Universal Clash Royale (by Supercell)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by oscar123967, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Vestid

    Vestid Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    I'm on arena 6. Highest I've been is 1,880. I don't use any epics although I have all but one. Still haven't paid anything.
  2. jirka

    jirka Member

    Mar 25, 2016
    Playin since release, and so far realy liking it. Matches are fun even against slightly more powerful oppenent. Less keen of chest slots motivating to log et least 4 times a day. I stick with playing once a day to earn the crownchest and mostly ignoring the rest.
  3. Tanshui

    Tanshui Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2015
    People have surprisingly good manners compared to most other games I've played. I see Sadface being used more than anything else and it always makes me laugh.
  4. Bloodangel

    Bloodangel Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2011
    I love game too, but each time I get near 1000, after a winning streak... It's just suddenly lose, lose, lose, lose... All way back down to about 820. Then it repeats... Winning streak up to about 1000, the losing streak.

    Bugs me that I can have winning streaks from 820 to 1000, but when going down from 1000 back to 820, I can't win
  5. fabell

    fabell Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2016
    Game is gone, after I almost got to arena 5, then in just a few battles got thrown back into arena 3.

    No game should make you feel like you wasted your time and make you feel bad about yourself at the same time.

    I'll be the first to say I'm not as good as others who play this game, especially when it comes to counting opposing elixir, but there really needs to be an alternate progression system for people like me who love the gameplay but want to feel awesome when playing a game more often than not. Even a game like old school Ghouls n' Ghosts felt better, even after a hundred deaths, if only because the longer you played the better you got and not the other way around.

    *Raises glass in salute* Onward, you soldiers who remain.
  6. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    I think this is the trick to being a successful F2P player. Simply ignore the epics.

    I've stopped using epics and am practicing and leveling up only common and rare cards now. I only use gold for upgrading cards, never for buying them. Decent progression seems much more reasonable now. I only wish I had realized this from the start. I blew a lot of gold on buying/upgrading epics.
  7. HotHamBoy

    HotHamBoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    Please explain your method? I'm getting wrecked by things like the X-Bow, even after the patch. What commons and rares do you use? Why not use the epics you have?
  8. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    Because I won't be able to keep them upgraded enough to be worth using at higher ranks.

    I'm still trying different decks and strategies right now, so haven't settled on anything yet. I'm currently trying out a deck that's all troops (no defenses or spells) and just playing defensively until the double elixir kicks in and I'm able to overpower the opponent by flooding the board.
  9. vivafringe

    vivafringe Well-Known Member

    May 10, 2014
    #969 vivafringe, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    I strongly disagree with ignoring epics, even on a f2p account. I'm f2p, float between 2050-2250 trophies, and use them extensively. Even a level 1 epic is strong enough to carry you pretty far, like ~1900. A level 2 is good enough at my level.

    Tournament mode caps commons at 8 and caps epics at 3, which should give an indication of how strong epics are even at low levels.
  10. Gamer1st

    Gamer1st Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2013
    None. But I dream about being able to work again.
    #970 Gamer1st, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    My missing troop glitch. There's a Giant level 4 in the middle of the Barb pack but he's not on screen.......

  11. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    #971 houseofg, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    I just watched the replay and see exactly what you're talking about. Bizarre.

    Here's how I see it:

  12. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Nah, just using a laughing emote at the end of a battle isn't a "psychological battle". It's just being a dick.
  13. spader623

    spader623 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    I now know what people mean in league in dota when they say 'Elo hell' or bronze hell... I'm continuously stuck in arena 4. I've seen arena 5, spell valley, like... Twice maybe. Ugh
  14. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    I completely agree with that sentiment but that's not what he said he does.
  15. The Infamous E

    The Infamous E Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2014
    #975 The Infamous E, Mar 26, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2016
    Actually, that opens up a whole new conversation...

    "ELO Hell" is a term used by "Elite" players as an excuse to why they are matched with "bad" players in team games like league, dota, and vg, etc... when they are queing up with random players. It is the mindset that they are losing and their ELO is low because of this, assuredly they are the best player ever and it is the weakness of their teammates that brings them down.

    This is why a single player game like this I find superior. You are not in "Arena 4 Hell", you are exactly where you belong based on your performance. I am not saying anything bad about you in particular, I personally am ranked lower than you. It just made me speak on the topic of team games in today's gaming. Everyone loves team games, where they can ride on the backs of superior players to feel good about themselves, and then blame their lousy team when things go wrong. Don't get me wrong, I love team games in moderation, and when I play them I always play in a support role, to help the team as much as possible. I have the most fun though is when I am in a one on one situation and my outcome is solely determined by the performance of myself and my opponent. A random and p2w factor can be applied to the argument in this game, but does not apply to every match. People who pay will have higher leveled cards and are just passing you in their way to where their powered up cards will only get them so far and they will be outplayed. A bad draw is a bad draw, and it happens in this sort of game. You roll with it and move on.

    In a this game there is no "ELO Hell" , there is only your current rating, which is precisely where you belong unless you get upgraded cards or develop more skill, both of which will come if you put in the time.

    Sorry for the rant, but I hope it makes sense, just hit the right button with me and I hardly post. That, and the fact I just found out the Doom remake will have no free for all death match option and will have all team modes. That game was the original old school FFA death match game. I'm disgusted.

  16. Zaroff

    Zaroff Member

    Dec 1, 2014
    Personally, the most despicable piece of "entertainment" I've had the displeasure to come across. The scam is so obvious... Anyway, another heavy-handed one from Supercell, who by now don't even bother to hide anymore the ways they rig their games. Grotesque.
  17. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    Your post says a lot more about your own bitterness and world view than the game. Actually, on second thought, it doesn't say anything about the game. Just a stream of unsupported negative generalizations.

    Not even sure how you can call it "heavy handed" since matchmaking is pretty solid and you can play 24 hours a day against people in your league for $0. If that's your idea of "heavy handed", you must think a game with a hard energy system that stops you from playing is the equivalent of dropping bombs on civilians, and a hard paywall the equivalent of genocide lol.
  18. spader623

    spader623 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    Yeah I get what you mean. It's just frustrating I suppose. I suppose I do suck, and I actually just got into arena 5, spell valley, finally but now I gotta fight tooth and nail to keep myself in it.
  19. thumbs07

    thumbs07 Well-Known Member

    Jul 20, 2010
    Got 2 accounts of this now. Was fascinating with a second account, I received 3 epics I didn't on the first account- prince, skel army, little dragon. It's given me a useful second impression.

    I guess the game is frustrating when you think you got a formula to beat people. Everyone's unique, and so many different playstyles.
    And finally worked out how you measure people's strength. The level written right by your base. Took me ages to see that. At my best on my android I was level 2 beating level 6's. But I had experience from my iPhone account, and useful epics. Some epics really aren't all that surprisingly.
  20. Zaroff

    Zaroff Member

    Dec 1, 2014
    Actually, wrong on all counts. I have no problem paying for games that aren't ransomwares the likes of Supercell tropes, and their brothers and cousins. Alas, these are becoming more and more scarce, as the market is flooded with freemium scams. It's not the money, it's the principle. Carry on.

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