Universal Code of Arms (by Brian Wurster)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Eli, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    Ah, ok I got it. I just tested this and it isn't a bug but maybe could be explained better. ATK+ is a "card effect" and modifies all cards in your deck temporarily. Evasive Maneuver is immune to card effects, including your own buffs. Card effects are Disable Heal/Magic/Physical cards, AP Cost Increase/Decrease, and Attack Value Increase/Decrease. This is a really good question to ask though, the combinatorial effects of these cards are really hard to test, so I appreciate you mentioning it to me. I hope that clears it up.
  2. Cyl

    Cyl Active Member

    Nov 15, 2013
    Yes, thank you very much. I did not understand well the effect of evasive maneuvers. Nice to have you so active on this forum :)
  3. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    Ok, I've implemented a number of the requests I've received for a v1.2 update (after the v1.1 healing card fix). I even started to mock up an item store screen for IAP, as previously mentioned. I've received lots of responses urging me to add a payment option, but if I'm going to do it I don't want to ruin the already awesome reception the game has gotten. So, I was hoping you guys could help guide the process a bit to help me get it right.

    Here's the possible approaches:
    1) An item store where items refresh every 10 minutes or so. IAP purchase to buy gold and that can be used to buy items. It wouldn't affect the core game, but could speed things up for those who don't want to scan or just need one more slot to be full Legendary.


    2) A random grab bag - pay $0.99 and receive a random Epic/Legendary item. I think this would be the only way Apple will allow a "Donate" button. The user has to receive something in return or they'll reject it.

    Problems I see:
    I intentionally didn't implement iCloud support at this time. I tried to do it, but getting it right was very challenging and time consuming and I needed to make a release due to life events. There are a lot of edge cases to handle properly. So, I'm worried that if someone buys IAP gold and then items, then deletes the game (and their local inventory) their purchases would be lost and they would then be pretty angry. How are other games doing this? I have to admit, I don't really buy IAP either.

    Thanks for any suggestions!
  4. goonjamin

    goonjamin Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2009
    Is there a way to tell what items are new since you last viewed your inventory?
    I like to scan a bunch of stuff at once and then look at it all later but it is hard to remember what I had before now that I have a bunch of everything.
  5. e3pilot

    e3pilot Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Thanks for the explanation! Now that I've gone back through, you are exactly correct. The game modifiers are working as advertised. I'm having difficulty getting past level 5 without healing, even with full legendary. For those looking for a good way to find new item, I recommend their bookcase...or the grocery store. I'm sure I looked hilarious on the surveillance camera scanning every item in a certain section of a store on Black Friday, but I managed to get three more legendaries. For whatever reason there is one brand that has given me five. I wonder why...
  6. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    Not right now, but I'll take a look at adding that for other users too. It seems fairly straightforward to do, thanks for the feedback!

    Good, I'm glad it's working right. I wish I could give you the healing update right now, it's just waiting on Apple. Lesson learned, don't make 11th hour "fixes" :) There is some simple crypto involved in generating the items, so they should be about as random as I can make them, really interesting you found a successful brand, what is it?
  7. Kour

    Kour Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    This game is fun. Thank you very much for spending so much time on this and sharing it with us. I do wish there was a way I could send a few bucks to the Dev aye as I would have gladly paid for this.
  8. DasSmeddy

    DasSmeddy Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    I'm still waiting for the healing patch before tucking in to the game for the long haul, but my family and I have been having a blast just scanning stuff in the house over the holiday weekend. I got legendary items from a Chicago Symphony Orchestra ticket stub and a George Eliot novel, plus rares from TLS, and a few other British novelists. The bags of junk food from the supermarket yielded only single common cards, however. Does CoA rely on RNG, or do you have rather refined tastes, Brian?
  9. e3pilot

    e3pilot Member

    Aug 10, 2013
    Bandaids have the highest percentage of legendaries of any brand I've tried. So far my favorite legendary is Divine Force (3 damage + 2 owner attack for 2 turns). Kudos far all the hard work you've put in...the game is a lot of fun!
  10. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    I'm loving this game, but like someone else said, I'm waiting for the heal-fix update before giving this my full attention. In the meantime, I do have a request. I'd like to see a couple of buttons appear over a card we are "viewing" full size - one for "play" and the other for "dismiss" (or close/back, whatever). It would save a step when playing the card or save us having to tap in the area around the card (which is pretty small) to dismiss it. Anyone else finding this frustrating?
  11. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    The v1.2 update is almost finished and I've added all the requested features!!! Here's a list:
    1. Separate toggles for music and sound fx
    2. Zoomed card can be dismissed by tapping anywhere on screen
    3. In the Inventory UI, new item categories are flagged if new items are present. Those items are highlighted in the table view for quick recognition
    4. IAP!!!! This is easily the most requested feature and I did my best to make it completely optional and simple to implement. Potions can now be bought and will fully recover player health.

    Me too, the fix is in, just waiting on Apple. If they follow their pattern it should release on the Wed, Dec. 2nd. I am a refined and worldly individual, but alas can take no credit for this (see below: Bandaids) :)

    Hilarious, I wish I didn't buy the generics now.

    Others were, I addressed it with item #2 above. Hopefully that is an improvement.

    New screenshots:
  12. brainbag

    brainbag Active Member

    Sep 11, 2014
    It would be really helpful during all th marathon scanning not to have to go back to the scanning screen every time. It's already pretty hard to scan on an iPad because it's big, and having to stop, adjust, press the button, hold up the thing, press the button, repeat gets pretty tedious!

    Lots of fun to scan random things though! I bet it's easier on iPhone.
  13. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    I can work that in I think. I have some ideas but am gonna think on it a bit more. Ideally, how do you imagine it working best?
  14. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Now that we are going to have consumable items in the game, namely potions, wouldn't it be fair to have a way to buy them with in-game gold? I suggest that instead of dropping items we don't want, we should be allowed to sell them for gold which we can then use to buy potions. This would further incentivise bc scanning and make for interesting decisions about what to keep and what to sell.
  15. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    #55 Bloodangel, Nov 30, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2015
    When I use cards to heal my hp, it doesn't do anything. Shows it heals 2 hp but my health doesn't go up, it stays the same

    Ooops! Just read back posts and realise this issue is a bug and has been fixed :)
  16. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    That is an interesting idea. The potions are just a completely optional add-on, largely to address the frequent suggestion that I add a "Donate" button. Nothing about the core game has changed, and it can be played in it's original format free as it always was. I'll continue brainstorming on how to improve the game, so feedback is always appreciated.
  17. Roleki

    Roleki Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2012
    Yeah, but I want POTIONS!
  18. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    I did give everyone one to start for free, just think of it as a "taste" ;)
  19. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Nice to see you monetizing the game a bit. The indie game makers Union won't have to come after you haha!

    Btw welcome to the App Store and your long as wait for a very small bug fixing update. Sucks how apples system works you would think they could hire a few extra people they only made how many billion last year?
  20. BaronWilhelm

    BaronWilhelm Active Member

    Eeek, I certainly wouldn't want that! I'm also conscious that I don't want to devalue anyone else's work because I get how much work it takes. I actually released my first game, Tangrams, in the summer of 2008. It did pretty well then because the store wasn't so crowded, but I did experience a lot of negativity. Given what's going on in my personal life, I didn't want that to happen with something I poured so much of myself into, which is why I made it free. I have low expectations for how many purchases will come with the new potion IAP, but hopeful too. It'd be great to see a positive response, the next version has lots of new features, UI improvements and bug fixes in response to user feedback.

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