^ Most gamers are kids, mate. What do you expect. Plus there are compulsive buyers as well (I'm one).
Here is a fun article for people that are questioning why a 10+ year old game doesn't magically look super beautiful on our fancy smancy phones. http://www.tested.com/news/a-link-to-the-past-how-to-add-crt-filters-to-16-bit-games-on-pc/2982/
Why is this game so big if it is the same SNES version? this doesn't even have the anime cutscenes of the PSX and the DS!
Blech... I just looked at the iTunes preview and it's blurry. Remind me of Secret of Mana when it came out last year. I was all excited to play it, but then it looks like a dull, blur. I wasn't going to buy this any ways since I prefer the DS version and whenever I want to play it I can pop it into my DSi XL or 3Ds if needed.
oooohhhh. Got things mixed up. My bad. It does say "Graphics optimzed especially for the iPhone/iPod touch" on the description. So it's not like they are ... lying lol. My way of playing this is by playing this is pull my phone back a bit more than usual. The text is crystal clear, so it's not hard to read, and the blurryness is less apparent.
Wait, is that accurate? That large a file size and no cutscenes? Damn, that would have been a big selling point to me. Guess I'll wait and hope an iPad version comes out and includes those. Shame. And yes, I realize it may sound silly to pass up, but it was one of the things I never had in the SNES version and I was on the fence on this one due to some of the early feedback. Can anyone confirm? They saving their music as .WAV files to get it that large?
I wonder if that guy bragging about his emulator figured out how to get past that part where you have to press several buttons during a mini game to proceed in the game...?
How are people dealing with the movement controls? That is the only thing I really am not enjoying about the game.
move your left thumb less. It took me a good few min before it clicked as well. Still a bit hard trying to face people and treasure chests though =/
Why does this game creep me out so much? The first time I tried it, I got to the cathedral and got freaked out by the demon-nuns, and I didn't touch the game until many years later (today). And now it still scared me a bit I've played plenty scarier games; maybe its just the overall atmosphere?
I love me some Chrono Trigger, but I think i may wait for it to hit the PSN instead. The mobile nature of this version does little for me, I find the virtual controls on this classic title to be distasteful, and I'd prefer to play a console RPG on an actual console.
Seriously.. if you are bitching about the use of interpolation, then you will bitch about anything. This is a pretty fine port. I dare say it is emulated because many elements are new, like the UI/attack interface, and dialogue boxes. Also it seems like Mode 7 effects were redone for the new engine (for better or worse). The time tunel effect seems high res and faster, as does the cloud overlays. This isn't stuff that could exist on an emulated game. So far it looks like a great port, although movement does seem abit hectic. Also did the game normaly start you out with no potions? almost had to restart cause I jumped into the past with 11hp after a bout with gato. My only disappointment is simply that they couldn't have done more to it. It is one of my favorite games of all time and finding its way into the hands a whole new generation of players, It could have been better. The music is streamed in compressed music files, a pretty sad state of affairs considering none of it was redone. The technology to playback snes music files on standered 2 channel hardware has existed for some time now and would have made it a much much better choice. I debate weather the lack of cut scenes was a loss or not, I really disliked the art style and overall quality of the cutscenes that were introduced with the PSX port. Still I am saddened that despite the trailer for the game using an arranged sound track, the game itself has none of it. It is one of the best sound tracks of all time.