Universal circuit_strike.one (by h.grenade)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by missalexis, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. your personal robot

    your personal robot Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Hey Shay,
    I'm performing in Austria right now and didn't have the chance to check out the update earlier and besides the control recognition and scoring issue: WOW!
    By adding this dual stick thing with the new ship, you simply created the best Geometry Wars like game! Haha! Perfekt strike. Personally, I see it as having now 2 games in one. It plays totallly different, but both ways are entertaining. Every major review site should bring a new article on cs.one ...they would praise it! People, forget about Light Wars, Isotope and other stuff and give your dual stick fingers a try! You will LOVE this game! The best 2 top down shooters on the idevices ;)
  2. globbits

    globbits Well-Known Member

    Jul 24, 2009
    What is it with Chillingo and their desire to block us Touch owners from playing their games? They did it with Defender Chronicles a while ago and now they've taken cs.one away from us. The games were good but they're not so good it's worth paying the Apple Upgrade Tax for.

    It wouldn't be quite so bad if all they did was add OS3 support to the game, but in both cases it seems like they've put in fixes and improvements as well. I'm sure it must be possible to make a version that adds the new playlist support for OS3 users without cutting off OS2 at the same time like ngmoco did with Rolando 2.

    On the plus side, at least that's 2 less games competing for my time until the Touch 3 comes out :(
  3. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold Patreon Bronze

    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    Why is it Chillingo's fault? They are publishers not the developers. It's just a coincidence that they are from Chillingo.

    Games that require 3.0 usually have bugfixes that optimize it for the OS.

    I'll never understand why iphone users deal with (and in my case struggle with) paying $90+ a month to use it on ATT but iPod Touch users gripe about paying $10 bucks once every year (2.0 in 08 and 3.0 in 09)
  4. Masmo

    Masmo Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2009
    In your pants
    I didn't really like the controls for the previous versions but the new update is awesome! I love the new twin stick controls, makes it much easier to play. Although I feel like a noob using them.
  5. Here are a few pictures of the problems with achievements I talked about earlier.

    Looking at the text at the top of both pictures, you can see they both say
    "System override / kill 1000 enemies", but only the second achievement actually is kill 1000 enemies.

    Also, I have completed all the achievements on the first page (26 out of 30/36) but several are now showing as not highlighted.

    It seems as though the control logic is treating both pages of achievements as the second set for the purposes of highlighting + showing descriptions.
  6. tel

    tel Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    What is it with this game. I really won't to like it but everytime I play it I get lag and things not working as they should.
    Every update i get, I hope things will be better but still I get lag and jerking just before I smash into something.
    I'm running it on 3gs so I can only think it's bad programing and Im about to give up on this one.
  7. Titan-CC

    Titan-CC Active Member

    Jun 14, 2009
    Just want you all to know that I am officially a CS.One god!! Whether I was first or not, I just beat lvl 8 elite with 3 lives and 10 seconds of bullet time left! The spawn markers are sooo helpful...

    To those STILL complaining about lag, clear up your other apps. Turn push notifications off, try clearing out your histories in safari and YouTube, and anything else to clear up memory. I have a touch 2g and I rarely had a problem even on the origional version. Now it runs perfect ALL the time. If you're getting lag on a 3gs, it's something you're doing wrong, not the game.

    I noticed the achievement bug too...but that looks like a very easy fix...mabye a quick update just to fix that would be ok? The other stuff can take as long as Shay needs to make it perfect. The beta testers outta be more aware though...
  8. Titan-CC : first off congratulations on beating elite level 8. Did it unlock the last 6 achievements?

    You would think that the score problems would be easy to fix as well, but they have been in the game at least since the 1.1 release.
  9. robertf224

    robertf224 Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
    especially since you paid 230+ for the device.
  10. jonathan likes iphone

    jonathan likes iphone Well-Known Member

    Jun 17, 2009
    #870 jonathan likes iphone, Jul 24, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2009
    Because the iPod Touch is the iPhone for budget people. Touch users don't understand that they're not the priority and that they don't have iPhones. You have the base model of a car. The upgrades are given to you very cheap. Deal with it or don't complain, you have no case.

    Anyhow, still loving CSO. It's tempting to use the DS controls but I feel like a sellout and cheater, it really changes the difficulty and feel of the game. More options are good though.
  11. Grubjelly

    Grubjelly Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2009
    Can someone with a 2nd gen ipod touch tell me how smooth the framerate is in 2.0? I haven't even upgraded to OS 3.0 yet. I got this game at 99 cents but stopped playing after a day or two in order to wait for a bug and control-scheme fixing update. Now 2.0 is out and OS 3.0 is required to play it. It's not the $10 price of the OS update (though obviously I'd prefer not to pay) that's causing me to hesitate upgrading, rather the concern that games in general - especially fast shmups - will take a performance hit. Any thoughts on this?

