Chef Wars - Food Discovery RPG by Mindcake Games

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by MindCakeGames, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. AccidentalRebel

    AccidentalRebel Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
    Hi momoking, not sure if you were the guy who I recently replied to, if you are not that guy please send us an email again. Thanks! :)
  2. NikeemAsur

    NikeemAsur New Member

    Aug 21, 2017
  3. AccidentalRebel

    AccidentalRebel Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
    Really really nice article. You were able to put into words everything we wanted to accomplish with our game. Discovery and learning is at the core of the game and every game mechanic is there to supplement it.

    As for the recipe slots, we are looking for an elegant solution that would not change the dynamics of the game too much.

    Again, really appreciate the article. Thanks!
  4. MindCakeGames

    MindCakeGames Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    Indie Developers
    Thanks again for the lovely article!

    As Accidentalrebel said, we added more free gems to buy more recipe slots for Sylvie for the launch build. Then will consider other ways to distribute free gems post-launch (in-game events), without hurting the balance. Another way is to offer a very-discounted one time purchase for max recipe slots across all chefs!

    Thanks again!
  5. Calm

    Calm Member

    Sep 18, 2017
    Does the game support cloud saves?
  6. Mr. Charley

    Mr. Charley Well-Known Member

    Sep 6, 2008
    Any timeframe for release? Very much looking forward to this game
  7. AccidentalRebel

    AccidentalRebel Well-Known Member

    Apr 12, 2015
    Hello! At the moment we only do cloud saving of gems and important purchases. Cloud saving of progress is in our planned features! :)

    It actually has already been released 2 days ago (Oct 12th!). We were just not able to update this thread due to workload! :)

    Here are the links!
    - IOS -
    - Android -
  8. Calm

    Calm Member

    Sep 18, 2017
    I'm having fun but I would love cloudsave since I juggle between my tablet and phone. Hope it comes soon! After that's implemented, then I'll start buying gems.
  9. JackDerp

    JackDerp Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2015
    Is anybody gonna make a release thread for this game?
  10. MindCakeGames

    MindCakeGames Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    Indie Developers
    Hey @JackDerp - will post a Release Thread soon! So sorry, the two of us have just been swamped with the launch and helping players!
  11. musous

    musous New Member

    Apr 25, 2015
    #51 musous, Oct 15, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2017
    this one is good,
    can we panning/toogle around at the world map view?
    when i tap at world map, they'll go
    i think it'll be good if we can look around at world map, can zoom in zoom out
    and if tap the icon of city, there are information icon about market specialty
  12. fingon

    fingon New Member

    Oct 15, 2017
    Recipe capping

    Hi, nice game so far, always nice to explore maps and discover recipes! And the UI is very friendly.

    I have 1 basic question, about recipes. We are supposed to have 5 for the first chef max (for free to play) which is a bit annoying. I would like to get on discovering all the recipes of the game and use them at my wars. Now, I need to forget 1, then try find another which may or may not be useful to next battle. I haven't yet found a chef to recruit and this feature somehow cripples my gameplay.

    Could the devs explain the reasoning behind this decision? Why not be able to discover all recipes and use them at our disposal? There are many challenges in the game already, like accumulating all the ingredients and trying to find recipes (without wiki lists, this is harder than it sounds), capping the recipe counts seems like an unnecessary complication but I would like to hear the devs' thoughts about this.

    Still, great try so far, just discuss with community to find the right balance in game.
  13. MindCakeGames

    MindCakeGames Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    Indie Developers
    Thanks for the feedback! These are all good suggestions and something we need to consider for the future. Currently, we still have a ways to go to optimize the game, as we've seen that revealing too large a map and letting it zoom, scroll, or pan around can impact the performance or worse, cause crashing. Once we have this better, we can start to think about how implement these!
  14. MindCakeGames

    MindCakeGames Member

    Oct 9, 2015
    Indie Developers
    Thanks so much for the feedback Fingon. I'm Cliff, the game designer! There's two parts to this question - the relevance of the system per se, and then the balancing that follows once we feel the system is needed.

