Universal Clash Royale (by Supercell)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by oscar123967, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Luciano1084

    Luciano1084 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
    Can't believe I'm actually playing this.. F2P is evil but this game is fun as f@$&.. Damn you supercell
  2. slamraman

    slamraman Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Aug 27, 2011
    Word - as the kids used to say. I should hate this but I'm still playing it a week in and properly enjoying it despite myself. I'm even part of a clan despite being far too old for the social aspects of it all. Balancing this with Wayward Souls pretty much = mobile gaming perfection for me.
  3. Exuare

    Exuare Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Same here, normally I try to stay clear of games made by companies like SuperCell and when I do play them I delete them right after a pay wall has been reached but I know that when I am going to reach it with this game I'm gonna actually pay...
  4. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    I don't know that there actually is a pay wall, per se, in this game. It depends on your goals, I guess. If you want to get to a higher arena, you can do that with a mix of skill, time, and luck. If you want to collect every card, yeah, you probably need to spend some money. But nothing ever stops you from playing, so I don't know that this game has a pay wall in the same way.
  5. TywinTheVile

    TywinTheVile Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    I'm dying! This made me laugh so hard! I couldn't have done it better mysef. LOL
  6. Lochheart

    Lochheart Active Member

    Oct 30, 2013
    Paying for what ?
    Get a Clan, and you will have everything you want !

    The only complain about Clash Royal is about rewards... 3 or 8h is just boring.
  7. Exuare

    Exuare Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Oh I didn't mean a wall as in having to pay for anything but having to wait 4 or 8 hours for one chest can get long... So I know I'll but gema to get those golden of magical chest opened faster sometimes. I'm in the Toucharcade clan and having a BLAST
  8. HotHamBoy

    HotHamBoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    Finally got to Arena 3 after a lot of struggle. Feels good, man.
  9. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Fair enough. I do get tempted to speed through those chests.
  10. Montanx

    Montanx Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2012
    San Diego
    Oh they know you do...they know.
  11. Exuare

    Exuare Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2016
    Precisely ;-)
  12. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    I know this flies in the face of much of the criticism, but I *like* the chest system. What drove me away from CoC after playing near daily for 18 months (and Boom Beach even faster) was that, as you moved upward, you hit a point where just walking away from the game set you back so far. I haven't tried CoC with the recent-ish changes, but doubt I'll bother since the core formula remains unchanged and I've seen enough of that :)

    The chest system makes this the perfect secondary time waster without any penalty for not being able to be on most of the day. Chest finishes unlocking, hop on and play a few games until I win, go do other things, rinse and repeat and advance as quickly as possible without spending to unlock chests. I have more than enough other games, premium and free to play, that can use up my free time without feeling any limitations from this game's mechanics, and doubt that was by accident. Rather brilliant in its way.
  13. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Could not agree more. I don't WANT incentive to play more than I already do!
  14. fabell

    fabell Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2016
    #794 fabell, Mar 11, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2016
    Arena 3 seems to be the paywall, unless you are just really lucky with matchups. Been on Arena 3 for going on almost a week with no end in sight. First two cleared easy but getting to Arena 4 seems to be about leveling up epics and rares to at least level 2. Our whole clan is having problems, and those lucky enough to get to the next tier usually get knocked back.
  15. Mookmonster

    Mookmonster Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    Im in arena 4, completely ftp, my guess is the paywall is around arena 5-6, and definately legendary. But if u r patient, there is no pay wall.
  16. sinagog

    sinagog Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    Yeah, I'm there, too. That's more of a skill-wall. The pay-wall comes shortly afterwards when you have to start pinching every penny to spend on upgrading your cards. That gets very expensive, so I hope you didn't spend it on those 2k troops.
  17. gakuka

    gakuka Active Member

    Feb 19, 2014
    Played until o got to arena 4. Didn't pay anything. I was really enjoying the game, winning most of my matches, being polite and gracious even in defeat, and swimming in chests and cards. Then... I don't know, I hit a wall. I lost something like 12 out of 15 matches.

    Everyone's cards were much higher level than mine, and the rate I was gaining cards was ridiculously slow. I was very tempted to spend money and get new cards, I really needed to level up my epics but couldn't find them unless I spent 2500 gold at the bank. Frustrated, I deleted the game and dismissed it as mediocre. Fun for a bit, then all based on getting high-level epic cards.

    This isn't *specifically* pay-to-win, but if you pay it speeds things up a lot, until you hit the next wall, then you pay again, and so one. It's an infinite spender, and I saw my future stretched out in front of me, with a monthly $10 charge just to stay competitive in a game that is really just OK.

    Nothing against people that like the game, I see how it can be appealing, but it wasn't for me.

    And if I saw one more person that beats me give me that toothy double-thumbs-up I was going to puke. Don't gloat, it's bad sportsmanship.
  18. C.Hannum

    C.Hannum Well-Known Member

    Feb 13, 2011
    New York State
    This is the problem with the irrational bias against free to play. There is no such thing as good enough for people who *want* to find a problem with the system.

    Of course you lost 12 out of 15 matches... you're in a new Arena, with new cards, with players who have played longer than you. At its core, it's how ANY competitive game works. You either build up to the tools and skills necessary to play at that level, or you don't. What Super Cell doesn't get enough credit for is that they were the first dominant free to play company on the app store where spending virtually any amount of money didn't accomplish jack except throwing you into a pool of players with just as many toys as you. Over time, you will inevitably find yourself floating at your level of gear and skill, because that's how their games are designed, and it's actually an incredible system where you can choose to spend or not spend and you're never disadvantaged unless you were delusional enough to think you were supposed to cruise right to the top of the ladders. Some people want to play with the big dogs sooner, so they spend to get there, and that's fine, because they quickly move out of your chosen comfort zone and leave you alone. Don't blame the free to play system, blame your own impatience.
  19. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    I'm at Arena 7, no money spent, and I'm not even that good (I don't think).
  20. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Thank you!!! Well said. Exactly my thoughts on the subject. This is now my manifesto :)

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