Universal Civilization Revolution 2 - (by 2K)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Darth Nihilus

    Darth Nihilus Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    Pripyat, Mexico.
    Damn, that is ridiculous.

    It'd be interesting to know how many soldiers vs scientists there are in the world.

    Just in the US they have more than 2 million soldiers, I doubt the number of scientists and academics even comes close to that.

    I mean, society would be a lot different if that was the case.
  2. High Popalorum

    High Popalorum Active Member

    Apr 9, 2011
    Is there any reason to play this rather than Civ 5, other than portability? I like the series on PC, and thought the first portable installment was a decent effort.
  3. 3mry5

    3mry5 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2014
    Civ 5 is INFINITELY superior to this.
  4. Tutt22

    Tutt22 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    I was only trying to help.

    Anyway, it isn't A FACT. You don't have to select the army to tell it's an army, at least on my iPad. I can also tell when troops are stacked. I'm not sure if you mean something different than I think you mean but I'm looking at my iPad and can see all my armies and can see my stacked tiles without selecting them.

    Sorry for missing where you mentioned about talking to the other leader. I missed that.

    Also, maybe they removed the ability to tell where an enemy great person was by design. Makes sense to me.

    Anyway, as I said before, I was only trying to help out.
  5. Ric92

    Ric92 Member

    Dec 12, 2013
    Student of Mechanical Engineering
    Macerata, Italy
    One thing about game impression and one question about gameplay

    I guys, It's about 4 days since i started playing this game I loved on PC several years ago, just wondering about: does It happen only to me that when I play, sometimes I really cannot zoom out when I surf the map? It also happens the game starts to zoom in when i surf the map without even tried to zoom in!!

    Another thing: when I choose the third difficoulty I really cannot find any kind of advantage in research, I mean I cannot find a way to have my troops stronger compared to my enemies ones, even if I try to do researches amied just only at army generically speaking.. Can someone help me? Maybe I go wrong somewhere!

  6. korossyl

    korossyl Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2013
    For those who compare Civ Rev (or this game) unfavorably to the main series, I would say: I don't think the two are meant to be compared.

    After Sid Meier made Civ 1, he took an increasingly "top management" role to the subsequent titles. Though he still dictated the general creative direction o the series, he became progressively less involved in the day-to-day decisions. In the meantime, the games became increasingly "deep;" that is to say, had more and more levels of strategic and managerial decisions available to the player. Civs 4 and 5 are exceptionally GREAT games. And as is right for any series, they've progressed a very great distance from their roots, Civ 1.

    But what if you LIKE Civ 1? Every game has a distinct feel and atmosphere to it. Civ 1 is the game I grew up with, and playing later games in the series never meant that I stopped playing earlier ones...until Civ Rev came out. Sid Meier once again took the reins with it, and created a product that feels and plays much closer to Civ I. A smaller, tighter map, a more aggressive AI, shorter games, quick progression, and most of all, less micromanagement. In many ways, Civ Rev felt like Civ 1 -- 2.

    Civ Rev is definitely a lighter Civ experience, but it's definitely not a "Civ Lite." Rather than just stripping away elements to reduce complexity or increase accessibility, it replaces them with a more streamlined experience that makes sense, plays intuitively, an feels based in the series' history. Civ Rev gave me the experience that I feel Civ 1 would have provided, were it to be made today.

    For this reason, though I still very much play and enjoy the main series, Civ Rev quickly became my favorite game -- ever. To me, the passing of development responsibilities to 2k China just means that Civ Rev 2 is more of a remake than a sequel, not daring to depart at all from Sid's creative vision -- and therefore, from what made Civ Rev so uniquely great, even within the Civ canon. What wasn't perfect about Civ Rev (especially for iOS)? The graphics and te UI. Civ Rev 2 remakes these -- and nothig else! -- from the ground up, while adding new units, buildings, artifacts, wonders, goals, techs, and leaders, just to make everything seem fresh.

