Not bad, but there is still some room for improvement 10k gap with Cowboy, 15k gap with bigk, and 20k gap with the really cool players I could share my hi-scores with you guys, except with kra, because he told me that this time he only wants to share "rounded down" scores (like 56xx, 57xx)
I could really use some help with #40. Just don't see a strategy that would let me get over 300 more points. Also #38, though that one may just be a matter of making a bunch of moves flawlessly rather than a stategy change.
For 40 the trick is to have the beach ball take the elevator on the first rise. The rest is just optimization. And 38 you can get a 53xx with a good execution yes. Really like when you just rang the bell in the lower half, already start working on the upper half. Use muscle memory, although in this level it doesn't work very well, because you do need to follow what is actually happening
That's my problem with 40. No matter what I do I can't get it on the first rise at all so I here must be some trick I'm missing
I have played with the bar above the beachball's original position figuring it pretty much had to factor into the solution, but no luck at all so far.
Not sure if I'm doing it the best way and certainly haven't been successful more than a couple times but I did improve 40 enough to finally pass 280k by one whole point! That was a primary goal for me so less pressure now
In many ways this games reminds me of Space Forest Dilemma. At least in one way. In that game, you could get great score but think maybe there was 1 more point on the level (or maybe another player had gotten one more point). So I'd play the level over and over for just 1 more point - and suddenly get 3-6. Just did that on level 4. I was trying to get 5733 but got 5734. I then played a long time, thinking maybe I could get one more. I got 3 (5737). But in many ways the game is more frustrating than SFD. That game lets you play each level in just a few seconds and those are the slow ones. Most were well under half a second. Most levels on this game have too many steps so frustration hits sooner.
While not a major point issue, I'd like to see some people work on level 7 and see if you can beat 5780. I've gotten that score a bunch of times and, watching what happens, this can be achieved with some clear differences in how well the character moves and exactly how it hits objects. It just feels that more is possible, but even when I think it has moved as well as possible, I can't get higher. But it feels like it should.
I know what you are talking about... But it is very hard to get this done ... May someone be so kind and change my level 8 score to 5631 I do not have access to the table at work
Dang! I saw you had two points more than me on level 8 so I spent a lot of time picking up - exactly ONE point. So I check in tonight and see you added 7 more???!!! That's hardly fair But maybe you can help me out here - not particularly because of level 8 but because there may be something there which would apply elsewhere and since you are so far ahead on this one, it may be a good example. My first question on levels like this is whether it is best to just drop the two bars all the way down or if it can be better to drop them a lesser amount. So can you let us know what you did there? Then there is the question of dropping the bottom bar down to the bottom. I assume it is best to do so AFTER the ball rolled off its earlier position, but I got to wondering if it there was a quirk that would cause the ball to roll better if I do that last move before the ball is completely off it. I haven't seen any benefit, but maybe I missed something. --- I just tried a few times and suddenly got 5630. Need to experiment to see exactly what I did (if I can repeat it). But I'm still curious as to dropping those first two bars - do you drop them all the way down?
Level 7: found the 5780, too Level 8: IMHO the left ends of the 2 bars move up a little bit after hitting the ground so i nail them when they reach the ground. Dont know if this gives more points. And then i do not let the 2nd bar getting straight to the bottom in the end.
cy@n, I experimented a little this morning on level 8. First I just let things fall naturally. Scores varied from 5606-5611. Main difference seemed to be exactly how dropping the bottom bar down on the last move worked out. Then I did the same thing, nailing down the to bars except for the last move. Scores were more like 5601-5603. So at least in this brief test, nailing them down was a negative. The key seems mostly to be that last move. The bar does move around, especially when the ball hits it. All my good scores involve nailing it down. And my best scores (above 5622) have included another step: After dropping the two bars, I also lower the RIGHT side of the lower bar just a little. Theoretically this would slightly reduce how much speed the ball gets, but it also seems to slightly change how it falls on the last move. Still rarely works (getting above 5622) but ideally I nail the left side near the bottom but not touching the bottom. I then quickly nail the right side (don't know if that part matters). When it is best, the angle and position near the corner of solid object will result in the ball rolling up and just barely hitting both the bar and solid object yet still get the candy. If it rolls without hitting the solid object too, I can't do as well.
Just got 5633 ! I just realized I was being stupid for slightly dropping the lower bar on the right end before the ball got there. I now wait till after the ball passes. Lower the right a tiny bit and then drop it the rest of the way. The only bar I lock is the left end after dropping the bar to the bottom