Universal Clash Royale (by Supercell)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by oscar123967, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Nope. You almost exactly described my day!
  2. atchoo

    atchoo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 20, 2015
    Bassano del Grappa
    It's like a track stand. :)

  3. GrumpyRhinoGame

    GrumpyRhinoGame Well-Known Member

    I've gotta say I adore this game, I've already spent £20-30 in about 2 days. Which is probably about the same amount I've spent on Clash of Clans in the past two years. Gonna have to watch my wallet.

    I feel like there's a lot of strategies, and a lot of different valid strategies, at least at my level of play (I'm mid rank in Pekka's Playhouse). The whole waiting for your opponent to move thing is a bit of a problem, but there's a few ways of addressing this that I've found so far. 1. You reach max elixer and place a slow unit at the back of the base, when it reaches the mid way point, you're back at full elixer and they will need to counter it. 2. Feint, place a good unit on one side that costs a lot to counter, they'll counter and if they over-counter it you can then place another good unit on the other side which they won't have enough elixer to counter. 3. Build cheap troop spawners - unless they have a missile, they won't really be able to counter this, you'll still have enough elixer to offer a decent counter to an attack. That trickle of troops will make it easier to launch an attack or to help defend.

    Finding units that work well together is essential, so is not spamming troops but keeping enough elixer to do something with when you need it.
  4. eventide

    eventide Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2012
    Well now I feel better...sort of :p
  5. That's my sentiments. At least a turn-based game would mean you can go off and do other things while waiting on your opponent. But if I want to just have a staring contest, my cat does the job.

    Waiting might very well be the best tactic, but to me that makes this a boring game.
  6. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #666 oscar123967, Mar 6, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
    Havent had much of a tough time finding a game that gets going. But I know what ya mean. This staring contest thing happens a lot in MOBAs. Its a mind game.

    Is this happening frequently? One strat a lot of people use is waiting for their elixir bar to fill up completely before dropping any troops. Doing this will allow you to drop a troop while still having enough elixir to drop counter troops or drop more troops to back your deployed troop.

    I think you need to have more awareness. Learn which cards counter which, which troops work together best, and troop placement strategies.
  7. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    You guys are really blowing this out of proportion. I've played since soft launch and haven't had any frustrations along these lines.
  8. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    For not wanting to waste time with this game, you sure spend a lot of time discussing it.

    You certainly wasted no time deleting it, though! Only two matches played and you were out!

    I think it's fair to say that you haven't given this game a fair shake with only two matches played. But hey, if it's not your kind of game, then it's not your kind of game. Nothing wrong with that. We can't like everything. I don't like first person shooters, personally.
  9. spader623

    spader623 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    It seems to me that it starts out with both of us filling elixir, then, usually me, throws a low unit in, they go all out and then I defend their all out attack and we go in bits and spurts until one minute left where both of us just continuously go all out. Also, I FINALLY got goblin barrel, from a gold chest. Thank god. Now I can buy X-Bow and hopefully giant skeleton soon
  10. I came here to see if it's common and several players have confirmed that it is. I wasn't aware that I'm not allowed to discuss that aspect of the game unless I pour 50 hours into it first.
  11. sinagog

    sinagog Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2014
    That user's advice above does work quite well, though. Trying to bait them by dropping a low-level card early, or starting with a building, or a giant placed right at the bottom of your side... There are strategies available to ya if you, like me, think playing the staring contest strategy is kinda sucky and lame.
  12. gearkin

    gearkin Active Member

    Aug 8, 2014
    Not a fan of free to play games at all. Never once spent a dime on one. Now this game has me hooked. I'm trying so hard not to because of my hate for these monatizations in games. But I have fallen prey. This game kicks ass. Haven't spent a dime yet though. And I def win more then lose and just got to 900.

    Now they only reason I post is because of the staring contest issue with this game I see ppl discussing here. It's fascinating to me only because I never once noticed this issue in the game until I read stuff here and actually put it to the test. And it is true some ppl will wait. But the reason I never noticed before is because I always act first once I hit 9 to 10 elixir. And I honestly win much more than lose. So basically all I'm trying to say is give this a shot. I find that this game rewards aggressive behavior. Honestly. Be the agressor and you will have no problem. But always try n wait till you have close to max elixir so you can drop multi troops. That's a huge help. These aren't any special tactics at all. The game actually gives you these two pointers in the loading screens and when you play through the tutorial.

