Universal Colossatron: Massive World Threat - (by Halfbrick Studios)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    I'm really puzzled with this game, I'm sitting here playing/watching it but it still feels like I'm just watching it happen without much impact of the outcome, when I die I have no clue why and there's been times when I've won a level but didn't know if I'd won or fail because I have no clue what's going on other than me swiping at these bits to join onto my snake?
    Can someone please explain if I'm missing something or the hidden stuff I'm missing because I'm at the point of deleting it and passing it off as crap.
  2. ednan

    ednan Well-Known Member

    It's a match-3 game. You have to worry about color combos and weapons. The control of colossatron itself is mostly irrelevant. When a part of it is going to be destroyed you get both a visual clue (!) and a sound.
    The point of the game is to think and act fast while keeping up with what's happening. If you just watch as you seem to be doing, you will lose.

    If you don't like, that's ok. It's normal to not like something either because you don't understand or simply because it's not your cup of tea. Saying it's crap is misleading though, just because you are crap at it.
  3. #183 Connector, Dec 19, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
    Yup, as I figured, this is a fun game, and I agree with you, I highly recommend it.

    Was funny reading all the flame wars in this thread. Now, I gotta read all the posts after I went to sleep.
  4. oooooomonkey

    oooooomonkey Well-Known Member

    Jan 15, 2011
    Forge World
    Ah now I didn't buy it thinking it was a match three game I bought it for benign a huge robot snake thing destroying the city.
    At least if I know all it is is a match three game then I can safely delete it.
    Guess it's not for me, I don't like puzzle games.
  5. Guess you didn't read this flamewar thread before you bought the game. But yeah, they were argueing over the control of the monster alot. It's not really what's advertised, but I like it nonetheless.
  6. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #186 philodygmn, Dec 19, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
    What I did is plough through the 1st 4 continents without spending _any_ prisms, then got purple's Rail Gun right off the bat, approaching strategically rather than comprehensively like you might a more long-haul RPG-type affair, so maybe that might help shift your tac for strategy. Next was a 2nd offensive, and it wasn't 'till after that I went in for unit defense boost—of those I'd upgraded, natch.

    My first death on 2-2 taught me combos really do make all the difference, so paying _very_ close attention and planning ahead constantly were my keys to success. Every now and then I had a sour run but the next one I bashed them to _smither_ee_ns_ >:)
  7. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    Game Impressions

    I don't usually offer much thought or attention to Halfbrick games, and with KOTOR and the Ausar Rising patch just in last night, Deus Ex purchased on sale, Shadow Sun another possible looming purchase (though I am still hesitant about that one), async matches soon to be bombarding my device from Lords of Waterdeep, Ascension and Carcassonne to XCom, Ravenmark and Skulls of the Shogun, quite a few other games bought on sales and still unplayed, not to mention a backlog of another 20-30 games I still have yet to enjoy on my new iPhone 5S, I have probably never had so much to play on my device. I also find the world destruction theme distasteful, even when so very metallic tongue in cheek. And I don't do casual. Oh, and I have the Starbound and Wastelands 2 betas beckoning from my computer.

    But for some reason I purchased Colossatron regardless, and have rarely had so much fun with such a light, simple game. (Simple here being kinda relative, as there is quite a lot of depth to the turret matching, and even some twitch aspects when the going gets rough and chaotic.)

    The lack of manual movement is for me a non-issue, since Colossatron is not an action game or RTS. It was never designed to have manual movement, and complaining about its exclusion is nearly as arbitrary as decrying the lack of social farming in a FPS that happens to take the protagonist across a farmland, or loading up a 4X is expecting real-time twitch-based space combat (though should someone make the latter, count me in!). It is, as several posters have so succinctly put it, a dynamic tower defense-offense game with match-3 mechanics. The gadgets offer a level of manual control that meshes very well with the turret construction, and once the projectiles start flying I doubt anyone will find the game passive or non-interactive. Quite on the contrary, I'd say it is one of the more hectic titles I've played in quite some time.

    Would anyone happen to know if it is possible to match three level 3 turrets into a level 4 super-turret?
  8. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Really happy I got this
    So I learned that combing three Level 2 turrets make an even more powerful Level 3 turret. Love the dynamic upgrade system, fun and simple without seeming boring

    Another cool thing is that your loadout cycles. So you get to try new weapons without having to buy with prisms. I think it's every 8 hours. But yeah my purple is now release attack drones, and blue is a lightning gun, etc. Very cool
  9. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #189 philodygmn, Dec 20, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2013
    I know, it's almost like a guilty pleasure for those of us who've been gaming a long time and know full well what freemium's trends bely in the hands of those less scrupulous than Halfbrick.

