Finally got all stars. Messing with various levels to improve but lacking the patience to work on the complicated ones. At least I'm in the top 25. This is where a high score table would help - more likely to work on hard levels where I can get a lot of points while not worrying about them if I'm close.
Good, congrats! Every marathon starts with a few first steps See a few posts back where we indicated our worst levels and by reversing it, you can see for which levels more than 5500 points are possible
Good idea. Doesn't let us know what those final points may be on most levels, but does let me focus on the worst cases (I wish the game would show you scores without having to complete the level each time!). I went through most again, looking for anything under the lowest score reported and only tried raising those to above that minimum. So obviously I passed over a number of points even if I don't know what they are. Good enough for 6th place so far. But I see all the higher scores consist of pretty big jumps so I don't know if I'll get higher. Especially higher than 5th. Still, should be good enough to stay high on the leaderboard for a game this old.
Except for kra, I'm a bit disappointed in the other players. They don't even get close to a score of 280.000 Cowboy, BigK, Cy@n, Pantsjo, ctay, what's up with that? (let's see what their excuses will be )
Harder to push myself on this one. I guess what I need is to get some big improvements on a couple levels to motivate me better! But I haven't given up on it.
Well, I finally made a list of all my scores and compared them to those general ranges of scores given. I'm really put off by a bunch of them, but one in particular for now. On #43, it is apparently possible to get at least 5800. I don't come close and the only way I see to do it is the same way the "hint" option gives. And that sure doesn't look like it would give such a high score. So, is there some other trick to it?
From left to right. Hit the 2nd bolt twice to lower it a bit. Then drop the structure on right to use it as support to the alien fall on either side. It depends where you fixed it.
I don't think I follow all that, but I have gotten a decent score on the level. My biggest problems now are 38, and 41. Just need about 400 points to reach my goal. Don't think I'll be able to get ranked higher than that!
Finally! I decided to go back to earlier levels and just pick up mostly smaller numbers of points. Finally got up to 4th (really 3rd since first is clearly a hacker). Nine points to spare too! I guess I'll play some more to give me a little cushion, though the person I just passed hasn't been on for at least the past week. Could be far longer. Anyway, that was my goal so unless some stranger beats it, I don't feel any pressure to get higher - too many points necessary to get higher!
Well, I got a decent lead over the guy behind me. Not quite done yet because I have learned enough I should be able to pick up some more points without a lot of effort. But I doubt I'll be getting a lot more. Too many levels where I was way behind, figured out how to improve a lot - and would still be 100-300 or so points behind on them.
This is a reasonably fun game, and I can see myself coming back to it, but man-o-man, the victory "na-na-naaah" sound clip is not to my taste
Funny, I wouldn't know, I play it in silence, because there is no way to mute the music separate from the sound effects and any music, how good it may be, becomes unbearable after a while
I'm the same way - usually turn off music and, if sound effects are separate, it depends. Occasionally sound helps, like in Cover Orange. BTW, I just impressed myself on level 42 with 5803 - so now you or Kra can embarrass me by telling me I'm below you! It's my kind of level though - something that benefits just from trying a LOT, but not so complicated that there are too many ways to screw up when trying to tap fast.
Great that you like it! So, can we expect any leaderboard surprises any time soon, say the moment you finish level 50 there is a new no.1?
i do not have enough time for hunting highscores in every single level anymore. Top10 is possible (in a few weeks) but i don'think i will go over 270K... i didn't like the game at first when it was getting harder but then i suddenly liked the competition for solving a level at least
Looks like you are getting pretty high (17th) pretty fast. Go for at least the top 5 (counting the hacker). BTW, I sent an email to the company about the hacker yesterday. Might not do any good, but worth a try.