I want to but itunes is giving me trouble for some reason + I'll have to change country every time I want to update the app
Sucks today don't know what's up but just plummeted from 1000 to about 700 just getting really pissed off playing it today
Whenever I lose more than 3 in a row I quit and wait for the new people to get on haha worked for me in hearthstone and works for me here
I use Archers. I use them and upgrade them whenever I can. I also have a baby dragon too to help sometimes.
Probably has been said but really need to know. I have made it to arena 2 but still have a few cards from arena 1 not in my possible deck yet. Even being in arena 2 can you still have a chance to unlock previous arena cards? Also is there a TA clan?
How does this game get you to stay in the game? I suppose you can keep fighting as long as you like, but the rewards for doing so dry up pretty quickly. All my chests slots are full, but I will unlock those overnight and through the workday tomorrow. I wonder if later levels require more wins to get the free stuff, or if the game is designed for short blasts in the evening and then its done for the day.
Softlaunching for France ? Yeah happy to find supercell characters in a new game Is it some kind of MOBA -m
Remember, it is possible to play a video game for fun without the expectation of reward. Sometimes playing just for the sake of testing your skill and enjoying the gameplay is its own reward.
So I have a Canada account I used for this. When the game goes live will I be able to transfer over my deck to the USA store and keep all my stuff? I need to buy gems badly. Lol
I would assume so but not sure. I am also playing on a foreign account but I've managed to make it to Arena 5 without spending a cent. I would like to throw a couple bucks at the game just because it's given me more than my fair share of free game play and I appreciate the fun. Yeah I know it's super evil Supercell but still while I won't be a WHALE by any means I still will throw my support at them. Literally been playing it as much as it'll let me since it released in soft launch.
I have to say that Clash Royale is one heck of a fun game! Sure it has problems, the main one is that the chest system doesn't entice to keep on playing when all the chest slots are full, but still, as a casual game, playing here and there, I'm enjoying it a whole lot. My record so far is 24 wins vs 5 defeats without paying a cent. So at least initially, you can definitely be competitive.
Agreed completely!! This is a fantastic game. The game is so truly enjoyable and games are so quick, that I will often play a game even when my chests are full and my crown chest has already been unlocked. People will always find something to complain about, but this is an almost perfect mobile game