That was one of the more mainstream ones on my list. This is a shamelessly nerdy competition I'll probably do another round later this afternoon - first line of the first post will say whether the game's running or not.
AWE I CAME JUST TOO LATE!!! I actually knew that one too stupid work... haha actually giving me something to do
ROUND 4 - POST! You know the drill, same old rules, previous round's answers do not apply, answer may have been suggested in previous rounds. In my subjective opinion this is the nerdiest one yet. Let's see how you do...
Not from any of those films. They have appeared on TV but it's not their primary medium. Despite a maybe sorta coulda line on Wikipedia I'm going to call NO on movies to avoid confusion. Humanoid? Yes, usually...
is it from a movie? is it from a video game? is it from a tv show? is it real? have you ever seen one?
Nope No to movies Have appeared in games, but it's probably not where you'd know them from TV as above I hope not! Have I seen one? I couldn't say 'no' for sure...