Universal Clash Royale (by Supercell)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by oscar123967, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Jakeopp

    Jakeopp Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2012
    There needs to be a limit on the number of defenses you can use, it's a painful waste of time versing people with defense heavy decks. Offensive play and countering with actual troops needs to be encouraged.
  2. TywinTheVile

    TywinTheVile Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2013
    #682 TywinTheVile, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    I played the soft launch too # and one time my opponent and I sat there for 45 seconds before anyone made a move. This tactic is alive and well and I ran into it all the time. Glad you didn't. I played for a week in soft launch then got bored and didn't open again until global. It's an okay game with an okay concept from a dev with a good track record. I think it's sad they had to slap the clash franchise on it for it to work and have actually liked the past two soft launch games from them better (spooky pop and smash land).

    Glad ya'll like the game but I question whether this game would be hyped as much if it were released by Joe Blow instead of one of the biggest mobile juggernauts. I am not trying to blow anything out of proportion but this is a forum and I want to discuss this game. Not venting just dialoging with fellow gamers to understand strategy and why people like this game and get insight into what appeals to some and not others.

    Don't get defensive. Just chattin' bro.
  3. Brawwwn

    Brawwwn Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2015
    I feel like if they could change one thing, it would be to take the timer off the crown chests. This would give some incentive and sense of progression to playing matches other than just "the game is fun". I don't need to be rewarded for playing but something would be nice. So many kids must play the game, but currently, it is only designed for esports leagues that have thousands to dump into the game. I'd love to think they could do something to make the game more approachable, but the won't, because Supercell is disgusting, and the money went to their heads way before they started airing ads during the superbowl. I honestly can't wait for the imitations of this game, I hope one of them can offer similar gameplay in a premium package that can actually be played and enjoyed. As is, the core game is really fun but the monetization is ludicrous and anyone who disagrees has been desensitized by too many free to play games. F2P can and does work but not like this.
  4. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    The sooner people realize this isn't a game but just a money making machine the better.

    they could care less about "enjoyment" as long as they are at the top of the charts. Enjoyment might be a side effect of this app but that's only needed to make money. Honestly if they could make an app that was just a blank screen and it got them up there that would be fine with them.
  5. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    The sooner that people realize their particular viewpoint isn't necessarily held by everyone in the universe, the better.

    I am thoroughly enjoying the game, since soft launch, haven't spent a dime.
  6. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    #686 Touchmint, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    And that is great! I'm mostly talking to the people who keep asking for features that would cut into the apps revenue.

    Bottom line for them is how much money they can make.

    A happy player isn't always the highest paying player. You could even go as far as saying they don't want you happy or content. People that are happy with where they are in the game arnt going to shell out money to get better. They goal is to make you an unhappy player that's how they make money.
  7. Water

    Water Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2015
    Game Dev
    I want to play friendly match with real friends.

    I want to play friendly match with real friends.
    Not only with Clan mates.(that's not bad match though)

    Is there any way to do what I want?
  8. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #688 oscar123967, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    Unless theyre in the same clan sadly no

    I agree with your other points/posts but they definitely don't want an unhappy player base. They want happy players and a happy community. No doubt its one of the reasons why the company is so successful. Its one of the reasons why Gameloft is on a downhill slope. The clash community has been awesome since day 1.
  9. SpikeGuy

    SpikeGuy Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    That's exactly what I was thinking. I have been playing like crazy since the US launch and I am enjoying it very much without spending anything. If you don't like waiting at the beginning toss out a cheap unit to get the ball rolling.
  10. Rothgarr

    Rothgarr Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    Howdy, I have a question...

    I got to Arena 3. I won a battle a won a "Super Magical Chest". It should be done opening tonight.

    In the meantime I lost, like, 5 battles in a row and got bumped back down to Arena 2.

    When I open the Super Magical Chest, will it give me cards based on my current level? Or could I still get cards for Arena 3 which I have already unlocked?

    I'm just trying to figure out if I need to keep playing and pray that I get back up to Arena 3.

