Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by NaiveCynic, May 28, 2015.

  1. nb1804

    nb1804 Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Unless you have lots of coins, I would hold on to those Keplers, until you are using them for to access skills that only exist in the SR versions or you are upgrading genes that are part of your long term collection. You may want to keep leveling up other R genes to combine them together to create new SR genes. (You don't need a Kepler to upgrade the 4* gene to SR. You can also combine 2 x R60 of the same gene to get the SR30 of the same gene. Using a Kepler will take the R60 gene up to SR25.) If, however, you have lots of coins, then you should just use the Kepler. You will go through a lot more than 3 Keplers before the game is finished. In one of my playthroughs, I went through over 100 Keplers.
  2. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    thanks, what best gene (card) do you recommend?

    other ppl recommend the following

  3. nb1804

    nb1804 Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    #1823 nb1804, Aug 30, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
    Except for Wagner and maybe Calypso, not a big fan of those genes.

    There is no best gene, per se. There are good genes for different situations. Even mediocre genes can be made better depending on the blue skills you pass on to it.

    Here are my list of go-to genes in my last play-through:

    Wagner - I start out the game with 3 Wagners but they are phased out because there are no S class bolt weapons. As you can see on this list, I am big on using Floodgate.
    Kaguya - w/Snow Tiger and Trade. Early version of Iseult. At the lower team levels, this is my main go-to gene when I am fighting the level 130 bosses in the Colosseum for the different S class weapons + armor. Can get from Okita + Odd Month Gene Box Salome - > Mata Hari -> Kaguya (Thanks to ho1yski3s).
    Iseult - w/Snow Tiger and Trade. See above.
    Arianhod - w/Light Booster and Recovery 1.5x. Magic Shield is very helpful in battle with Child + Entity.
    Edison - w/Floodgate + Physical Booster (already has Light Booster)
    John Doe - w/Floodgate + Physical Booster (already has Dark Booster). Typically used by main character along with Incarnation (strongest dark weapon) with +40% Dark ATK mod
    Kenshin - w/Magnum Fang + Unstoppable/Physical Resistance/Critical Booster (already has Floodgate + Physical Booster)
    Black Prince - Lock On helpful in battle with Archdemon of Greed
    Yang Gui Fei - w/Floodgate + Physical Booster (unenhanced Michaelangelo may be better, not sure, Yang Gui Fei has Earth Booster but Michaelangelo does not. Not sure how much the elemental booster factors in Floodgate attacks)
    Masamune - w/Magnum Fang (already has Floodgate + Physical Booster)
    Calypso - w/Magic Counter + Ice Booster (Magic Counter helpful for some 130 level bosses when getting the S class weapons/armor)
    Newton - w/Physical Booster + Floodgate (already has Earth Booster)
    Lugh - w/Floodgate + Light Booster (already has Physical Booster)
    Kojiro - w/Physical Shield + Physical Resistance

    With the exception of the high level bosses, I typically use genes with Floodgate/Physical Booster/Elemental Booster (when possible) paired with their corresponding S class weapons with +30%/+40% elemental ATK mod. An attack from one of those genes are comparable to Rakasha Lotus but without draining your MP. S class weapons are available for the following elements: Light (Super Drei 6), Earth (Super Aries), Fire (Super Sagitarrius), and Ice (Super Volheim). A S class weapon alone, when used with the appropriate Floodgate-enabled gene, increases physical attack by 90%+. The Physical Booster apparently increases physical attack by another 30%. Not sure how much the elemental booster increases physical attack. The elemental boosters can be found by completing the Magma Floor or in the Monthly Event Boxes in the Colosseum.
    Look at ho1yskis' Item Drop List to see what elements are not blocked/absorbed in each area to determine which genes to use. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-gYaLrNIW75ZpknGmf3AY5XL4QeCpn6iVWKAFSiCtXY/edit#gid=689446511
    For example, in Edge of the World, I use Floodgate for Light (Edison, Lugh) +Dark (John Doe), Primordia: Ice (Masamune)+Light+Dark, etc.
    You can re-do Floodgate genes to incorporate Gilgamesh's Absorption Buster. I did it for Masamune and it was very helpful in Theia's Nerve Center where every element can be absorbed.

    For battle w/Child + Entity: I use Kojiro, Arianhod, Kenshin
    For battle w/hidden boss: I use Kojiro + 2 x Kenshin or 3 x Kenshin. All genes upgraded with 4 x Greed Seed III. When using the genes as configured above, you can defeat the boss in 4 turns without healing.
  4. willtech10577

    willtech10577 New Member

    Aug 30, 2015
    First off thanks a ton for everyone contributing to this thread. I was able to beat the story mode portion fairly easily but post game you definitely either need to blow a lot of time finding things out or following in someone elses footsteps.

    Anyhow, begin major spoilers...

    Anyone noticed how similar this game is to Wild ARMs 2 and 5? I know the all three games are developed by Media Vision but it hit me the other day. Both games have you being manipulated by a couple (Irving and Altaecia is Alfred and Marvi) to build them up/prepare them for the "end of the world" of the Child/Entity or Encroaching Parallel Universe. Irving used Vinsfeld or Volhelm in order to prep the team/ARMS to become ready to fight the "end of the world" scenario.

