I made a full quest list for Mattosai's FAQ, check out the link below. I don't think there is anything story-wise in the B and C quests. D quests have a ton of references from previous games (the names of the quest givers). Probably the only thing i gleaned from a quest is the possible location of the Pisces Zodiac Arm.
Why does Telomere Revive matter? Every Gene has Telomere Revive. You use that spell by selecting the Item command then selecting Vin Brule.
good comment and i use vin brule instead of telomere revive (i remarqued in all chaos rings series that using item is faster than using special skill ...for example if elroux is faster than leary in skills use if you use item with leary, she will use the item before elroux using her skill even if elroux is faster) so vin brule is more efficient (^_^)
I cant get Thea's Secret 3 to show up. Only getting C and D quests and the C quests are all the annoying rare item ones. Am i missing anything?
Oh really? Ill have to go get it again. Im sure i fused it. Thanks! It worked! Any other gifts worth getting again to convert?
Finally finished the game. Beat the big green monster. Kind of easy, never healed but used one continue gem. A little anticlimactic. A lot of cliffhangers left out there.
Still looking from time to time here and PM (when i'm not busy playing some other JRPG or w40k deathwatch ) Don't hesistate to PM me or ho1yski3s , if you feel you have some good infos / tips to share on the Chaos Rings 3 FAQ ! Added special events from january to may 2015 thanks to nb1804 ! Cheers
I have Chaos Rings 1 and 2. I haven't had the chance to finish 1 with all characters so I'm still not familiar with the whole story. I guess my question is - is 3 a direct sequel of 1 and 2?
I have played every game in the Chaos Rings series. As far as I can tell, Chaos Rings III has nothing to do with Chaos Rings I or II, outside of the play mechanics and some Easter Eggs.
Telomere Revive enable party member to cast in Auto Battle mode In post game play, even my lv.139 party still fall in some non-boss battle. Keep Mother in battle party will auto cast this spell.
If only there was a way to disable Auto Battle mode so you could select a Vin Brule, oh wait there is.
Just start to play yesterday, some newbies questions: 1) at the beginning should I focus on Story or Battle mode? I failed on Battle mode C special event anyway, so should I play thru Story mode and done some phrase before paying attention to Battle mode? 2) got some Normal cards (1 or 2 stars), when is the good time to enchant and combine? Or should I wait until I got duplicate cards? 3) related to 2) should I keep all the card and items in order to complete the collection of SHEET, forget what it will give me tho. Should I focus on one sheet and replay one area util I collect all those items & gifts? 4) just got Aries gift, should I convert into item OR wait for Fuse gift? How about enchant and combination?? Confused!! 5) I heard you can turn the clock to collect daily Ohnz or do special gem hunting? Will that mess up other process? What is the best spending Ohnz for? Currently I only spent some on golden keys Thanks in advance
Big thanks for the info: My D class tasks are always grey out why? If I used the gift that is the part of sheet collection, does it count I have collect it? Or I need to find it again? 6) what's Attachment(+2rest and how) used for?
the Items > attachments, for example "Hermit Crab Shell", "Crab Claw" also for the (e.g.speed) seeds I found should I keep it or saved for later change clock question already found in: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showthread.php?t=262723&page=111
Those will be used later by the modder to add effects to your equipment. I don't really use the seeds, they can be given out for item quests though. The only thing I wouldn't give out during an item quest is an apple of the flesh. Really useful when eggon farming. Does anyone know where I can get armor for the magma ocean? I dont want to constantly lose health.