Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by NaiveCynic, May 28, 2015.

  1. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    Phys is overall better. Or at least there's no question about its effect since you can see the damage numbers.
    Crit is at best just a guess that it works with skills. And because it's random it's also a guess how well it works. It could be as small as 5%
    Crit x2 is just normal attacks. Crit Boost will synergize with Crit x2 but only with, again, normal attacks.
  2. Jazzys

    Jazzys Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    I gave my John Doe berserker catalyst and Physical booster instead. He already has asura naturally.

    Thinking of replacing Crit x 2 with Rally though I don't see anyone doing this. Crit x 2 really doesn't work with asura.
  3. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    I was under the impression earlier that when fusing, the new genes wouldn't inherit the blue extra genes from parents and only the white main ones (or at least that's what I read way earlier in the thread). But it seems when you fuse they can get any skill they learned for a lot of different possibilities.

    So was there a restriction I was missing? I thought there were some skills that won't pass down but judging from this it seems as long as you keep resetting, you can get any skill into the child gene.
  4. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #1004 Styr, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    Afaik the only skills that can't be passed down are ones that the new gene can learn on its own, e.g. You can't give Crit x2 to JD as a blue skill because he already learns it by leveling.

    And yea, being able to transfer blue skills through several incarnations of recombination is great. Magnum + Phys boost is great on high Attack units.

    If Kojiro wasn't so annoying to get in a timely manner I'd work on Magnum+Afterthought Guard/Phys Shield on other units like Shizuka or Arianhod, among others. Magnum+Renascence might be great for Leary's gene to swing break advantage without break mod.
  5. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    #1005 Humperdinck, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Thank you for your thoughtful replies and experimentation.

    Haven't got him yet but magnum and lotus may be fool's gold on heavy units like Gilgamesh from what I've read. Looks good on paper but in practice would be missing too many hits for the skill to be effective. it may be better to have single hit weapons w critx2 and crit boost and aim/lock on and as the optimal strategy for these units.

    Magnum may be more effective on fast slashers - weaker damage but making up for it w accurate hits and AA at the end of turn.

    Which may be partly why you may be getting annoyed w Kojiro. He's got the right skills but not quick enough to juggle magnum and not strong enough to utilise lock on.

    Thank you again for your thoughts.

    Edit: Sorry I don't use Kojiro so I got his name wrong. Corrected here.
  6. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    #1006 Humperdinck, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    I think you may be right. Crit x2 is not most effectively utilised on John Doe. With rally he could double his next lotus in sync with healers during healing turns. And you won't have to worry about the gauge dropping off since he fills the gauge right back up with his lotus in the next turn anyway.

    On the other hand his damage though not Gilgamesh level is still quite high, so Crit x2 is not completely wasted on him. I like Critx2 on John Doe since it makes mass attacks more satisfying. But that's not necessarily maximising his skill set.

    Edit: If rally doubles the AA damage then you should definitely swap out crit x2 for rally. In which case some sort of passive break gauge booster if this exists may be more useful than berserker catalyst.
  7. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    #1007 Styr, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Magnum and ALotus don't work the same; Asura Lotus clearly states that more speed = more hits, with a range of 2-5 possible. Slow users like Xuanzang and Gilgamesh would clearly have speed issues and thus hit the low end of the threshold.

    Magnum is always 6 Attacks, save for misses. I'm not really annoyed with Kijiro, it's just he has a lot of seemingly 'useless' skills. Lock on and Dreadnought especially being bad, as I'd rather do Magnum x 2 over Lock+Dread. Kojiro's balanced stat spread also means he isn't very good at min-maxing like Wagner or others are. Maybe I just haven't fought enough high level enemies that need Lock On to actually hit properly, idk. Dreadnaught seems like a waste compared to Rally though.

    Kojiro does have extremely rare skills though, two from Solomon (Afterthought and Phys Shield) and Magnum and Renascence from himself. It may be better to use him as combination fodder to pass these rare skills on, but what two skills from these four would you keep? It can be hard to pick. I suppose that, unlike
    you can get more copies of Kojiro and Solomon to play around with.

    Magnum+Renascence would make a break bar disadvantage melt away if in the hands of a high hit attacker like Leary.

    Magnum+Afterthought or Physical Shield might be better on a healer/squishy dps if you have a break bar mod and thus don't need Renascence.

    For anyone that's beaten the epilogue, is there a NG+ option?
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it. So it seems like in general, there aren't actually any restrictions as long as you're patient.

    I'll have to dig through this thread when I'm further along but I'm glad you and some others are going through the best skill combinations. My fusing is pretty basic at the moment since I only used date swap to go back to the last month to get what I missed and don't have a big fusion library. I'll probably wait out the entire months or so to get all the monthly 5 star genes and then put in my input, which would be a while..
  9. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    If you're talking about beating the post game final boss, I copied my save file earlier so I could beat it but still fight it later and no NG+. Just displays a complete on the save file.

    I still had the Century Lichen and that Voyager Suit quests unfinished though.
  10. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    You have to be really, really patient. It took me about 45 minutes to get Phys Boost/Magnum on my Jack. It can be painful, I wish they let us pick the skills we want.