    Furthermore, the whole "time cycle" plot of Alfred going back in time to stop a future that they want to avoid is also very similar to Wild ARMs 5. Avril comes in the beginning of the game and lost her memory when at the end it turns out she is in fact the Johnny Appleseed she was looking for all this time. At the end she sacrifices herself to turn off the tower and she gets thrown back in time again, once again starting the "time cycle" -- very similar to what Alfred does becoming Johannes.

    I could be off on this, I am not a big game like I used to back in the SNES/PSX days but as I was playing the game it sounds like a lot of recycled plot from Media Vision's previous games.
  5. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010

    thanks for the great info nb1804
  6. nb1804

    nb1804 Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    You're welcome. Also, I updated my reply to add more genes and additional details.
  7. Grummie

    Grummie Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    Just got this game for furthers day and holy cow! So much to take in :/ haven't really played a game like this since final fantasy X
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    You're in for a treat. This game is massive and has so much quality in every aspect. My pick for best mobile RPG ever. Enjoy!
  9. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    More questions

    I'm currently in ep4. In order to obtains more coins, I used to change the time forward...
    I did forward one day at a time, and do the daily collection before move further, the daily tasks including
    1) 5 coins
    2) collect Patty's BLT
    3) exchange chocolate with piggy
    4) do daily quest in Battle mode
    5) eggon hunting

    before I set the clock I turn my phone to Airplane mode.

    My questions:
    1) do I missed any daily stuff to do?
    2) without connection to internet, do I missed anything?
    3) for the Monthly Event Boxes, I read
    "Box will open in the Special Shop as soon as you find at least one Gift (in Battle Mode) that belongs to the box. This will allow you to buy the rest of the items with coins from the shop."
    but I cannot activate fest box for Aug Fireworks Box and Sept Harvest Box but I can activate Oct Halloween Box, what's going wrong here?

    thanks again.
  10. Lessica

    Lessica Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    1) Looks like you got most if not all of the daily stuff.
    2) This game doesn't use an Internet connection. If it synced with a server, changing your phone's date would do nothing.
    3) I have no idea.
  11. Grummie

    Grummie Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2011
    I feel so behind though looking at this thread #
  12. nb1804

    nb1804 Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    1) Other daily stuff: get gift from River Imp at the City of Dreams, get the different flowers (Snow Drop, World Tree Blossom, etc) - you can use them for fusing
    2) Without Internet access, you lose access to Game Center achievements
    3) To activate Aug Fireworks box, you need at least 2 Star Bursts. To activate Sep Harvest Box, you need at least 2 Autumn Sets. You can get them by fighting the Summerfest (A class) battles for August or Yummyfest (A class) battles for Sep. Summerfest is Aug 1-Aug 15. Yummyfest is Sep 16-Sep 30. B class battles will work too, but you will need to use the Rare Item attractor.
  13. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    #1833 ImLegend, Sep 8, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    Thanks again dude, nb1804 more question about Kaguya

    I did make Rare Mata Hari with Snow Tiger and Trade, but I have NO idea how to upgrade are Mata Hari to Kaguya??? Kaguya in R or SR in what condition

    Thanks in advance
  14. The Son of Anarchy

    The Son of Anarchy Well-Known Member

    May 14, 2012
    Just started this the other day and all I can say is what an amazing game... I was in awe at the title screen just watching the bird fly around before I'd even touched the screen, gorgeous graphics, atmosphere, the whole thing is so much more than I could've expected. I choked on my coffee the first time the guy at the start plopped out that massive sword, the game is just full of original unexpected moments and ideas. I don't stray too far from the more popular JRPG's but to me CR3 owns a style of its own.

    I think L.Lawliet called it earlier the best mobile Rpg ever, and I have to agree, hands down this thing is epic. Without a doubt GOTY for me so far, nothing else even comes close...
  15. Khangress

    Khangress Active Member

    Aug 17, 2015
    I will admit that there is so much right about this game, but you haven't even had to worry about getting the right cards for the final boss. I had to do so much grnding in my first playthrough because I fused gifts and cards that would later provide useful for something else.
  16. nb1804

    nb1804 Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Mata Hari can be combined with different genes to get to Kaguya. Since Mata Hari is of the Fire element and Kaguya is of the Earth element, the other gene must be of the Ice element. However, not all Ice elemental genes will work. I typically use Copernicus but I know you can also use Calypso, Dante, Ahab, or Rasputin. There are probably others so you should go through all your Ice elemental genes.
  17. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    #1837 ImLegend, Sep 9, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    big thanks, will give it a try

    other question, why Snow Tiger + Trade + Kaguya(def) is good? I don't quite get it.

    UPDATE: No worries found answer here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ck8oHP2Vu8jSNgGgKLGF2ZW9vaaKP2wuAu6dyrt6Ggo/pub

    Got Kaguya from Dante
  18. Hambo12

    Hambo12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    on the internet

    anyone pick up the new outfits yet? Looks so cool d:
  19. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I'm about to go for the outfits tonight. I absolutely LOVE how there's still so much to do. The changing events with weapon / armor gifts is genius. Rarely do RPGs even have changeable aesthetics.
  20. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    #1840 ho1yski3s, Sep 9, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2015
    I realized I haven't added the Early Game Snow Tiger Combo to the FAQ. I'm actually surprised people use it considering I myself didn't in two playthroughs (I floodgated my way on the second). Thanks for reminding me XD

    You can now find this broken combo on the FAQ

    EDIT: also added an entry on the wonders of Kishibojin (below Wagner) and the perks of using different characters under general tips.

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