game used the locker search activation volume instead?
  16. DynamightyDave

    Sep 6, 2014
    Making Videogames
    San Franscisco
    Just to be clear. You CAN play with one hand but recommended form of play is definitely with both thumbs. The tutorial teaches you the controls with 2 thumbs :)
  17. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Welcome to the forum, Dave! :) I hate to sound like a broken record, but has there been any information on the international app store issue?

  18. And you have my money. :)

    It's just what i wanted to heard. Now i'll share the game around me.
  19. Nobunaga

    Nobunaga Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2012
    So does Square Enix. Both seem to do pretty well. To be honest, most of the games that do well at the $10-$20 price range are ports of well established franchises, Or iPad exclusives. Which are often ports in a more niche market. Baldur's Gate, Shadowrun, etc.
    I know on the TA forum there is a vocal minority of people that are willing to pay more for higher quality. Probably equally as many that are vocal who want only games that drop to $.99 or free.
    I hope we see more added to this game in the future. Even as a paid download/add on.
    And more games from your team, as a whole.
    You guys missed the Apple featuring, which is big. Hope the launch is going alright.
  20. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    So I've read that this does not include all of the content from original release. Could anyone clarify what is missing please. Interested in getting this but not sure what's included and what's not. Thanks guys!

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