Universal Combat Monsters - (by Rubicon)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    I can confirm you can only use someones code once total. I am saving mine for when i want to buy more than $20 and give it to someone who will do the same.

    Please use my referral code: JQ9PA28
    If you buy in game Rubicons use my above code and you get 50% more of Rubicons! You only get this 50% bonus once total so make sure your first purchase with the above code is as big as you can afford so you get the most benefit. Your 2nd purchase and so on will have no bonus 50% as option will not be available for you to use a referral on subsequent purchases!
  2. Rubicon

    Rubicon Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Lead Programmer, Chief Bottlewasher
    Isle of Wight, UK
    How the referral's work

    If you use someone's referral code when you go to buy some coins, you get an extra 50% more, on the house. The owner of the code also gets 50% too as a thank you from us for bringing in a new paying player.

    Once you've redeemed a code though, you can't do so again - you're referred now.

    Some things to point out that might not be instantly obvious:

    1) Whilst you can only use a code once yourself, there's no limit to how many other people can use your own code. For example, if you bring in ten new players using your code, you will score 10 times out of it and end up with a ton of coins for no outlay.

    2) You don't even need to spend anything yourself to get the benefit of referrals. Go get some new players that actually cough up and you can earn a bundle for literally nothing.

    3) Somewhat self-serving as it is, I should point out that given you can only do it once, you should have a word with yourself about how much you really might spend in total forever, and maybe go for a bigger first hit. If you spend a small amount now and get a small bonus, you'll kick yourself if you ask for a big one later for a birthday present or something and can't use a code.

    Also, some due warning, I hope you'll agree that 50% is a very generous percentage for free currency, but this represents our launch offer. We will be dropping this down to about 25% in a month or so.
  3. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    Next update will have skeleton race :) woooo
  4. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    #164 Laire, Oct 25, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2013
    They had me at "A game about killing things with stuff."

    Haven't done much more than the tutorial yet, but it definitely looks like there's potential here. Enough to get me to buy the Tripler before completing the tutorial, anyway - the max/minner in me couldn't pass on those extra coins. :)

    Likewise, bought today's Deal of the Day before it expired. Sitting on the chest for now because I don't really know enough about the game or my deck to appreciate what I might draw.

    I imagine I'll invest a decent chunk of money at some point, might even go the full $40 if I can find someone else crazy enough to do the same so we can swap codes [MRGWAR3]. :D But I figure I'll tweak with the game awhile longer first to make sure it looks like I'll get enough long-term value out of it to justify that.

    And if you're looking to fill up your Facebook Posse, feel free to send me a friend request at https://www.facebook.com/Peridot.Weapon.
  5. nosoup4crr

    nosoup4crr Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011
    Thank you for the advice
  6. ChaosProdigy

    ChaosProdigy Well-Known Member

    Apr 23, 2009
    Account Manager
    Add me on facebook too, add: Facebook Email
    [email protected]

    Please use my referral code: JQ9PA28
    If you buy in game Rubicons use my above code and you get 50% more of Rubicons! You only get this 50% bonus once total so make sure your first purchase with the above code is as big as you can afford so you get the most benefit. Your 2nd purchase and so on will have no bonus 50% as option will not be available for you to use a referral on subsequent purchases!
  7. RichRuzz

    RichRuzz Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Still looking for a buddy to refer each other and get a packadge together.
  8. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Does the same apply to "Ouranus?" ;) I'm tempted to buy him just because it'll crack me up.

    You might even see me online. I'll be an easy win. ;)

    Here's my reference code in case anybody feels generous: QP1K8CT
  9. HomeFries

    HomeFries Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    Hey looking for someone to trade codes with and buy some rubicons lol if interested pm me.
  10. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    I want to buy $20 too. Having a hard time with the last campaign quests. When I have made up my mind shall we exchange some coins? :D But $20 only, no more.
  11. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    I just wish you had made this clear in the game itself - I would indeed have purchased a larger pack. Very disappointing.
  12. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
    Just added you, add me back then?
  13. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    It seems like the "Facebook Posse" requests are a little flighty at the moment - not sure if it's an iOS issue or a Facebook security issue or what.

    The main forum (www.rubicondev.com) has people posting that if you delete your permissions for the game on Facebook, then reopen the game and reconnect, it will properly give you all the Posse members you should have at that point. Otherwise they'll show up on your list of players in-game but it will continue to say you have zero Posse Members.

    You might also need to do this on the PC version of the game from what they're saying, and once your Posse members are correctly displayed it will carry over to the app. I tried it by uploading the PC version and it worked, but it looks like you need to delete your permissions on Facebook and reopen and reconnect to Facebook EVERY time you want to increase your Posse Members (or you can just wait until you have the maximum of ten and do it once then).

    It's a bit of a pain, but it seems to be a workaround for the time being.
  14. Rubicon

    Rubicon Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2011
    Lead Programmer, Chief Bottlewasher
    Isle of Wight, UK
    Yeah, this isn't working so well atm but we're trying to improve it. Their open graph api that handles all this stuff seems to change daily and their bug database is about the size of wikipedia.

    We're on it though.
  15. Jacques Cousteau

    Jacques Cousteau Well-Known Member

    Aug 21, 2013
    Hey just wanted to say, great game and I am really enjoying it.
    One thing I loved about Shadow Era was the ability to just drop in and watch matches that were going on of other people playing.

    Now I just wondering, do you think there would ever be an update for a feature like this that allows us to watch other people battle? Would the game ever be able to support something like that?
  16. Laire

    Laire Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Overworked Graphic Designer :)
    Yeah, that might be something worth considering. I imagine it's part of the "app model" that works the best to encourage a first-time coin boost so people will pay as much as possible from the start, but if people aren't clear that it's a one-time-only affair it doesn't work as well.

    Various options, not sure how hard any of them would be to code:

    * Anyone that spent less than $20 can have a "do-over" if they want to buy a $20 or $40 package and still get the 50% bonus. Why turn away paying customers?

    * Make it so you can buy each different package once and get the 50% bonus for each one. That way, you can try a smaller package and if you decide you want to go all-in, still spend $40 later without penalty. (Even two "boosted" $20 purchases just add up to a single unboosted $40, so there wouldn't be a real advantage to buying one of each.)

    Right now, anyone who decides after the fact that they should have spent more has basically shot themselves in the foot, because they've lost a potential 120,000 extra coins (assuming they find another kindred spirit willing to invest in the big 4-0 with them).
  17. Birth1118

    Birth1118 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2013
    MA, US
  18. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    I got facebook to work by adding someone then when I entered the game I pressed the invite button (but didn't invite anyone) and it said something like updating facebook and then they were in my posse.
  19. pantoneblack

    pantoneblack Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
    Awesome game. Loving this since it came out. Not as quick as some just finished the first easy missions and on to medium. I've read most of these pages and looked around in the game but I can't seem to find a place to rename my decks. I have 3 "Mage Decks" but they all have different things I was testing. How do I rename when I go to Save As?
  20. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    Click the pencil next to the deck name on the screen where you move cards to and from the active deck.

    Server seems to be down though. :(

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