Definitely wasn't expecting everything with the robomonkeys, and just when I thought things were getting a bit stale. I think it would be a great idea to add things like this, but even earlier in the game. This may keep more of the players active
As I made it further in creating the game, I was getting better at making more complex events. This is why some of the more innovative events happen later in the game. I should go back to the first half of the game and add more polish and events though, you're right
"Animal activists freed some of the elephants in your zoo, deal with them with force, or let them go?"
I think you should go crazy with animal activists. Like with the burger bar, have the activists try to close it down
I'm kind of curious how the trades are decided in the trade post. I'm unsure how it decides what the value of the animals are. Sometimes I'll see something like 1000 dung beetles for 8 gems. Then I'll see 1000 crocodiles for the same number of gems. Is it a bug, or is this intended?
So it scales it depending on the value of the animal. But gems in the game have a linear value unlike the cash. Essentially what I did was have the code calculate the value of the animals for the trade, then the cash you earn is the amount they're worth + 50% (unless you got the haggler upgrades). The number of animals required is decided by taking the value of the animal then picking a random difficulty 1-5. This will also determine how many gems the trade is worth if you choose gems instead of cash It's actually a bit more complicated than that, but that's the general idea
Got it. I didn't realize how much actually went into balancing the trade values. I did notice I keep getting multiple of the same trades occasionally. Almost seems to unlikely to be a coincidence, or maybe it is
You can actually just buy the number of animals required for the trade instead of waiting for them to breed, that is if you have a large enough enclosure size
Yes. And don't forget you can cancel the trade if you don't like it. But it will have you wait the 2 hours for a new one though
Glad to see a clicker game have an active thread. This is why tons of people are still playing another clicker game I won't speak of but came out 4 years ago
Ya now I'm curious what incremental game can keep rolling for 4 years. Only games that come to mind are Adventure Capitalist and Cookie Clicker, but they're more the pioneers than the overall good games