Universal Civilization Revolution 2 - (by 2K)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Jake7905

    Jake7905 Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
    I assumed PT knew what they where talking about in the the post, "Wonders never cease: Civilization Revoution 2 in the works for IOS & Android". It was posted on June 23 and written by Owen Faraday, if you want to look it up. That was the source of my "where's Sid?" paranoia.
  2. lilneo

    lilneo Well-Known Member

    Feb 28, 2012
    Work in State Government
    So any of you know the answer? :(
  3. BlueTrin

    BlueTrin Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2012
    How do you capture New York in the scenario, my units can't deal any damage to the English defenders.
  4. Piph

    Piph Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2012
    I'm internet famooooouuuuusssss
  5. worldcitizen1919

    worldcitizen1919 Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Agreed. 5 stars from me too!
  6. 3mry5

    3mry5 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2014
    Have they fixed the diplomacy thing/big where leaders constantly "haven't met that leader"?
    Also do the ai attack each other more?
  7. Plynx

    Plynx Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2011
    I have had a few game freezes so far.

    How do you tell a great person to go to sleep so you can save them for later?

    On the city screen, the interface is blocking my ability to see some squares reachable by courthouse for their yields. Has anyone found a workaround?
  8. Sanuku

    Sanuku Well-Known Member

    Those freezes usually appear for me when the Game was either saving something in the Background or the A.I had their turns. When your did appear?
  9. dannythefool

    dannythefool Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    You mean the thing where civs that are working toward a cultural or economic victory stop exploring and never meet other civs? They still do that. I also still see them culture flipping cities of another civ and still not knowing each other...

    I don't think so.
  10. Ayjona

    Ayjona Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Freelance journalist and writer, amateur musician
    Stockholm, Sweden
    While it is nice to see some Civ 4-like graphics in the mobile iteration, I wonder why 2K has left the interface in the current state. Most of the UI elements are not as sharp as Retina would allow, and many of the icons are directly blurry and low-res.

    This is mostly just idle curiosity. Graphics do little for me in this genre. Though I must admit that unlike when Rocco or the Trese Brothers release a massive 4X with limited presentational values, seeing 2K not invest enough resources and effort to even retinize the UI sets off some kind of internal alert for me. Suspicion as to their intentions for and dedication to the title or the platform, doubt that they will support the title well, questioning of the quality of the rest of the game, plain disappointment, loss of hope for their future efforts... I'm not quite sure what and how, but something along those lines.

    And with other options for far more sophisticated and varied 4X titles, such as Starbase Orion and Star Traders 4X (or creative takes on the genre, such as KoDP, Empire and Autumn Dynasty Warriors), finding reasons to recommend CivRev2 for the asking price to anyone who has not already exhausted previoius titles becomes very hard.
  11. mutts

    mutts Active Member

    Jun 28, 2013
    And you think this won't happen with Civilization rev. 2?
    It's true the first one had a lot of opfional i.a.p
    My comment is based what i read on this forum.
    And so far it is more of the same, which still does not justify the price. Judging by the screens it even looks the same.
    The fact is has no multiplayer, does raise a concern that they will release this as i.a.p later on.
    Like they did with civ. Rev. 1. So i hope i'm proven wrong, but seeing how apps are evolving my hopes are not high.
  12. moe45673

    moe45673 Member

    Jul 2, 2014
    My report on Civ Rev 2 (as someone who never got comfortable with CR1).

    I can't yet comment on the AI or anything. However, I find the interface much more fluid. The number of "mouse clicks" is greatly minimized. For example, you can end your turn whenever you want, without having to send inactive units to sleep first. It feels so much smoother, moving units, selecting them, switching between them. The city screen also feels better.

    The Civ O Pedia is nice but a flaw I find is that you can't click from one tech to the next. For example, when I viewed the Great Pyramid wonder, it says Monarchy obsoletes it..... but I couldn't just click on Monarchy. I had to exit, switch to the Techs tab, and then find Monarchy. Also, the layout of the techs isn't in alphabetical order.... I think it's by Age but not obvious (I found). Also, I have yet to start researching any techs, I can't seem to find that option.

    In short, for a newb, this is the Civ game to get. They did a great job translating the interface for touch devices. It's overpriced, especially for the relatively minimal amount of work they put into it (a lot of the back end is the same). They basically turned this game into an experience similar to the console version from 2008. But for a non-IAP laden app (ie the IAPs are equivalent to a PC/Console's DLC), this is the iOS Civ to play.

    The definitive 4X game not set in space? Not my expertise :p
  13. jamieee

    jamieee New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
    #114 jamieee, Jul 3, 2014
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2014
    Is there a way to change the current research? I picked from a list that was offered by a character but the hit areas were so tiny on my iPhone I picked the wrong one by mistake. I can't find an option to change it. Anybody figured this out yet?

    EDIT: My mistake: Now I had the opportunity to actually choose what to research, which I am now able to access and edit via the tech menu (top right). I think what I saw before was just some achievement thing. There's a target icon bottom left that says "Complete research of Pottery (0/1) Expire in 28 turns". I thought that meant I was already researching pottery, but apparently not.

    Anyway the fact remains that some of these hit areas are REALLY small!
  14. leh002

    leh002 New Member

    Jul 3, 2014
    I really only had two complaints with the first Civ Rev.

    1) Modern era seemed a bit too fast. Do the new techs/units extend that a bit?

    2) Without really trying for them, and regardless of difficulty, I would always end up meeting requirements for both Cultural and Economic victories well before completing enough techs to get the science victory.

    Are either of these addressed at all in Civ Rev 2?
  15. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Which, in your opinion, is the best 4X game on iOS?
  16. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Ahhh, that makes sense. A page right out of Ann Coulter's playbook. (shudder)
  17. Utfan

    Utfan Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2013
    I played the game and won with a domination victory, which was WAY too easy, even on hard modes. I really wanted to unlock future tech and other things to have airplanes and other neat things. But the game ended too quickly and I was not able to build these cool things. Is this by design? Any tips on how to unlock the new, more modern and even future tech? Sorry, I'm a newb to Civ.
  18. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    The graphics is good!! Much better than 1 in fact everything is much better than 1...

    However for 18 bucks.. I am playing the exact same scenario as the first wtf?? Come on 2k... This is a con job...
  19. orenwolf

    orenwolf Member

    Nov 6, 2012
    Game Impressions

    There are several items that, so far, appear to be missing from civ rev 1:

    1. You cannot see a numerical indication of how much research is required to complete a tech, only "days". If you are trying to manually balance resources this makes getting the number right more difficult, though still possible.

    2. There appears to be no way to determine your culture numbers, therefore no easy way to determine how many turns until your next culture milestone.

    3. There is no indication in the tech planner as to whether or not you are researching a tech for the first time on the map or not, making choices for techs to gain 1st research bonuses a blind shot in the dark.

    Additionally, on an iPad Air, play is fluid and smooth, but the UI is not fully retina. This is surprisingly sloppy IMHO.

    I still look at the PS3 version as the canonical release of what I have. I hope they are able to correct these issues / omissions going forward.

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