Universal Climby Hammer - Multiplayer Crafting Physics Climber (by Naquatic)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Naquatic, Dec 8, 2017.

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  1. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Haha I'll check that one out shortly! That hammer detachment is changing a bit in the update we just submitted so don't get too attached ;)

    That feature is on our list as well!
  2. jdawg101

    jdawg101 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    I feel like the camera in the level editor could be a bit smoother. Like sometimes it would just zoom out or in when I try to zoom in and the scrolling is a bit too quick. Also trying to shift the camera when placing an object is too hard when I zoom in (the camera moves to quick). Maybe you could try adding a camera control when doing certain action and make scrolling a bit smoother. Also, I like the idea of an object creator.
  3. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Thanks Jdawg, very good feedback. All of this is fixed in the update we submitted yesterday. You should get a notification once it's approved and available for download!
  4. Whoops, just one N.... xazyn227

    ...also, another fun feature lol.... if you start swinging hammer as map starts you can fly... you go slow but probably breaks a few maps :)
  5. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Also already fixed. Sorry to keep raining on your parade :p

    Adding you right now!
  6. Another level...

    hegam477 "right side's easier" ... thats it, really, its like a rockclimbing wall with two paths to same goal... I personally think right IS easier but maybe left is yout fancy :p best advice is to keep moving, you can definitely throw yourself pretty far with good momentum upward!

    Naquatic bros, from an aesthic sake, is there a reason the grass patch has the extra grey platform? Id prefer it not to be there... but not going to quibble ;)
  7. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Hahahaha that's incredible.

    It's supposed to be a hedge in a planter box. We'll add a different one without the box :)
  8. Cool guys! So far in playing lther levels I haven't found too many trying to creating ones that look good and play well, too... you should post a "best of the best" for level codes so we can play some of them as you find them... do you guys have any "out in the wild?"

    Attached a shot from Android from my phone... I think its hilarious how much deep longing Climby has for his hammer... he just cant give it up :D:D:D:D sad to see this go ha!

    Attached Files:

  9. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    That’s a great idea. Even something like spotlighting a new course every day.

    We’ll all miss that classic bug, haha
  10. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Whoops I missed this... that's the inspiration behind the rating system. We'll either be manually spotlighting courses or favoring ones with high ratings in the matchmaking system. We do have a couple courses out there but I don't want to say which ones and incur someone's wrath...
  11. jdawg101

    jdawg101 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    Some ideas: Allow us to edit and add more to already uploaded apps. For example I am recreating the map form getting over it in my free time and I would want to release it to see how to fares, but once I want to improve it, I can’t and I instead have to start over. Secondly, I feel like there should be a hard section along with the favorite because in a casual game like this, people are likely to dislike brutal levels which might be unfair to people who worked hard on making people’s lives a living hell:p, so maybe we could have a categories thing for likes possibly or something similar. My last idea that I can think of off the top of my head at the moment, could you allow special characters in level names? (On a side note any plans to increase level slots and/or lowering the cost to unlock them. Also I feel like 50 gems per clan tournament is a bit too little.) Al in all, I think this game could become pretty great and in the future, you could even add interactive stuff to further differentiate yourself from “getting over it”.:D
  12. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Every single one of these is a great suggestion, especially editing after uploading. And I saw your track and was very impressed :)
  13. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Oh so there was a thread here!

    Fun game btw, it really has some addicting elements. I guess we know what it does and it's good at it so I'll point out some things I noticed. Loading the game up seems to take a while on my phone, that would bother me if I wanted to play really quickly, but not a huge deal.

    I had trouble figuring out what the medals / other things were on the finish screen when the level ends. And I wasn't sure if I was getting more or staying the same, etc. It would be nice to have some info box screen for the first time. However maybe I missed it on the tutorial? The tutorial crashed and I had no way of replaying it but luckily I already knew how to play this kind of game. On that end, maybe a tutorial button on the settings screen?

    And then lastly for me personally I would just prefer a RESTART button by itself in the corner. I know there's a back button and then the menu items appear but high score games that are decided in milliseconds benefit from just a restart button because you screw up immediately quite often and want to reset quickly. I believe games like Cut the Rope and Angry Birds have options like this.

    I didn't see any glaring bugs so these are just random comments here and there. Thanks!
  14. Naquatic

    Naquatic Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Random comments are the best comments. Thank you so much for these ideas! Out of curiosity, were you on the latest Test Flight build (1.2.4) when the tutorial crash happened? Btw switching over to the new Games thread so I might not see any additional responses here!

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