    If I could have had one gaming wish last year, this would have been it. This game, as it plays, is a dream come true.
  7. nodoctors

    nodoctors Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    Lol I'm not sure why you're responding to him like this, he's not yelling at you. He typed AFAICT btw, not "A FACT".

    AFAICT = As Far As I Can Tell.
  8. orenwolf

    orenwolf Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    Indeed. Apologies for coming across as otherwise, Tutt22!
  9. moe45673

    moe45673 Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    #149 moe45673, Jul 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
    Nice opinion piece! For gamers like you and others, Civ Rev 2 (and even 1) is perfect.

    My (and others) big gripe with it is the relatively simplistic AI and this was the perfect opportunity to beef it up to something a bit more complex. I'd have bought this game even without the new techs and other doodads because I love the UI upgrade, but the AI copypasta from CR1 is a big failing on the part of everyone involved. I've played boardgames with better AI.

    Having said all that (and repeating myself), CR2 has managed to engage me in a much deeper way, thanks to the CivOPedia lowering my annoyance at having to do extra work to figure out what's going on, and to the UI which is more appropriate for an iPad game (vs the Nintendo DS port we got in CR1)
  10. Wisely

    Wisely Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2013
    Have Civ Rev 1 on my Ipad but could never get into it because of the clumsy UI.

    Also have Civ 5 on my PC and have decided to give Civ Rev 2 a miss thinking why don't I keep to Civ 5 instead?

    But after reading your post, I am re-thinking about it. I started playing Civ at version 3 and never experienced the original Civ.

    So maybe I should go for Civ Rev 2 or add it to my wish list.
  11. Tutt22

    Tutt22 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2010
    Haha! Sorry about that. That ones new to me! Thought it was a typo.
  12. moe45673

    moe45673 Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    Based off my experience, you absolutely will enjoy CR2. I want to get into Civ 5 (own pretty much all the DLC/expansions for it too) but I get impatient sitting at my PC trying to learn the game. The iPad is taken with me on the bus, etc, so playing Civ there when I've got nothing better to do is quite welcome.
  13. Wisely

    Wisely Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2013
    #153 Wisely, Jul 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
    Got Civ 5 for past few years, still haven't learnt the game thoroughly. Each time I tried playing Civ 5, I just went back to Civ 4....

    Complaint about bad AI got me worried about CR2. That is why I am holding back.

    From Korossyl's post, I am hoping to understand that it is not a case of bad AI, but rather AI for CR is meant to be more simplistic than the PC Civ.
  14. d3xman

    d3xman New Member

    Feb 22, 2014
    #154 d3xman, Jul 6, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2014
    Civilization Revolution 1.5

    With some visual changes and a couple new techs/units since the previous game, they should've just called this game for what it is; Civilization Revolution 1.5.

    $15 was a bit much if ya ask me...
  15. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    Your mistake is in your wording, that " war is more popular then science". If you stated that war is more popular then diplomacy, or that war is more popular then peace, then you'd have a point. Trying to separate war from science, or thinking that war is possible without science is your mistake. After all, have you ever seen animals wage war? The club couldn't have been invented without the accumulated knowledge that came before. Your statement didn't make any sense. Science doesn't mean peace.
  16. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
  17. Ric92

    Ric92 Member

    Dec 12, 2013
    Student of Mechanical Engineering
    Macerata, Italy
    Seems like with time everything goes on the right way, but I cannot find a fondamental thing in my opinion:
    How can I move for example 20 different kind of troops from a spot to another without give to one of them the same order for 20 times?

    I find myself stuck there clicking on the screen when I could do that in one time.

    Hope someone can answere me! Really Thanks!!
  18. Piph

    Piph Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I have to ask, would any of you seriously make a strong case for this game if someone was new to the civ franchise and wanted to know what it was all about?
  19. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    I'm loving it. Awesome game!! I think they've really nailed it this time. Couldn't stand the sprites on the previous version. 3D is much more pleasing to look at fir lengthy periods and the GUI is much more easy to understand which makes the game very enjoyable now for me.

    I don't mind paying for something I like and enjoy.
  20. 3mry5

    3mry5 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2014
    Simple answer:you can't

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