So a strange thing happened to me today. I only play this on my iPad but I have it on my iPhone to get rubicons for watching the ads. My iPad is set to manually update but my iPhone is set to auto update apps. You can see where this is going. My iPhone now has the updated version but my iPad has the previous version. The prices are different on each version but it appears that I can choose to buy DotD or heroes pre or post update prices depending on which device I use. So, before this gets fixed, which version should I finish the hard campaign on to get the best rewards? (I only have two stages left before I finish the hard campaign).
The payouts on everything are better on V2.0 by a long way, partly to offset some of the items that had a needed price bump. The buy prices for items in both dollars and rubicoins is centralised so no gain going backwards. In a week or so we'll be forcing upgrades to stop confusion like this.
Thanks for the reply. Would just like to let you know that I am really enjoying the game and appreciate your input on the forums. Looking forward to continuing to support you.
How different are the payouts now? I'm only two battles into the hard campaign and finished all the easy and normal stuff before the update so I guess I'm just wondering is it worth just playing on or resetting my progress and playing through the easy and medium stuff again for better rewards? I've got the tripler if that makes any difference Also on a side note I never really got into GBWG or GLWG but after playing quite a bit of this it's making me want to try and stick with one of those to give them a proper go. I'm thinking that it might just be that I like the theme of combat monsters more in that it reminds me of my yugioh days either way this is a fantastic game I suppose is what I'm saying.
You're probably better off sticking how you are. We tried to find a balance that doesn't punish existing players and have thus put the biggest buffs into the brand new campaigns.
yes! i just saw the other change yesterday. i think maybe sunday was a weird transition period for iOS CM because it had some updates, but it didnt have the full blown v2 update that i noticed yesterday. all the formatting and layout was the same that day, just the prices changed. its like it had all the bad with none of the good, but im very glad that was only temporary. these new changes are pretty damn awesome. extended single player campaigns, new heros, new race, and a few tweaked cards (looking at you wolves) where needed. its a tough change to accept because my favorite card got nerfed (fang had it coming though) and heros went up in price, but i have to say the good far out weighs the bad. theres now a lot to enjoy for a singler player who isnt much into the pvp scene. honestly, i do think $5 would be a fair price for the tripler IF you would make it triple ads payout too. also if you would set it up so that those who decide to buy a tripler later in the game could get reimbursed for the extra coins they could have gotten if they had it from day 1. with those changes, i would be hard pressed to not give this a 5 star shining recommendation to any fan of the genre. as it is, you get 4.9/5. really freakin good update you just pushed through and the effort shines through in the product. keep up the great work! as soon as i see a CotD i simply have to have, expect a few more dollars out of me. you earned it. hopefully you make even more money on CM and continue to grow this game!
im not sure how to contact vlys, i tried PMing him but he doesnt have an account here under that name. i havent received a PM either. vlys if you are out there please pm me
Cheehog start an async game and PM the password and we'll get it done or PM a time and we should be able to play direct if times allow able.
Round 5 started! Contact your opponent and good luck. Email results and battle number to me as always and have fun/good luck all.
Congrats to everyone, tournament 1 is finished! All the tournament participants feel free to post your tournament replays now that it's over. There were some great close games and back and forth
grats to artnj! i say as a prize he should get a future card named after him! I humbly accept 3rd place due to my tie breaks. looks like both me and qklilx only lost a match vs artnj, but just for fun would you like to play a best of three with me qklilx? regardless of the prize, it would be fun to see how i fair vs you. gotta feel like i earned my spot lol
Hey everyone! Just wanted to get the word out on a game I found recently and have been enjoying beta. Its similar in feel to this game so I thought I'd share. The game is call Conquest of Champions. Here is their site: Right now, it is in beta and anyone can join in and get a free starter deck. It is currently only desktop (both Mac and PC), but will expand to tablets and phones shortly after release. Hope you enjoy!
Thanks for the heads up. Always good to hear of other related games. That one actually looks a lot like scrolls. Mechanics could be wilfy different because I've played neither, but the looks of it are very similar to scrolls which is a good thing if coming to ios.
Seeing as this is in the Combat Monsters thread, I'll post my own thoughts on it. It looks very nicely produced with good graphics etc., but after checking out their forums one thing stands out. It's at least 10x more expensive than Combat Monsters, with far less stuff in it. (Doubly so given the size of our next content update). I welcome people to try both and make their own mind up.
Conquest of Champions looks like it might be good but the IAP is hard for me to evaluate since its more complicated (and not in a good way) than the single currency in Combat Monsters. The lack of a tutorial on deck management and IAP (that I saw) is currently making it harder to evaluate as well.
I get your points in IAP. But it is a TCG. Those typically have to have some form of IAP to build decks. Similar to any physical deck building game. However, many of us have commented on the rewards system being slow for those looking to spend little or no money. Changes for that should be dropping this week. As for the scrolls comment, others in the CoC forums have mentioned scrolls so i think you are probably right that they are similar. I wouldn't know since i don't play it, but now i might . If you guys are interested, check it out (its a free and open beta) and feel free to comment in the CoC forums; the devs listen and frequently post.
re: Tournament Congrats on all in tournament. Game #1 I got stomped. I was impressed with the player's Fighter deck design. Discovered I had no cards that could beat Fighter deck with Insidious (+12dmg legendary weapon, I think)? I had significant scheduling difficulty playing my game #2, and for whatever reason the opponent never joined the async game I made & let them know about. Then it was holidays & I don't know what happened. Completely dropped it. Really liked the results page at, btw. I'd play in another Tournament again, but would suggest we all share email addr's so we could do it easier? Or we get assign async passwords for each match & we all know what they are. And there could be a deadline for playing the matches (3-5 days?) before it's declared a draw (or a pass? ie 0/0)? Thanks again to ChaosProdigy, who I emailed a few times. Good work! Dunno about tournament winner getting a prize -- I think tournament coordinator should win something..!
I just read the Gamasutra interview with the developer of Combat Monsters, and I have to say that I agree with most of what was said in the comments. Hopefully the developer can use those suggestions and make enough off Combat Monsters so that he can return to making premium turn based wargames. Even Greater Bigger Wargame or something, was the title quoted...