Universal circuit_strike.one (by h.grenade)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by missalexis, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. VeganTnT

    VeganTnT Moderator
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    Jul 19, 2008
    Freelance Entertainment Analyst
    Orlando, FL
    Clearly I'm doing something very very wrong in my games :(
  2. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    Liberal and accurate use of the slow motion is where it's at.

    Treat it like any shmup with a smart bomb. You know how you hit that button the moment you're in danger to completely wipe the screen and keep your score going? It's no different here. :)

    On Hardcore mode, the best bit of advice I can give is to milk ghost data in the first 3 terminals. Build up a large cache of it while the enemies aren't too difficult because you WILL be needing it later on.

    When I play, I hold the device almost perfectly horizontal. A quick jerk upwards of the iPhone accurately triggers off the slow motion in basic mode, so you can use it like a panic attack to completely shield yourself from the enemy waves.

    That run was with a lot of mistakes aswell, and 3 of those kills were due to enemies which spawn right ontop of you, which really wound me up. >_<
  3. bluecanary

    bluecanary Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2009
    I love this game. overall, it's beautifully done. but I've had some issues and I was wondering if other people have had them. I've read through the thread but I can't recall if others have mentioned this. Sometimes when I start level 2, before the black box appears and the ship lowers, the screen flashes and pops up with one of the comments it makes when you die. Then when I respawn, it does it again, repeating till I die. Also, a few times I've respawned as 2 or 3 ships. I've rebooted my device as well as tried uninstalling and reinstalling twice as well. Sorry if other people have covered this, don't mean to be rehashing, but if it hasn't been mentioned, I wanted to put it out there. I still think this is a great game though, and I love playing it.
  4. Valley: Just 2 more levels to go before you get to Elite mode.

    I shudder to think what that must be like, especially if it lets you kill 10,000 enemies in a game (to get an achievement)

    I've also noticed that my XP is still increasing, just very very slowly, like a few hundred in the last 3 hours of play.
  5. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    Yep, that's happened with me.

    I had an interesting glitch just happen now also, where I activated slow motion then paused the game, the game continued to play, it knocked me out of slow motion, and the turrets kept killing me until I unpaused. Quite amusing actually. :D

    New hardcore score guys.


    You can't complain about me breaking Easy mode now. :D
  6. BlueCanary:

    Yeah, I've had that problem too.

    The game has a lot of problems, usability issues and bugs, but I have played it longer than any other game on my iPod now (excluding my games), so it has a lot going for it.
  7. Valley: I've had that problem as well.

    Pause the game then look in wonder as the turret keeps firing at your ship.

    The truly hardcore don't pause, even for a second.
  8. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009

    I'm a complete shmup nut and yes, I know the scoring system on this right now is truly messed up, but it's still incredibly good fun to play for score nonetheless.

    The only iPhone game i've spent more time on than this is Zenonia.

    My personal opinion on this right now is that to do a full review of the game in it's current state is premature. Yes it's fun, yes the basis of the game is all there, but it does have all of these bugs as shen has said. The scoring system right now is essentially broken, etc.

    These are all things Shay is working on and fixing though.

    I love the game to pieces, I really do, and when the update hits that fixed all these issues that people are having, THEN I want to see sites doing re-reviews of the game because that's what it damn well deserves.

    Lol, it wasn't intentional!

    I've managed to accidently pause it a couple of times now from where my thumb starts getting friction on the iPhone screen. In my quick circle movements I end up accidently doubletapping the pause button. That's fault of my own though.

    As soon as you turn the screen off you can see this nice little circular thumbprint mark.
  9. I agree, it seems like the game was shipped a bit early.

    re accidental pause:
    Yeah, that happens. Turning your ship around is another thing that hard core players don't do. That is what the warps are for on the side of the level.

    offtopic: did you ever play nanostray 1 or 2 on the DS? They were a lot of fun, and had quite competitive online leader boards as well.
  10. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    Double post. Sorry.
  11. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    #431 Vally, Jun 10, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2009
    lol, well I managed a 3.7mil hardcore score so I can't be that un-hardcore! ;)

    Yes, I played Nanostray an awful lot and I was quite competitive in the online leaderboards for that.

