Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by NaiveCynic, May 28, 2015.

  1. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1041 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Video has spoilers


    A normal hit from Asura Lotus does 5k, but the crit does 36k. Which is expected (actually it should be 40k) if all three genes have Crit 2x (since Passives stack)

    So either they fixed it or it got bugged for the English version.

    Kenshin has 340 ATK and 250 Luck while John Doe has 350 ATK and 300 Luck. Less luck seems irrelevant though, once Emperor Mode is up, I activate an AA every turn.

    The item that gives Emperor Mode is Miracle Medicine but its pretty rare even in 120-130 dungeons
  2. Mattosai

    Mattosai Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    Well that make more sense critical x2 should work on all criticals, guess it has been fixed on jp version (but in this case they stack probably cause he's in ultimate form , so he benefits from all his passives, that's special case)

    i was a bit surprised as i transfered mostly critical x2 on last genes to hear after it works only with normal attacks, bummer :/

    Who know if SE cares (dunno cause i still even don't see a patch for mocktopus bug... ) we'll have those coming to us.
  3. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    You can boost stats up to 999, really? I tried to buff my JD but eventually it stopped accepting any more seeds, with some message saying the gene "was satisfied" or something and was greed out from the selection list. The stat discussion is important imo since gathering enough seeds can take a while, whereas most people can easily max out SR genes, which is a good baseline I feel (level 100). At that level the differences in stats between genes is pronounced enough to make accurate judgments between them.

    Reverse gravity reminds me of that Pokemon spell that does the same thing. I guess it would be great if you used slow char's like Xuanzang and such, just pop that and suddenly they are the fastest around!

    ... Actually, that might be a good idea. Xuanzang does have ridiculous Attack, with only speed to slow her down. Reverse Gravity could make her viable, but it would require a dedicated person to use RG in the first place, so I'm not so sure about it. Could be worth trying out if you were bored.

    I'll work on Cleopatra next, if you or Evokerz recommend something I will def try it out.

    I need to update my original post with the new info later today sometime, it's a bit outdated at this point.

    Also, is that "Emperor Mode Catalyst" fake or real?
  4. Mattosai

    Mattosai Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    #1044 Mattosai, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Oh well , there is a limit so, i gave few seeds to some of my genes earlier but never got this message (but i stopped when i got a better understanding of the gene systeme , and combination).
    Thanks for the info then, and if so, do you recall the number of seeds you gave him before you got this message ? did you check your JD stats ? maybe there is a cap ? (add all stats and count ? ) , it's important cause if it's the number of seeds you give, that means giving type I seeds 10 times over giving him type III seeds 10 times would make a big difference, if it's a stat total that is capped , won't change anything.
  5. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    I think I gave it around 15-20 genes before it stopped. Half were roughly lv2, and the other half were lv3.

    Only used three greed seeds (two 2s and one 3), rest were Attack and speed only. If greed seeds count more towards the cap, seeing as they boost all the stats, it might be worth it to just pump Attack and speed seed.

    If it's just # of seeds you should be able to test easily by spamming lv1 seeds on something g and reset if you hit it quickly.
  6. Mattosai

    Mattosai Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    For Cleopatra she's mostly defense/luck/hp ; thunder gene, with adv veda, bolt booster, aug electra, the end, eggon catalyst, mostly a good defensive thunder gene i'll say (btw venom kiss is juliet not her ... i'm not in shape today... ) , but was half joking (see my edit about her) , you can play her more for the artwork :D , but she's not as bad as the others like napoleon etc.

    I'll do that ... but first i'm trying to get back my eggon quest -_____-
  7. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1047 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    As far as genes like Nuwa are concerned, just give the entire party the same passive then give them all Special Store armor that blocks the vulnerable Attribute modded with more resistance.

    The damage from the attribute is reduced to around normal damage

    Or just use Genes of the same attribute with even more Resistance from armor.
  8. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    My favorite artwork is Rapunzel. I just love her glazed over eyes (looks sleepy), totally moe.

    Shizuka is cool too, she reminds me of Tokimi from Eien Shinken, looking like a miko with weapons. Calypso also has a nice design. For some reason Kishibojin has a really detailed artwork for me, it looks really different from the others.

    Wagner and Dante both look like Origami from DaL. I'm sure there are tons more that I am overlooking but those are just off the top of my head.

    Makes me wonder how many artists worked on the assets for this game. It's obvious at least two people, if not more, worked on the gene artwork.

    Spoiler for: you can't unsee this -
    The Issun gene, that mount animal next to the person looks a bit like a penis head.
    Everytime I pull him from a box I can't help but notice it. Does anyone else agree? It looks so weird!
  9. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1049 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    What's the issue with slow genes? If it's combos then just have one fast attacker.

    Spell combos don't care if the supporting characters are at the end of the turn order. Unlike physical combos, spell combos don't require characters to be right next to the other in the turn order.

    So a character that acts first in a turn and a character that acts at the end will still be able to do a spell combo.

    Most tough boss fights are 3v1, so if you're trying to do a phys combo with two genes, the first attacker critting already sends the enemy to the end of the turn. So the slow gene acts ahead of them, completing the combo. If the first attacker doesn't crit then it doesn't matter that the slow gene acts after the enemy.

