They seemed to balance the game exceptionally well. You don't really need to slowly or cautiously buildup, since if you are hit hard and lose then you get a 12 hour shield in which to sort your base out. bmac demonstrated a nice base setup with a central mortar cannon protected by its own wall inside of your other outer wall. I followed suit and it's been quite effective at stopping attacks.
Hey guys I'm new here my name is Caliboi510 I just unlocked the clan building does anyone have a clan I can join!
The TouchArcade clan is open or anyone to join, so you don't require an invite. But discover ability of the clan isn't great without having other Touch Arcade players on your friends list. We now have 15 players and we're climbing up there. Certainly not topping the leader boards yet but everyone is helping each other out with supplying reinforcements. The more I play this game the more it reminds me of a text based 4X strategy game. They certainly did a good job at dressing it up in an attractive graphical and accessible look but it's very much like games such as Astro Empires.
If you want to get into the TOUCHARCADE Clan move quickly. We are over half full and growing rapidly. #1 Build your Clan Castle #2 To get invited you cannot be in another clan. You must leave your current clan. #3 Reach out to one of our Clan members to get an Invite. The Clan members are amazing, from donating troops, and sharing strategy, to helping new players and winning trophies. Send me (GC: BMAC8) a Game Center request to get into the Clan.
German Meeting Point I try to establish a german player page on facebook:
The game says there's an update available, but there isn't one according to the appstore. So I can't log in. aaaaawkwaaaaard But hey, my shield and buildings are fine for the the next 12 hours. I have a feeling this is because I am in Australia, so it might be an issue with dates of the update
Clan Castle If you want to join the TouchArcade clan make sure that you have your Clan Castle built, and are not apart of another clan. Otherwise we will be unable to invite you.
This game is one of the top aps in Australia but there isn't much discussion here... But yeah, we talk in app
They liked the village which they raised and drcided to stay there. ... or they simply lost the train ticket.