    Yeah, the main problem with trying to put Magnum Fang on other units is that it takes up a blue skill slot, save for the few units who actually get it naturally. This is especially rough if the unit already gets Asura Lotus, like JD. It essentially forces you to replace the Lotus via gift/skill, waste a slot on a skill you don't use, or not even bother with Magnum in the first place.

    My Elroux uses Asura Lotus with JD and almost always gets 5 attacks now that I've maxed out the gene's level.

    I'm not trying to minmax for damage like others are. I like a balanced party so even though I could use 3 Wagner/JD/etc I tend to still use a 'healer' and a 'tanky' type along with a dedicated DPS. I'm probably not being very efficient this way I suppose.

    It seems to me that being a specialist in this game requires passive skills to truly work well. Throughout most of the game you don't need stacking passives to do well. You can usually just combo your spells and blast apart the boss. Once monsters start going above level 100-110 though you need to prepare yourself.
  11. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1011 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    You'll need a healer vs post game bosses. Of course you can always put a healing skill on a damage dealer. I'm planning a Kenshin with Adv Heal All to see if it can help me kill the secret boss faster.

    Tanks though don't really do much, post game bosses deal a lot of damage and healers (at least those with at least Aug Heal All and Recovery 1.5) also heal a lot of damage that it doesn't really matter how tough genes are. Also Provoke obviously doesn't work against AoE skills which there are a lot of.
  12. RinoaHeartily

    RinoaHeartily Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2010
    I am Lil confused over enhanced and recombination? When do I enhance and combine? Can I just combine two low level cards or should I combine them when max out?
  13. JIzang

    JIzang New Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    Guys please help I need the last to gifts for gilgamesh gift V and VI where can I get them I am in chapter 4
  14. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1014 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    By the way for people not wanting to advance the date, getting all the genes (except Colosseum Genes obviously) is actually doable with just the Genes you get from cards.

    You can easily get enough coins (episode rewards and doing all B+C quests and some D quests) to unlock all cards using keys

    Cards give you all 1-3*'s as well as Heisichi and Nostradamus's groups and Davinci and Solomon

    Kojiro is Da Vinci + Solomon

    The Lionheart's group is fused using Heisichi and Nostradamus's groups. Then Sun Wukong's group is using The Lionheart's group with Nobel's group. Sun Wukong's group can be downgraded to Goemon or Kenshin's group (can't remember which) using Mata Hari's group

    Then the other group can be fused using Alistairs (you get more than enough gifts for 6 of them) and one of the 3* groups. Combining both group's gets you Nuwa's group.

    And then just use gifts to get Arianrhod and Gilgamesh
  15. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    Yeah I agree, tanks are pretty meh on their own: they need some sort of gimmick to do damage and provoke doesn't work against AoE. Iseult is probably my favorite 'tank' since he can both reliably start combos for AA with Snow Tiger and poison bosses with Trade, which also doubles as a buff steal.

    I'm thinking that my next playthrough I'll do one healer and two damage dealers. As cheesy as it is something like 2x Wagner and 1x Calypso would probably get you Fate Seals for the first half of the game with a bit of eggon farming. I'm also curious about doing an all-spell caster lineup, for triple spell combos.
  16. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #1016 Spinda, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    The triple combo is my plan for Gilgamesh, boost his speed with seeds, passives from Magma Ocean. Since only the stats, passives, buffs, and equipment of the person actually casting the spell matters in a combo.

    If you plan your group's speed (make one member super slow so they can use one of the Attribute Flows or a Lotion on the enemy) you can easily deal nearly 200k with Concentrate and that's with just 300+ Attack Genes.
  17. Aznjackh

    Aznjackh New Member

    Jun 13, 2015
    Any new game plus? Re-fight final boss?

    I just beat the game today, and after beating entity i was wondering what else was there to do after beating the game. Is there new game plus? Could you replay boss fights again?
  18. Harmony

    Harmony New Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    Im a total noob

    okay so im currently in chapter 2 where you have to beat drei 6 and im nowhere near of beating him. if anybody can suggest how to level up my team efficiently pls.. i currently have sr athena and joan of arc sitting at level 30.. i just upgraded them to sr but i dont know how to easily level.. am i missing anything?? you guys are way beyond me. please helppp!!
  19. Styr

    Styr Well-Known Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    You aren't supposed to beat Drei 6. If you do manage this monumental task on your first play through, you will only be awarded with a Fate Seal (which is only proof you beat a very hard encounter) with nothing else gained by "beating" him. You will still "lose" after the battle for plot reasons.
  20. Kash

    Kash New Member

    Jun 13, 2015
    #1020 Kash, Jun 13, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2015
    Episode 4

    So I recently beat episode 3, where you turn true incarnitus or however you spell it and beat the big ancient one. Now i also after beating it downloaded episode 4 but the auto direction where it tells you where to go in red keeps telling me to goto the spaceport, but theres nothing for me to do? How do i start episode 4?

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