Congratulations arn!!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by matt, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. arn

    arn Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 19, 2008
    I'm not blind to the fact that these sites are too dependent on Apple. Though, I disagree that Steve Jobs' death would kill Apple instantly. Don't worry about me, though, I've got plans... ;)

    As for your thoughts about Ethan's decision. I can't tell if you are too far from these situations to see the logic or if you are really just ultra-fiscally-conservative. What kind of work do you do now? Do you have any hobbies? I hope you realize you would have also told Bill Gates that quitting Harvard to spend time on Microsoft was a bad decision. As was Wozniak's decision to quit HP to start Apple.

  2. ibelongintheforums

    ibelongintheforums Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    just throwing my idea on this thing.........

    ever heard the saying no guts no glory? you cannot have success in life unless you take risks. what if washington didnt cross the delaware? or truman use the atomic bomb? or steve jobs, bill gates, sergio brin, and all the other guys dropping out of college? if they didnt take risks, we might still be under britans control, fighting a war with japan, and not have microsoft, apple, and google. african americans would have no rights and woman wouldnt be respected. sometimes, you have to take a risk. am i saying to go jump off a building just because its a risk? or quit your job before you make a game? no, but if your hobby that you enjoy is making more then your actual job then that is a risk that you may want to take.
  3. WellSpentYouth

    WellSpentYouth Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2009
    iPhone programmer
    App Tech Studios, USA
    Our new president DOES prove that some people can be smart, but not necessarily in a good way...
  4. nattylux

    nattylux Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2008
    Washington, DC
    1. One thing that people don't seem to realize is that "job stability" is mostly an illusion. Talk to the people who have been at Fannie Mae for 20 years about job stability. A lot of them have seen their savings wiped out, and many have no marketable skills they can bring to another another job. Now what?

    Unless you have a very special contract, having a paycheck come in every month does not guarantee that it will come in next month.

    2. Being a successful businessman, which arn certainly is, requires adaptability and quick thinking. Sure, all of his ventures are currently tied to Apple's success. While I don't think Apple is going to sink anytime soon, a good businessman always has many ideas in the pipeline and doesn't hitch his wagon to just one star.

    3. Financial reality: the upside potential of running a business is much higher than 99.9% of salaried jobs. Meaning that while you don't get a steady paycheck, if you get a few really good paychecks, you don't need them to be steady. IE, if you have $5M in the bank, you pretty much don't need to make another cent in your lifetime to survive.
  5. nickels

    nickels Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2008
    Product Designer/Mobile Game Developer
    PA, USA my friend...

    Ding Ding Ding we have a winner.

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