Granted, but you can never unclench your fists and may only use them for eating. I wish the next poster wishes this: I wish to be called Mr. Poop (the character from Poop Jump)
Granted :After eating 2 pounds of chili cheese fries, I wish to be called Mr.Poop :S I wish i was the first lifeform to be found on mars
Granted, You drive off the edge. I wish the next corrupter doesn't corrupt the wish which he wishes to be corrupted.
Granted, there are blood-thirsty aliens on it I wish that (if they existed) all aliens are nice and don't try to kill me
Granted. All of the excess snow that never fell in your country all falls on one night, trapping everyone in their homes and eventually killing them from hunger/suffocation/lack of water/being crushed/medical problems I wish I went to Narnia
Granted. You went to Narnia, but a lotta swords were in front of the portal, killing you. I wish there were no such things as "spambots."
Granted. They are not called spambots anymore, they are called virus. I wish Touch Arcade has a Wikipedia site.
granted, but he'll be in time out... (no, connector , i don't wish bad for you actually.. ) i wish every games will be released in the same time