Too many good games. Chrono Trigger, Bard's Tale, Infinity Blade 2, GTA III, and Venture Towns same day as GTA III. Plus Carcassonne expansions soon too.
THEY HAVE!!! its under bookmark in the settings On a different note, I've never played this game before, since it was before my time, but I'm enjoying it quite a lot. I'm a sucker for rpg's though... FF3 was amazing for me, and I forsee putting a lot of time into this game. Well worth the 10 bucks to me so far.
What do you know... Thanks! Well, Gabrien, there you go. Just choose bookmark from the menu to save your progress when you can't use the regular save. BTW, this game is a lot better than FF3. Just sayin' .
Oh you... Why did you have to post that link?! The nostalgia was overwhelming. Now I've gone and bought the game! By the way, this doesn't have iCloud support right? That'd be too much effort for SE. xP
We'll hafta see. I loved FF3.... I have no idea how to battle right now.... I'm about 15 minutes in, am stuck in the town, and have no idea what to do. I just kinda randomly tapped my way through the mech guy
So what's the difference between Bookmark and Save?.. And thanks for your note, I'll make sure to persevere at least until the first boss. Even if I have to gnash teeth.
Bookmark is a quick save that you can only load back once. Save is permanent, if you die, you restart from there.
Also I've made a video of where the save button on the menu screen. you can skip to around 3:38 on the video I've not played this before and im actually looking forward to it. Also the soft edging isn't putting me off so I hope the story and game play is as good as secret of mana.
At least you know what your shelling out for after the video Not sure about iCloud I suspect not im looking at my Purchased in itunes and its not updated with CT but I'm with you on they have not implemented iCloud
I wish iTunes had a RetinaPad app for sale because I'm wondering if it would make a difference on CT. The footage was great of the game, thank you
Bought without an ounce of hesitation... and because I know this will not go on sale for a long, long time to come. CT was the first RPG I completely finished from beginning to end... long before FF7 and other mainstream RPG's came out. I was hooked onto the storyline and will be a pleasure revisiting it on the iPhone. Crossing my fingers the graphics aren't as bad as everyone's making them out to be...
I have a scanned copy of the brady games pdf guide if your interested....i actually always have it synced to my device since i havent finshed the DS version yet...anyhow i would post a direct link for the pdf but im sure the mods would not PM me if your interested....and yes its my scanned copy
Is there anything to give you direction in this game? I'm off to find the inventionist girl at the beginning of the game, buuut, then you're just given a map and shove on the bum. I don't know where to go or what route to take there. Is there any kind of objective markers or anything, or do I just have to wander around until I stumble upon what Im looking for?
Explore the fair. You will eventually run into someone and then you'll be all set to go back to Lucca.
try going to the mayor's place. It's on the bottom town beneath your home. There's basically a tutorial there. Didn't know if that counted as spoiler, but it doesn't hurt anyway. Don't want people raging for me spoiling the beginning 5 min