    Anyways. Hope this helped. Cuz I hate to love this damn game and I wanna pass on the curse ;)
  13. Lol I've been like that with Futurama. "I hate this damn freemium game!!!" --- but I keep coming back for more when my lives replenish. :/

    Maybe I'll try a few more matches and see what happens. But it feels like it needs a lot of balancing if one of the most popular tactics is to wait.
  14. Wizard_Mike

    Wizard_Mike Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2011
    I never said you weren't allowed to discuss anything.

    I was simply noting that you only played two matches before deleting the game and have spent more time seeking confirmation for your opinion of the overall game (an opinion that is based only only one of the two matches you played) than actually giving the game a fair try.

    I'm not trying to dissuade you from discussing the game, nor am I trying to convince you to start liking the game. I'm simply saying that two matches is not a decent sample size, and you shouldn't base your opinion on what others say. I would think that someone who writes game reviews would be more objective than that.

    I also think that if you gave the game a fair shake, you would find that the one bad match you had is not the norm. Even if it was the norm, then, after learning the game a little more and collecting/upgrading a few cards, you would figure out how to counter those types of players, anyway.
  15. gearkin

    gearkin Active Member

    Aug 8, 2014
    Ok. Off topic here. But I just noticed that this game is under the "enhanced for 3D Touch" section in the App Store... Wha?!?

    Can anyone please tell me where I can use 3D Touch. Because 3D Touch is the the most awesome and underutilized feature of the iPhones.
  16. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    It's just for card info - deep press reveals more etc.
  17. Ok let me ask this. How did it even work out that I got that kind of game on my second match? If I'm reading the stats correctly, we were both only level 2. I had one pvp match under my belt and it never even occurred to me to play the waiting game until I saw it used against me. So where did the other person learn that? If this game is really so balanced, I shouldn't have encountered tactics like that on my second game. I should have been matched with equally inexperienced players and had a chance to learn tactics gradually. To get my feet wet.

    I don't know what that means, so I can only speculate. Are people creating new accounts to do this? If so, it's pretty shitty. New players should have a chance to learn the ropes against other new players. The AI was not enough. So yeah, it was a big turnoff to get that on my second match and points to things not being quite right. I wanted to see what was up before I invest time in the game. Being a reviewer doesn't mean I spend hours on every game out there before deciding not to invest anymore time into it. I think most people can notice aspects of a game right away that they don't like and weigh whether it's worth continuing. And I never said I deleted the game. The fact of the matter is that match left such a sour taste in my mouth, that I haven't wanted to click that BATTLE button again.
  18. oscar123967

    oscar123967 Well-Known Member

    Aug 1, 2012
    #678 oscar123967, Mar 7, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
    I think the games balance is near perfect. Play more matches, im sure you'll get the hang of it :) Theres been a couple of posts giving you some tips, check them out.

    But if you really dont enjoy the game, try not to vent to an audience that is enjoying the game and fill this thread up with arguments. Instead go to the supercell forums and leave some feedback to the devs there or create a thread on TA where people can criticize the game.

    Or delete the game. But dont leave a post saying "I deleted this game" as that tends to create a shit storm too
  19. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    What level are u guys now? Applicable to those with less than 1000 glory points
  20. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    Game is fun, but the fact that it discourages you from playing much is a bit of a drag. Some sort of small reward for playing matches when your chest bar is full would be good. (No, the possibility of winning trophies doesnt count since eventually you'll start running into people you cant beat.) I'm 7-0 so far -- I'll play my 8th match before bed, so that will be a total of 15 minutes on the game, on the first day, when I'm into it and would really like to play more.

    I get the "starting contest" thing, there is definitely a drop of truth in it, but it is really and truly ok to have your first batch of troops wiped out as long as they do reasonable damage to an enemy tower. Also, it doesnt take very long at all to build up to 9 mana.

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