Corrupt A Wish - Forum Game

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Hoggy110, Feb 23, 2013.

  1. #341 Hoggy110, Mar 4, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
    I find it amazing that after a max of 1 month, you have 1000 more posts than I do being here for nearly 14 months

    Edit: Never mind, I read the year wrong
  2. KennyK

    KennyK Well-Known Member

    Ah I see. My bad ^^
  3. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    I wish I was a god.
  4. ninjackid

    ninjackid Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2010
    Granted, but there are no people to rule over.

    I wish I had shoes that never wore out.
  5. k1lljoy_89

    k1lljoy_89 Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Look out your window.
    Ninja'd legit, sir.
  6. Morthizerm

    Morthizerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2013
    Granted, but you can't take out your shoes forever.

    I wish everything becomes free.
  7. Granted, but you can't get anything as it is taken

    I wish these forum games would be as active as they were when they began
  8. Morthizerm

    Morthizerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2013
    Granted, but they are all spambots.

    I wish Connector becomes the most famous in TA.
  9. Granted, but he quickly gets overthrown for kidnapping kids and training them for his army


    I wish that I become the most famous in TA
  10. Sambobsung

    Sambobsung Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
    Granted, but Connector ends up overthrowing you with his 'front page fame'.

    I wish the lounge had more people loungin'.
  11. KennyK

    KennyK Well-Known Member

    Granted, but they type in a language none of us understand.

    I wish I understood what I am currently studying...
  12. Granted, but you forget how to breath, or you will lose the part of your brain which loves Scarlett Johansson....pick your favoured option

    I wish I had marshmallows right now
  13. Granted, but you have to eat a thousand pieces.

    I wish Apple would make a bluetooth joystick.
  14. KennyK

    KennyK Well-Known Member

    Granted, but it has a range of 3 cm

    I wish it wasn't so hot here
  15. Granted, but you freeze instantly from the cold weather

    Also, I agree about the hotness...may true Autumn come quickly...right now (acording to Apple Weather), it's still 25 degrees, and thats at quarter to 8

    I wish that true autumn would come at last
  16. Morthizerm

    Morthizerm Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2013
    Granted, but many of your loved one died because of the sudden change of season.

    I wish I have a 1Tbps internet.
  17. KennyK

    KennyK Well-Known Member

    Granted, but it's really expensive and you can't afford to get anything else.

    I wish it was quiet at night time here.
  18. Granted, but during day, it's both the noises of day and night combined together

    I wish that I could sleep until I wanted to...stupid school
  19. KennyK

    KennyK Well-Known Member

    Granted, but you snore loudly.

    I wish I could think of a wish.
  20. Sambobsung

    Sambobsung Well-Known Member

    May 19, 2012
    Granted, you wished for a horrible wish though.

    I wish for a pill that gives me the energy of 8+ hours worth of sleep. Pretty sure I seen an episode from american dad on a pill like that.

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