Codex: The Warrior Codex The Warrior is the ultimate Action/Role-playing game. Fight gruesome enemies 1v1 as you advance through levels of … Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsCodex The Warrior is the ultimate Action/Role-playing game. Fight gruesome enemies 1v1 as you advance through levels of a treacherous dungeon. Codex delivers stunning visuals and responsive combat that pushes the impressive graphical capabilities of your mobile device to immerse you in a deep fantasy world. Play it today!● FEATURES:- Exhilarating dungeon combat.- Incredible console-quality graphics.- Unique monsters and level bosses.- Deep combat with upgradable skills.- Weapon and armor upgrades and crafting.- Responsive and intuitive controls.● Facebook Information Seller: Genre:Action, Role Playing Release:Dec 29, 2015 Updated:Nov 30, -0001 Version: Size:0.0 TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (9) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #2 Exact-Psience, Dec 30, 2015 Woah this looks good... Wary of the price tag, but will definitely check this one out. Based on one of the screenies, it would sseem the combat may have similarities to Horn with having only left or right in the directional controls, but we'll see. Nice to see interesting releases even between Christmas and New Year which are usually dead days for iOS releases. SimonMagus Well-Known Member Nov 22, 2015 71 0 0 #3 SimonMagus, Dec 31, 2015 Agreed.. I was under the impression that is was a forced-freeze for developers, and that nothing could be released for a certain period of time.. Am I incorrect about this? Amenbrother Well-Known Member Jun 24, 2011 6,659 7 38 #4 Amenbrother, Dec 31, 2015 I thought it was open tonight? Maybe they had it approved before and just released it? madreviewer Well-Known Member Sep 22, 2013 966 0 0 #5 madreviewer, Dec 31, 2015 Internet connection required, noooooo! I have just tested out Please tell me I am wrong Amenbrother Well-Known Member Jun 24, 2011 6,659 7 38 #6 Amenbrother, Dec 31, 2015 Pretty cool so far but I hope the drops are decent and not some crap that makes you buy them. H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member Mar 30, 2010 1,905 0 36 #7 H4nd0fg0d, Dec 31, 2015 Sweet, another free game. I love my disposables. H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member Mar 30, 2010 1,905 0 36 #8 H4nd0fg0d, Dec 31, 2015 This hasn't changed the deadness of this time o'year. skylined87 Well-Known Member Nov 9, 2014 457 0 16 #9 skylined87, Dec 31, 2015 Dammit I was looking forward to an out now thread this Wednesday.... I don't think I can make it another week!! SimonMagus Well-Known Member Nov 22, 2015 71 0 0 #10 SimonMagus, Dec 31, 2015 OMG, this game was absolutely dreadful.. Swiftly deleted.. (Yes, not very insightful.. but it .. just.. took my breath away) musicalmac Active Member Nov 21, 2014 39 0 0 #11 musicalmac, Dec 31, 2015 Very eloquent, though. I trust this level of intelligence. H4nd0fg0d Well-Known Member Mar 30, 2010 1,905 0 36 #12 H4nd0fg0d, Dec 31, 2015 My sentiment exactly. Talaen Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2012 112 0 16 #13 Talaen, Dec 31, 2015 I know I can just download this and take the plunge since it is free, but don't want to spend the time to even load it up. Any time I see a game of this genre where the screenshots are 90% artwork and captions and 10% gameplay, I generally know how this will play out (I.e, quick trip to my recycle bin). WTB action RPG that is actually a (fun) game and not just a freemium timer and lottery cycle. Can't wait for Titan Quest! TheOutlander Well-Known Member Apr 15, 2014 820 0 16 #14 TheOutlander, Dec 31, 2015 Last edited: Dec 31, 2015 Okay, this looks odd, a release mid AppStore freeze that looks decent but there's mixed opinions about it.... Ok, I'm downloading it, wish me luck :v Amenbrother Well-Known Member Jun 24, 2011 6,659 7 38 #15 Amenbrother, Dec 31, 2015 I posted my thoughts on the first page too.... Lol. TheOutlander Well-Known Member Apr 15, 2014 820 0 16 #16 TheOutlander, Dec 31, 2015 Oh, sorry, I didn't noticed, my bad, so, the drops are crappy or you can actually get nice items without buying them? Talaen Well-Known Member Aug 3, 2012 112 0 16 #17 Talaen, Dec 31, 2015 I had a few minutes of downtime and gave this the plunge after all. The game is inspired by infinity blade as opposed to a Diablo-style game. I think that was probably understood with the one on one references, wanted to clarify. The only movement is the usual dodge and block mechanics, alongside an attack and a few skills. All are virtual buttons as opposed to gestures. The timing feels off to me, and while a minor point enemies start attacking almost immediately before the interface and buttons are even drawn on the screen, so most battles start with a scramble to find the block button. The graphics aren't terrible, but feel generic. However the interface and text overlays (especially during the tutorial) block large parts of the screen and feel very amateurish. The prose used for character interactions is clunky at best. There is no customization I saw but new equipment is rendered on your character. Between battles your character runs around the environment on their own, and smashes treasure chests. These chests sometimes contain gold, but