    If you're using two slow genes, just have the healer attack as well in the first turn to get advantage. Or even use a soma to trigger a weakness
  10. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    I've had a lot of issues with spell combos, both 2-spell combo and 3-spell combos.

    I can fight two battles, against the same enemies, input the same spell combos, and it will work on one battle and fail on another.

    I have no idea what causes this, but it's really weird. Sometimes it'll screw up every other spell combo, other times it works perfectly for entire fights.

    Strangely it seems that I am able to perform tri-spell combos much more easily over dual-spell combo. When I was doing dual combo often times it would fail constantly if my third character attacked or used another spell, but worked when I used an item or guarded. Even with tri combo it still fails sometimes, and is very frustrating.

    Does anyone else have this kind of problem? Or is it just me.
  11. Mattosai

    Mattosai Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2010
    #1051 Mattosai, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Yep got the same problem, when cast same aug. spell with 2 chars sometimes they are doing the combo , sometimes not , happens on a regular basis.

    I think it's when one of your spellcasters take a critical hit (due to weakness or physical crit) , that's breaking the combo sequence, or maybe when ennemy act between your spellcasters, your first char won't wait and cast his spell , ennemy attacks, and second char cast spell alone. Only theory , but should be something around those.
    That's why i tought speed was a factor to take in account, to cast combo spells before ennemy can eventually crit / break a sequence in a turn.
  12. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    My recollection is you are not supposed to beat him in that battle.
    After he wins the cut scene commences, so losing to him isn't game over.

    That being said,
    in chpt 3 you will fight him again, and this time I was much better prepared and beat him
    . However,
    even after I beat him the story still continues as if he had beat the protagonist
    . So I don't think beating him actually matters since the programmers appear to have only made one battle outcome possible anyway.

    Nevertheless, in retrospect if you really want to beat him, I say it's possible. I can't remember him dealing instant death or 9999 damage or anything like this so make sure you have a very good healer first so you can survive. Even if he does deal instant death there are auto-revive skills you can equip like
    . Then you could button-mesh
    a. lotus
    joint spells
    until you KO him. I don't remember him having
    physical block
    magic resistance
    in that specific battle.
  13. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1053 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    It's obviously too late for this seeing as most people are way past that point in the story, but the game explains some of its mechanics through the NPCs. Holly explains spell combos early in the game if you talk to her even when you don't need to.

    They're random. The chance is higher with advantage.

    Also there's a passive that increases the chances of this happening. Forgot who has it though. But you get one copy for finishing the Archdemon quest line.
  14. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    There is a way to do this but boosting the stats to 999 or more kind of takes the fun out of the game. I don't think the game was designed so that people need to farm seeds in order to beat even the secret bosses.

    Personally I wouldn't consider doing this in a first play through anyway. But I think some stats are capped while others are not. For example, luck is capped at +20 for a lot of the genes. It's kind of good this way because otherwise you could just double- or triple-stack critx2 white and blue skills and boost damage and luck to 999. Though if someone did this and posted a vid I'd like to see how much damage the gene can deal. It would out-do Gilgamesh by a wide margin I estimate.
  15. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    I never did my tutorial stages at all so I just went and did it. They bring up spell combos in Intermediate Combat. Took a screenshot of what he says and you're right, although it didn't say anything about combo chance being determined around advantage, just a very vague "sometimes":

    I wonder how much damage 3x Gilgamesh could do with a bunch of passives and doing a tri-combo, and how it compares to a minmax' physical combo+AA.
  16. Jazzys

    Jazzys Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    Can you explain how that guy survives Adams big golden fate thingy. I can't read jap but it looks like he was using gamma knife and smiley face. But even with smiley face I still get 1 shotted unlike what's shown in the video.
  17. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1057 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    I'm not talking about the Tutorial. I'm talking about talking to the NPCs at every opportunity. Holly, Sally and Marco explain a few things if you speak to them regularly.

    As for the secret boss, get better genes, and a higher team level. Or also use Guard Up.

    Also in the first turn he uses Emperor Mode, Asura Lotus and Gamma Knife
  18. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    #1058 curtisrshideler, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    I've yet to get an Eggon quest since restarting the game. And I'm 5 hours in again. It's been quite slow leveling up my first set of genes.

    EDIT: But of course right after i write that, i finally get it! Now my only problem is dying. I'm level 41 and even with 1* N genes, its going to take forever to die.
  19. Jazzys

    Jazzys Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    Higher team level makes you take less Dmg? I thought it just gives more MP. I did use decent genes kenshin, John Doe and shizuka and had to go through 3 continues.

    Unexpectedly using Gilgamesh was worse for me. Too slow get 1 shotted before I can put a move. Using the 3 mentioned above I at least have the speed to go first and do some dmg or drop a smiley face ( helps with all Dmg except the golden thingy) before getting 1 shotted.
  20. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Save before shuffling, shuffle, check, reset if none.

    Obviously this method only works if you haven't finished the Eggon quest for the day. To be completely sure the Eggon quest can be aquired change the date until you get another Daily Ohz coin reward.

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