  11. Bucktroo

    Bucktroo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 29, 2011
    Natural State
    Click on the chest that says it's opening. It'll show you Arena 2 or Arena 3. That should be what cards are inside.
  12. Rothgarr

    Rothgarr Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2010
    THANK YOU! It says Arena 3. I never noticed that.
  13. Wubba

    Wubba Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2014
    I know there's a clan recruitment thread, but I wanted to let you all know that I've created a new clan called Toucharcade X. It's currently empty so feel free to join - just thought I'd post here to advertise to more people than the other thread. Trophy requirement is 200.
  14. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    This game is very much about countering. The only way to push forward in the lanes is to react to what is thrown at you in a way that beats your opponent's wave, plus a little extra. Example:

    I drop Barbarians. They drop Minion Horde to try to stop them. I drop Zap to kill the Horde before they take out my Barbarians. My Barbarians are able to advance forward, and I then need to drop something that can take out a flying unit. Rinse, repeat.

    But that first move? Someone has to make the first move so the other person can counter and start the chain of events. You don't have to wait for them. You can set the tone with an opening move - just be ready to counter their counter.

    As far as how this tactic is used, I would argue that it is fairly basic game logic. It is pretty classic - know what your opponent has so you can react to them and come out on top. The "waiting" is the boxers dancing around each other. The first play is the jab to judge reaction speed. The counter-counter-counter-push is the real fight.
  15. freedomthai

    freedomthai Member

    Mar 24, 2015
    #695 freedomthai, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    i can't bring myself to play this game anymore,compare to hearthstone Matchmaking in this game this is pretty unbalanced.you keep winning until you got high trophies and get blow up into dust by player who just have high lv card or new tier card than you.only way to deal with them who have high trophies is wainting 3 hour or pay to unlock block and pray you can get card that you need.

    no point to play while wanting for unlock box unless you want to suffer how low lv of card you have,you can't get money and trophies only make your opponent stronger.
  16. HotHamBoy

    HotHamBoy Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    This is the story of a man on a journey.

    I've made two previous posts in this thread, both less-than-favorable. Today, that man is a man obsessed. It's true, I can't stop playing. I've come to accept the timers and uneven matchmaking, although I suspect that many losses can be attributed to bad deck match-ups and poor plays rather than "Unfair" advantages. I'm still in Arena 2, but I'm close to 3.

    Today, I hit a paywall. I ran out of gold, because I've done too many upgrades across the board and early on I wasted some diamonds. I'll be able to buy a rack of gold with the diamonds I've been saving tomorrow or so, I suspect. This game is all about PATIENCE, as are most F2P games if you want to save your money. But unlike most F2P games, the game literally is free to PLAY. There are no energy timers, so even though you aren't winning rewards you can still play the game if you enjoy it. And the gameplay is solid.

    I think we have been spoiled as modern gamers. Every game, f2p or premium, seems to be all about rewards and watching numbers go up. Back in the day, we were more than content to enjoy a game for what it was, we didn't need numbers and minor upgrades acting as the carrot on the stick. I blame RPGs for this, even shooters are using levels and unlocks and upgrades.

    The game is not amazing. It is really fun, though. My advice, if you want to really enjoy it, is to play something else in between. Tons of other games out there, enjoy Clash Royale as a nice treat sprinkled throughout your day.
  17. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    Two quick questions:

    (1) do spells hit your guys too (like the arrow spell)?

    (2) should I push to 400 or wait till I get their naturally from playing with an open chest slot?

    It seems that people in arena 1 are really bad...I'm 11-0 and most matches have been really easy (FTP so far). I've lost twice to guildies in friendly battles, I'm nothing amazing, but the people in arena 1 are just really bad for the most part.

    Also: (3) Is there any other modes or playtime as you get further?
  18. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    1. No.
    2. Just keep playing. Don't stop because you can't earn a chest. You'll still move to new arenas and become more powerful. Experience is important as well - not XP, but playing experience. You'll never learn the skills needed to compete if you only play a few times a day to get a chest.
    3. Game is the same, no matter what your level is. No extra modes or game types.
  19. Bucktroo

    Bucktroo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 29, 2011
    Natural State
    So I'm tweaking my decks and I'm curious about y'all's (yes, I'm from Arkansas) decks. It's not which cards you're using, I'm wanting to know what your average elixir cost is. I was at 3.6 avg, but after some changes I'm at 4.0 avg.

    That being said, what do you find is the "optimal" average elixir cost?

    For those unaware, you can see the average cost at the bottom of your deck screen.
  20. FiloMJ

    FiloMJ Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2015

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