    Sorry if my questions lean towards being off-topic, but there are plenty of hardcore shmups fans in these forums who would shed more light on the subject than most inept reviewers who in most cases aren't good enough at hardcore games to notice their performance limitations in the higher game levels.

    Thanks in advance. I originally gave CSO a low rating but have kept my eye on its evolution ever since buying it.
  12. aleceiffel

    aleceiffel Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    art supply buyer/artist
    im really confused as to where a lot of these problems people are having are coming from? i used to have a 2nd gen ipod touch prior to the os update and the only framerate issue came after level nine where there was a LOT going on the screen(which was fixed after a subsequent game update)...on my iphone 3gs now i have no problems, though i see some people seem to be having issues....many of us are playing the game with no problems, so i tend to think that a lot of these are not programming issues, but rather the individuals'....for those having problems, is your device pretty maxed out memory wise? do you have issues with other games? are you jailbroken? what is the common denominator here?
  13. tel

    tel Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    I have mem info tool installed and its showing at least 130m free mem, so i know thats not the prob. ive been playing shootem up games for years right back to the old spec48k days and had almost every one there is :)
    iphone 3.0 software and its not jailbroken.
    im not a hardcore gamer, but i do know how a game should feel when running optimal and this doesnt.
    altho smoother in this update, i still find that i die even before ive run into the enemy.
    it seems to play this game and enjoy you have to get over these issues by playing with small maneuvers and inaccurate shooting eg shoot left then right and then guessing at the middle to get your kill..
  14. aleceiffel

    aleceiffel Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2009
    art supply buyer/artist
    tel: that's so strange...and no, shooting shouldn't be innaccurate. I shoot with pinpoint accuracy and can skim by enemies at a few pixels length. it's a shame cuz this game is amazing given it plays correctly 
  15. tel

    tel Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2009
    I'm gonna have along good sit down and play later.
    Cs one, your worth a second chance.
    If I stop moaning and you stop giving me cause to
    Then maybe we both can get along :)
  16. iTunes shows that the latest version of CS One only requires OS 2.0.

    Where are people getting the idea that it requires OS 3.0?

    I was under the impression that the apple guidelines stated that once a program was released it was forbidden to increase the minimum required OS via updates.
  17. Grubjelly

    Grubjelly Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2009

    Here's the deal. Prior to my last post, I tried downloading the update directly to my OS 2.2.1 ipod touch and saw the message saying something like "You need OS 3.0 in order to download this update."

    After seeing your last post, I tried downloading the CSO update directly to iTunes, which worked, however itunes would not install CSO on the device, stating "Sync complete. Circuit Strike One was not installed because it is not supported by this ipod touch"

    So now I have no playable copy of this game and am short a full buck unless there is a way to downgrade the copy backed up in itunes.

    My 2nd gen ipod touch is stock (non-jailbroken) and I use the app istat btw. to free up memory between play sessions.

    The latest version of CSO in the app store (viewed through itunes on a mac) states "Requirements: iphone or ipod touch and OS 3.0"
  18. MrPeanut

    MrPeanut Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2009
    This games controls are really hard to get used to and the ds controls make it too easy. why is this game so confusing? :(
  19. GrubJelly:

    My bad, I was looking at the version 2.0 at the top near the icon, where it also says (iPhone OS 3.0 tested)

    It strikes me as bad form that Apple let an application increase the minimum OS requirement between releases, and I can sympathize with your annoyance.
  20. se7en

    se7en Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2008
    Rock on! Can someone please tell me if the negative numbers are showing up in the game itself. If thats the case then what happened is that the variable cant hold a number as large as it is getting so it corrupts the number.

    I originally saw the number as a problem on the database and did fix it on that side. LeDouche actually told me about this issue but again, its my fault I thought he meant the database. I looked into and fixed.. or so I thought ; )

    Missalexxis - I am having some problems with the touch interface between Unity and the iPhone OS. They are working on a solution and the next update

    Your Personal Robot - thx man! 2 games in one, haha. Nice.

    Shen - I can fix this easy enough and will in the next update. The last 6 blank achievements are being saved for new content that we might add down the road.

    globbits - 3.0 requirement is not Chillingo's call it was mine. I need to get 3.0 features in the game to help push the userbase forward. The next major update will include a lot of 3.0 functionality. We might be able to do a 2.2.1 build in the next update.

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