more often start battles (I don't know if the monsters are in the chest, hanging around the chest, etc, but a strange design to me). This part of the game is filler as you don't seem to have any choices and you just watch (the environment models are not a strong suit). Boss battles are more of the same with a few more unblockable patterns. I only played for around 15 minutes and was able to upgrade a few parts of equipment from the drops I got, but nothing was a significant rarity increase. The game wasn't as terrible as I expected but feels low budget and just wasn't fun for me so I deleted after finishing the first four stages. If a free game cannot hook me in that amount of time ("the honeymoon"), I'm out. Amenbrother Well-Known Member Jun 24, 2011 6,659 7 38 #18 Amenbrother, Dec 31, 2015 The post above this one pretty much sums it up. The drops aren't that good so far... redribbon Well-Known Member Jun 11, 2010 2,799 53 48 entepreanur,programmer #19 redribbon, Dec 31, 2015 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel DrAg0nBo0sTeR Member Sep 17, 2015 5 0 0 #20 DrAg0nBo0sTeR, Jan 1, 2016 I downloaded the game and i absoultely love it! I never played a game quite like this with such beautiful graphics! I mean sure they can improve them, but they look great on my 6plus and the game hasn't crashed not once! So i suggest you guys give it a try and see for yourself instead of listening to other opinions just saying I never go by what others think, i go by what i think! (You must log in or sign up to post here.) Show Ignored Content Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Share This Page Tweet Your name or email address: Password: Forgot your password? Stay logged in
Woah this looks good... Wary of the price tag, but will definitely check this one out. Based on one of the screenies, it would sseem the combat may have similarities to Horn with having only left or right in the directional controls, but we'll see. Nice to see interesting releases even between Christmas and New Year which are usually dead days for iOS releases.
Agreed.. I was under the impression that is was a forced-freeze for developers, and that nothing could be released for a certain period of time.. Am I incorrect about this?
Dammit I was looking forward to an out now thread this Wednesday.... I don't think I can make it another week!!
OMG, this game was absolutely dreadful.. Swiftly deleted.. (Yes, not very insightful.. but it .. just.. took my breath away)
I know I can just download this and take the plunge since it is free, but don't want to spend the time to even load it up. Any time I see a game of this genre where the screenshots are 90% artwork and captions and 10% gameplay, I generally know how this will play out (I.e, quick trip to my recycle bin). WTB action RPG that is actually a (fun) game and not just a freemium timer and lottery cycle. Can't wait for Titan Quest!
Okay, this looks odd, a release mid AppStore freeze that looks decent but there's mixed opinions about it.... Ok, I'm downloading it, wish me luck :v
Oh, sorry, I didn't noticed, my bad, so, the drops are crappy or you can actually get nice items without buying them?
I had a few minutes of downtime and gave this the plunge after all. The game is inspired by infinity blade as opposed to a Diablo-style game. I think that was probably understood with the one on one references, wanted to clarify. The only movement is the usual dodge and block mechanics, alongside an attack and a few skills. All are virtual buttons as opposed to gestures. The timing feels off to me, and while a minor point enemies start attacking almost immediately before the interface and buttons are even drawn on the screen, so most battles start with a scramble to find the block button. The graphics aren't terrible, but feel generic. However the interface and text overlays (especially during the tutorial) block large parts of the screen and feel very amateurish. The prose used for character interactions is clunky at best. There is no customization I saw but new equipment is rendered on your character. Between battles your character runs around the environment on their own, and smashes treasure chests. These chests sometimes contain gold, but more often start battles (I don't know if the monsters are in the chest, hanging around the chest, etc, but a strange design to me). This part of the game is filler as you don't seem to have any choices and you just watch (the environment models are not a strong suit). Boss battles are more of the same with a few more unblockable patterns. I only played for around 15 minutes and was able to upgrade a few parts of equipment from the drops I got, but nothing was a significant rarity increase. The game wasn't as terrible as I expected but feels low budget and just wasn't fun for me so I deleted after finishing the first four stages. If a free game cannot hook me in that amount of time ("the honeymoon"), I'm out.
I downloaded the game and i absoultely love it! I never played a game quite like this with such beautiful graphics! I mean sure they can improve them, but they look great on my 6plus and the game hasn't crashed not once! So i suggest you guys give it a try and see for yourself instead of listening to other opinions just saying I never go by what others think, i go by what i think!