    My username on those was Vascilia Sky.

    It looks like I finished in 121st


    I never bothered with the second however.
  12. Yeah, I'm a bit higher up on the nanostray 1 boards, but I went in and played with the 2 weapons bug a few years after it came out :-(

    In the nanostray 2 board I am in as sally, after a bug froze my shen account

    nanostray 2 is much better than 1 in my opinion, you really should check it out.
  13. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    I have it, i've just not spent any real amount of time with it unfortunately! I couldn't get into it to the same degree I managed to with Nanostray.

    The only shmups I really play for score nowadays are the ones released on the JP XB360. I've been playing a ton of Dodonpachi Daioujou recently and i'm still waiting for Ketsui to come out so it can completely destroy me.
  14. le'deuche123

    le'deuche123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2009
    Congrats my man now I can actually give you the props you deserve:) I have to work today outside so I won't be able to beat your score till later:) also that $50 gift card will be mine:)

    (it feels good to have some competition on hardcore)
  15. Chiller ONE

    Chiller ONE Well-Known Member

    Sep 20, 2008
    I downloaded this game as soon it was out and man was I disappointed!
    I thought this game would be an Isotope killer, guess what? Isotope is still the best shooter out there.
    Circuit strike one just sucks! Its laggy as hell with atrocious controls!
    I want a refund, this game is that bad.
  16. Crypton

    Crypton Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2009
    Well Chiller you mentioned it multiple times in your tweet.
    If you haven't read the thread throughout:
    If your JB, run in save mode. The game was not tested (nor made) for JB devices.
    The controls have a steep learning curve, but once mastered they are superior to those of Isotope. I only have the lite of Isotope, and played my fair bit out of it (I'll wait for a price drop for it, before I buy), but since I got CS.one I didn't touch it at all....
  17. Vally

    Vally Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2009
    Think we're comparing apples and oranges here.

    Isn't Isotope a twin stick shooter?

    CS.One is not.

    Release your mind from the twin stick mentality, wait for the update, then play it again.

    Minds will change. :)
  18. zurie

    zurie Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2009
    I agree with Chiller. How are the controls a steeper learning curve. There is a after burner and you spin your ship. Its actually reverse, a game like geometry wars with dual axis joysticks would theoretically be more advanced controls. I think what your saying is the game has a steeper learning curve because the controls suck so badly. its asteroids, plain and simple. you can't strafe, you can't shoot behind you. straight ahead, turn, fly by, turn, shoot, turn, straight ahead, maybe you'll turn as you fly straight ahead. Presentation is awesome, graphics are nice, sound is awesome.. too bad they didn't implement dual axis control sticks and the ability to shoot 360 degrees..

    I also got CS.One and Isotope and I've put 10 - 20 hours into isotope and maybe 20 minutes into CS.One before I got sick of the control scheme being so 1980. Asteroids came out before geometry wars. Its not like regressing to a old archaic control scheme is revolutionary.. That would be like playing wolfenstein and then saying the controls have a steep learning curve because you can't free look up or down.

    Maybe they will make a CS.One v2 with actual controls from the 21st century. You can have all the ingredients for a great game, but if the gameplay is lacking, you just have a beautiful game.

    Still good work on the presentation, sound, coding, graphics, menus, and idea.
  19. Ventura

    Ventura Well-Known Member

    I must admit, I'm in the same boat.

    I like that the controls are unique and all, but sometimes I think they make things difficult just for the sake of making things difficult. I mean, if you were creating a ship capable of combat in outter space, surely you'd go for controls as intuitive as possible.

    CS.One is by no means a bad game, but it can't hold a candle to Isotope.
  20. Crypton

    Crypton Well-Known Member

    Jan 28, 2009
    You obviously didn't try the advanced controls...
    And if I remember correctly, Asteroids didn't have an airbrake or reverse thrusters for that matter.

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