Universal Comix Breaker (by Mojito Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Aug 19, 2021.

  1. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    You know, I think I'll just bow out. Too much is lost in the plain text of the internet without the nuance of spoken language. I'm not personally offended about anything, I enjoy these conversations. But I almost never engage in them precisely for this reason. And then when I do I pretty much always regret it. So I'm good just kind of lurking. And I meant nothing ill towards Lawliet, an extremely long time member who I respect. I really just meant that in a playful way. But again, the internet. Anyway, sorry for all the derailing.
  2. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    My take on offering IAP and ads is not the pay model itself; it's the impact it has on gameplay. If the game is free then the game will be designed to hinder the player in some way to make the purchase offers look appealing. If a game is well balanced and has the right balance of time and upgrades then there is no need for purchases b/c nobody would be compelled to buy them.

    This game's style and production values are great. I do hate season passes that want to always show you "what you could be getting" compared to a free player. However, in this case I am actually annoyed by the inability to remove the exclamation points telling me I have something to view. You have to watch 10 ads to get rid of the symbol. Going into each section will not satisfy the notification. Take that away I might would give this more time.
  3. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Ugh I’m sorry man. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad or start something. And you are right conversation is lost in text. I say this all the time pertaining to text messages or group chats. So the same applies here. It did seem as though you were aggravated and has in the past. That could also be passion for iOS gaming. I apologize for mentioning it. Please don’t go to lurking because of something I said. I want everyone to be comfortable and be able to speak their minds. If I was wrong in the way I read your posts I truly apologize. Like I said I very much appreciate all you have done for the site over the years and many of your posts. I have been a lurker for many years and only recently started posting. I should have stayed out of it. So don’t listen to me lol. Maybe I am the only one who took it the wrong way. I say not to read into text and possibly it’s exactly what I did.
  4. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    Oh no, what have I done? Just for clarification, I included that note at the very end of my post because I knew I was going off on an off-topic rant. I was just thinking “In what world do we exist where it’s fine for a game like Edith Finch that still sells regularly for $20 on PC to only be $5 on mobile” and then my mind veered off into “Sometimes I hate the App Store” territory. Sorry for derailing the thread too!

    Also, needn’t be said, but @Boardumb is one of the nicest people on the planet. I genuinely take pride in saying it’s been a pleasure engaging in conversations with him across multiple platforms for over a decade.
    Boardumb likes this.
  5. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    Once again I am so sorry. I made this into something it wasn’t. I’m the one who should go back to lurking. lol You @Boardumb bring a lot more to the table. I’ll see myself out lol. But again sorry I said anything.
    Boardumb likes this.
  6. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    These are valid discussions to have on this site. It's even better when everyone stops at the point of no return, then kisses and makes up. I commend you guys and hope to see more thoughtful debates on these topics.
  7. Boardumb

    Boardumb Administrator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    Apr 14, 2009
    Sacramento, CA
    No way man, you didn't do anything. I've really enjoyed reading your posts since you popped up. You can tell you're really passionate about mobile games, it's cool. I more just mean that 99% of the time I hold my tongue, and I should work on that last 1%. It was a somewhat snarky and unnecessary comment from me that started the derailing here in the first place. Not really fair to a game that (pay model stuff aside) seems like a pretty cool game.
  8. elcrazy

    elcrazy Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2017
    I appreciate that. I am very passionate about all things gaming, movie, comic and toy related. Would love to find a way to share some of my collections here someday. I think you guys would get a kick out of the man cave I made. I do love this site and always have. I never posted because I knew how addicted I would get. Also I knew or at least thought sometimes I wouldn’t want to or be able to hold my tongue. There used to be a lot more complaining in the old days which brings us to today’s pay models.
    This game does look fun and I wish it best as I do all developers I’m sure it’s a tough way to make money for 99% of them. Not every game is an Angry birds money maker lol. That being said it’s just not for me. I’m old school all the way premium. Maybe a bit too stubborn as I stay away from almost anything with a list of inn apps unless they are for content. Thanks again to the entire Toucharcade community for many years of helpful info and entertainment I have gotten.
    Lastly a de-rail is ok lol. If anything it makes this game look real popular and puts it high on the active list on your site lol.
  9. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    I want to derail this thread one last time. Jared was literally, literally the first person to reach out to me once the explosion in Beirut happened last year. Before family, before friends, before anyone, this dude I’ve only known online (albeit for a decade) was thinking of my safety and well being before anyone else. The magnitude of that…I can’t even put it into words. That is how good of a person this man is.

    I will shut up now. :)
  10. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    All the messages here made me give the game a look and it does seem interesting. But I can’t help but feel my time could be better used playing something else. I quite like some freemium games but after an hour I called it quits with this one.

    These days I try free games that look interesting and try to decide quickly if I’ll want to play more.
    Ijipop and elcrazy like this.
  11. BazizzleHizzle

    BazizzleHizzle Active Member

    Nov 7, 2020
    Hey all. I felt this forum thread hard lol, I sit firmly on both sides of the fence everyone was standing beside. Sort of feel this way about this game too. While I love this sort of incremental replay game, I played the living hell out of Dicey Elementalist earlier this year for one example, and this one is slick enough to warrant attention beyond a passing glance, there is a decided lack of rhythm to this game that slows down the playtime for me. The crafting feels extraneous, the gacha is unforgiving and its price model too high for anything recurrent or frequent, and the character tweaking & related resource management feel aside to story or challenge modes. I'd have happily paid under $10 for this as a premium title without a F2P system. Conversely I'd be happier with this F2P model & be far more likely to spend more on the game if it was modeled on unlocking toons or aspects of the game. I could rattle off a dozen more besides Dicey which exemplify what I just said but you cats already know them all and I've been pedantic enough in this missive lolol.

    I have a question for anyone still playing this: WTF is the point of the "green" equipment besides dusting it? And if that's its sole purpose why even include it? It's ineffectual if you equip it, unlike the rarer ones. So why is it even there? If their goal was to drum up interest in the crafting portion, they missed the mark entirely.

    OK, I'll go back to lurking over here in the cut & see what y'all's thoughts are.
    elcrazy likes this.

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