    When we started designing the game, we put the recipe slot system in for a couple of reasons:
    1) Design following RPG Mechanics - we wanted to go the route of some RPGs and Card Battle games where you had to make strategic choices about what you brought into battle. By making each character own/learn the recipes, and allowing them to upgrade it over time, the recipes functions similarly to equipment, or perhaps upgradable skills/magic that appears in some RPGs. If you always had access to all (eventually) 900 recipes, and these recipes could be selected across any chef, and the upgrade of one recipe also upgraded it across all chefs, the challenge and tension would drastically reduce. You could argue that would mean a more focused game built entirely on finding ingredients and inventing recipes, but that could be both a plus, or a turnoff to some players who enjoy the battle challenge.

    Btw, forgetting recipes doesn't destroy the upgrade progress your chef has had with the recipe so far, but you would need to re-invent it if you want to relearn it at some point. The cost of forgetting is therefore the ingredients you would need to recollect and the percentage of failure (which diminishes as Creativity increases), and this same cost creates the tension that forces some players to be more strategic about what recipes they want to have.

    2) Design for Battle Loop Simplicity - we wanted to keep the battle loop simple. UI-wise, we experimented with no recipe slots, 50 recipe slots, then 20 (the current once fully brain-boostered). Once you got to 100+ recipes, having to manage or choose from many at a time for each battle, even if there were elegant ways to filter or choose your favorites, could be very unwieldly. With about 8 freely recruitable chefs in the game including Sylvie, a full arsenal (without ever expanding recipe slots or paying gems) would be 45 recipes, which is actually quite an expansive hit list already all the way to Asia. Many recipes fit multiple regions, because many of the tags could be applicable across cultures (Aromatic), or half of the judges are more power- or preference-focused rather than theme-focused. If you add the number of gems you can get for free by winning boss battles (believe around 50), that's an additional +10 slots or 55 recipes without having to spend a cent. Though even that could already be quite unwieldly for some players to sift through at the battle recipe selection screen.

    3) Monetization - we of course wanted to earn as well and feed ourselves! We've been making the game for about 3 years and funding from our own savings. :) We felt like selling slots for added convenience (if you want to have an expansive selection) was reasonable, while those who did not might just have to be slightly more strategic about what they brought in.

    Now the next question is about balance. I definitely agree with some of your points, and while I still believe in having a recipe slot system, perhaps much of the frustration is due to some balance issues.

    We did eventually realize after a lot of feedback that 5 slots on Sylvie as the starting character was too restrictive, especially as you're only starting to learn the ropes! So we brought that to 10 for her in the 1.1.3 update (other chefs still 5). Though this applied to new users who started new games only in the 1.1.3 patch... we couldn't change for old users wholesale because everyone had different save states (some might be past 10 slots already, and forcing them back to 10 would be bad; and we couldn't just +5 Sylvie across the board as some users could be 16-20 slots on her already). In case your Sylvie is still 5 or you've upgraded to less than 10 before the patch, and lost out on the +5 slots, we'd gladly top up 25 gems / 5 slots for you if you share us your account details at [email protected]!

    In coming patches, we also want to add more ways to earn gems besides boss battles - through a daily login reward perhaps, or some social actions. So that the premium / gem economy can be accessed in two ways - either over time, or paying if you want to accelerate that progress. This means, over more days of play, folks can slowly expand their slots (or use their gems on other stuff).

    As it stands though, the game has no direct paywalls. We're not gating time spent through an energy system (you could farm endlessly for cash in the France area, including some no-cost fights in Paris), and we've tested that you can finish the game and beat Baron without spending a single cent (there are many paths to him). We've also allowed both offline and online play - most Free to Play games require consistent online connections so the economy is tightly controlled, among other things. There's also no strong multiplayer or PVP loop which you have to do to get anywhere, since the game is mainly a story-driven romp. So we really tried to make payments focused on convenience/acceleration if the player so chooses.

    We know that we still have a lot to improve and we love hearing back from players! It's our first game as a team, and we're constantly listening, adjusting, and evolving with the community! So I really love hearing these kinds of questions as it also lets me think more deeply about where we can tweak or balance. :)

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