It's only for the last week of each year. But wow, SE actually gave us a pretty generous price this time. Grabbed it.
I would buy this game for the umpteenth time if it was universal. It is a masterpiece, if you have never had a chance to play it then it is well worth the price*. I have played threw it dozens of times, so I'll take a wait and see attitude with Square. I'll hold out hope for an iPad version. *Assuming it is a good port.
Please post impressions on an iPad or iPad 2. I'm going to buy this pretty much with 100% certainty but still want reviews to make sure. Where are you Der Kleine and Sanuku?
I may actually pick this up. Ten bucks is fairly reasonable for this dev. And I must admit that I have picked this game up before multiple times on different consoles but never had the time to play it - having it on my phone will finally give me that chance since it is everywhere with me. To go off of what someone else mentioned - I don't know if I would like random releases popping up every day. It would be too hard to keep track of the little gems. When big things like this come through it gets noticed no matter what day it comes out on, but smaller games may slide under the radar if they get released on the untraditional Monday. Having the Thursday round-up is nice because it gives us a chance to see what we have to look forward to during the week - just like how most console releases come out on Tuesdays. ^Not an attack or anything, just sharing my opinion. NOW ALL MUST AGREE WITH IT.
Anyone know whether they're working on the iPad version or not? FFT, from what I read somewhere, will come with an HD version for iPad. Haven't heard anything in regard to CT though.
Yeah I got burned by jumping to FFIII to find an iPad version following a couple of weeks later and now I don't play it cos I know a properly sized version should have been mine.
Sigh I've been waiting for the FFT Update/iPad version since it came out... I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you, it will take a WHILE.
wait what? thanks! that's a very reasonable size esp without retina or real HD it shouldn't be too big.
It has the video cutscenes and (probably) the CD audio from the Playstation release. I'm hoping it also has the new areas from the Nintendo DS version.