Granted, but your accents are horrible and unbearable to listen to. I wish I could do something no one else could.
Granted, but you have to stay there for the rest of your life and never leave. I wish I could have the power to enter other dimensions.
Granted, but every time you travel to another dimension, 10 years are removed from your life expectancy. I wish I could never die.
Granted but but you are now a medical anomaly and you spend the rest of your life in a lab being dissected. I wish for a Chipotle burrito right about now.
Granted, but when a new disease is discovered, you'll be the first one to contract it. I wish my hands would be clean all the time and I would never have to wash them.
Granted but too much love is involved and it can only be opened to people with the age above 18. I wish I could meet up a moderator.
Granted, but it will be unpleasant and you will get banned. I wish there were no mods in the Lounge and we could say whatever we wanted