Every weapon has 3 levels displayed by its size as well as the number of spikes on either side: Level 1: no spikes Level 2: 1 spike Level 3: 3 spikes There are no other levels. Apart from combining power cores of the same color (and level) to get a power core of the next higher level, there is no other way I know of to get them. Apart from that, can anybody please give me some pointers for location 7 (Ultimatum)? I am really struggling on this one. The first city works more or less with Focus Fire to quickly take out the targets in the 3rd district. The 2nd city is just game over for me. The military base with its 12 turrets just demolishes my Colossatron. Here's my current setup: Arsenal: All armors at level 3 (+75%) Permanently unlocked weapons: Lightning Spike (blue), Rail Gun (purple) Gadgets: Focus Fire, Regeneration, Reflective Scales, Heavy Armor, Hot Swap, Mini Shields. I don't see much sense in spending 25 prisms for 25% additional armor on any one color so I'm now focusing on unlocking specific weapons. I originally thought the omnidirectional Lightning Spike to be quite useful in preventing damage but it just doesn't seem to be doing much. Next, I would focus on any piercing weapons like the Rail Gun and the Laser Discs. In terms of cash I'm sitting on 150m - repairing between cities is a no-brainer and I could burn 105m on 3 Power-Ups if I knew that it would make a difference. Any general tip for location 7 is much appreciated.
It's only level 3 Lightning Spire I found useful on the base's turrets, but if you have a bomb and detonate it while all the turrets are on-screen, you're done, so you could go the power-up route, for it. Lasers do about the best possible besides that, I would say...
The bad part is that it's not actually the turrets that kill me - it's the loads of bombers, helicopters and tanks that spawn. The Bomb does work but it's not a given. I'm just getting the feeling that I'm doing something fundamentally wrong - or location 7 is just bonkers brutal.
Yes, I just mean once they're done you get to leave the area. Bases are the one time I felt frustrated by how Colossatron moved, because if 2 turrets in opposite parts are active, it can take forever to meander its way over to the next, and you're slaughtered in the meantime. My playthrough, as I recall, I just punted with a bomb and was done with it. Died a few times to get a good playthrough where I also got a bomb from the first couple areas before the base and just saved it for that.
Despite having trouble on World 6, I breezed through World 7 with ease. How? Max the purple turrets (Red + Blue) and keep laying down whichever yellow weapon you have active in your arsenal. No Oranges, Blues, Greens or Reds. Plop down a 15k power up + full repair between each level and it's game over... quite easily too, at that! Those little beasts fly all over the screen and shoot anything in sight, including those annoying buggers that stick on to you.
Thank you for your pointers, I was now able to complete location 7. I did it with Red/Green because I had the Laser Discs today and they serve just as well due to their piercing mechanic. The most astonishing revelation for me however was the exact working of the "continue"-mechanic. Due to the weird German translation, I previously thought that for 2 Prisms you'd basically restart the current city when in fact, Colossatron is reconstructed to the point when you started the city but you continue where you died. Another note about your strategy from above: the price for power cores and power-ups doubles each time you buy one - but their prices does not reset between cities as you implied.
OMG I bought an in-app purchase monster! Good job and disguise @marketing guys. I feel ripped off. It's not a game but an in-your-face cash cow. How sad! DO NOT BUY THIS!
Need tips... I have 18 cores... Do i upgrade one of the armors to Lv3 first? or should i work on using 15 cores to unlock a weapon permanently? Im thinking of getting each color to Lv3 armor for now, but would like some input.
If your goal is prestige, armor seems to take folks farther. I personally unlocked weapons because I had more fun not needing to accommodate ones I didn't really want.
Not picking mini shields was why I didn't :O) I thought final blasts were supposed to seriously be gigantic
Gadget review 1: Focus Fire - Lets you target bosses, Supply depots and clear those pesky disabling drones. Tried Snake Strike but the supply depots are not always in range of your move. 2: Flame Breath - This is a very subjective option as you don't get any stats on the abilities but I found Flame Breath to be much better than Shock Roar. Regeneration could be a good option but I could never tell how much it was helping. 3: Reflective Scales - 10% damage negation yes please 4: Recoil System - I think any of the three options is fine but as I get more Prestige I think I might need to go with Heavy Plating. 5: Hot Swap - Being able to move damaged parts or parts put in the wrong place is great. Also saves you 2.5Mil between cities. Color Cycle does let you focus exclusively on the cores you want but can also cause error as the color might change as you look else where on screen. 6: Mini Shields or Power up. Mini shields are one time and helps the little cores survive as you combine them but getting a nuke power up can be a life saver. I have been very unimpressed with the final blast damage. I am currently Prestige 3
Been digging the game so far. I have read the 30+ pages so far! and must say I can see why they limited the ability to control colossatron. In later levels it gets a tad hectic trying to grab and match the ones you want amidst the clumps of enemies. There are some things I wish they implemented:a. A way to exchange cash FOR the prism(secondary currency) instead of only prism for cash. Even if the exchange was not equal both ways. Eg. Right now it's 1 prism -> 10mil cash. I wouldn't mind even if it was like 15 mil-20mil -> 1 prism. That would make it less look like a "it's gonna go free look at the 2nd currency!" Knee jerk reaction, plus even as " common" the prisms are, those upper level armor, trying to unlock each weapon variant or change gadgets are costly. And even though I'm used to grinding (mmorpg player lol) I would prefer less grinding whenever possible. I have a question: do the weapons unlock by themselves later? Eg prestige levels etc? Or is it only unlock able by 15 prism? The wording " don't wait! Unlock now for.." Wording makes it seem like its unlock able later in game or something. Tia
It is 100% _not_ unlockable other than by Prisms. I would prefer a full game proper, too, but for just a buck, I'm happy as a clam. My finely honed skills in scientific analyses lead me to conclude Colossatron's specialty to be wanton destruction; humans, it seems, scarcely register, as would they were it a case of genocide.</deadpan>
Thanks for the info appreciate it. That's a bummer that's some grind for me lol x.x I can see what people are talking about now in re: to level 7 it's just owning me up lol. Could only afford level 2 arm ups for all and green repair unit after a few hours.plenty of cash though lol
Hmm, it seems many hit a wall going for armor comprehensively 1st, approaching it more like an RPG. Dying 2-2 taught me combos really are everything: I next died again on 6-3, as I recall. I held off spending Prisms until I could afford what I thought was the biggest bang for the buck, Rail Gun; in retrospect, given Mini Shields (stupid me picked Final Blasts, misled by the description to expect a ton of damage ), I would now pick Laser Cutter instead because it seems even a little more powerful (playing Survival, Proximity Repair is hard to pass up, but not pushing past Prestige 0 continent 7). Because I had spent nothing along the way, I had just enough Prisms for I think it was 3 revivals (one on continent 6, two on 7I've never pretended to be a particularly _skilled_ player...<:O\ ), lvl 2 armor for my Rail Gun units, and a ton of cash to repair between cities. Doubt I could have done without Hot Swap, which I highly recommend. It took me about..._5_ hours? I regret having Prestiged, because I had more fun going farther with easier enemies at first. I did recently get 23M in Survival, but others I'm sure crush thatI never bother with leaderboards, but somebody posted ~<24M as a good score screenshot, so I'm just saying even as casual a player as me can get decently far without too much effort. I would say if you bear in mind my strategy to tactically prioritize Prism purchases, your grinding to finish a playthrough should be kept to a minimum.
Got to Prestige 7. Scored 31M in Nishikyo. But obviously there are players with over trillions. I wonder how they have achieved this.