    I actually agree with you on that point. I don't play gorefests or usually even military themed fare, but the absurdly farcical nature of this and its cleverly couched premise of sticking it to the up-tight obnoxious blowhard military Man and civilizations whose flaws are hidden right under their noses or whose obtuse vulnerabilities are laid bare only by a preposterously overwhelming menace plus newscasters whose vapid implacability simultaneously takes themselves too seriously and the subject matter too lightly score a direct hit to my funny bone :O)

    Well said.

    I was amazed to see those complaints, especially from people who'd never even played it. The Snake Strike gadget in particular gives them exactly that, and trust me, finding time to deploy it is tough enough on its own!

    I found telling that one plaintiff claimed to have become stuck, while decrying the _game's_ passiveness...?!

    Working on it! Will report back once I'm ready to medal up since only "plot" playthroughs let you pile-on in space.

    Knowing our lovable Halfbrick, even if it won't now, that doesn't mean it's not yet to come ;-)
  10. jameslavis

    jameslavis Well-Known Member

    Mar 15, 2011
    What level 2 gadget you guys go with
  11. walmartpolice

    walmartpolice Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2012

    I had like seven level 3s set up just for that before I realized you couldn't.
  12. walmartpolice

    walmartpolice Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2012
    I'm prestige 1 by the way.
    Game is getting more difficult by the minute, having to spend more and more C in between runs but hey , still a blast.
    I've clocked 13 hours on a match3/tower defense where you can't control the worm.
    Too many smiles right now.
  13. walmartpolice

    walmartpolice Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2012
    Please reconsider if you haven't actually played.
    It's more than just a match 3. It's match 3 and make stuff explode!!! :D
  14. nao

    nao Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2010
    Do certain colors work better on certain enemies? If so it isn't specified in the game. I guess spending prisms on armor is the "smarter" way to play since they change weapons for free after a few hours. That said the minigun upgrade is tempting.
  15. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    I think people saying it's Match 3 game, is giving the impression that this is a puzzle game. It's not. I think the best way to describe it is that it's a tower defense with mobile turrets and a Match 3-esque upgrade mechanic for your turrets. Classifying the game as turret defense/offense does far more justice for the gameplay than just simply Match 3
  16. kaibosh

    kaibosh Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    Is it just me or has HalfBrick just tripped over their own feet with everything since Jetpack Joyride? I mean, Fish out of Water was... Huh? This game just kinda... I dunno, I have seen screen savers with more meat on the bone.

    Where is Jetpack Joyride 2? High res, in your face, a license to print money...
  17. o0oJAKEo0o

    o0oJAKEo0o Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2012
    Full-Time Student
    Okay, I have been able to give this game more of my time today and I just wanted to share with everyone. This game sucks! IM JOKING!!

    The more I play and upgrade the turrets the more I am enjoying it. This is the only game I have played I just can't stop :)

    Before every level I try and visualize how I want to set up Colossatron (which color combinations I want to go for) but, by the time I get to the end, everything is moving around so much that it just becomes a task to get them on there anywhere. This is when it gets fun :) anyways great game you should not overlook this one. And if you have a dollar please don't wait for the thing to go free... Pick it up now. That way we won't be complaining about Halfbricks next release (like PikPok).
  18. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    #198 philodygmn, Dec 20, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
    No. But their weapons' differing characteristics effectively determine that they do: I overlooked yellow's cannons until recently, and am thinking they are great for spraying near the front but with a bit more range than red...

    I suppose the topic might be fodder for down the road, with the game...*strokes chin thoughtfully*

    I looked at it like getting one I really wanted meant an anchor around which to assemble the rest of my strategy, which I found wasn't always possible if ones I found less useful were picked... I never did armor at all 'till the very end, and only on the 2 kinds I upgraded, but it was armor to the max I could do at the time...remember, this strategic arc takes place in the context of the game's difficulty ramping up over the course of total planetary oblivion :) I did, though, pick the Regenerate gadget... Better defense seemed worthwhile to me only if it was reliably for my chosen offense, so that's why I waited.
  19. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Anyone try Presitge-ing more than once? Do enemies keep on getting stronger on a second New Game+ and onwards?
  20. philodygmn

    philodygmn Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2012
    It says they do the first medal so I doubt they don't after that. The incentive here is a bit of a gotcha for thrifty fans like me inthat you can't build city-to-city unless you're in campaign and unless you lose you can only be in it for a set course of time, then it's either higher difficulty, one-shot survival, or resetting your save file. I personally dislike it but really it poses me no _problem_, given the workarounds are, I find, acceptable. I just wish building the bossest Colossatron were always part of the experience, instead of only during campaign. I wish survival let you spend indefinitely (leaderboards be damned) or they would add a sandbox or, like, "zen" mode (oxymoronic, with this, no? ;-P ) that just was only all about tanking up and laying waste, a sort of exhibition mode... See why I rarely play competitive and/or violent games? *jittery laugh* I'm only interested in the creativity I find in a game. Medals crimp that as currently implemented.

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