Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by NaiveCynic, May 28, 2015.

  1. conmeolatui

    conmeolatui Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    #961 conmeolatui, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    I gave my Kenshin berserk castalist and critical booster. I think it makes a good combination with critical x2.
    Btw, I can only have one Gilgamesh. He was removed from my "fuse gifts" menu right after I had fused him??? How can u guys get the second one ???
  2. araivanear

    araivanear Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    #962 araivanear, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    You can fuse him many time you have Yellow Gift that require if you not have any yellow gift it will out of fuse list.
  3. potatomonkey

    potatomonkey Member

    Jun 7, 2015
    Does anyone know where Al's thousand voyagers suit is found?
  4. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    Help! Quest: Theia's Secret 2
    The three candelabra shall lead the way
    Flames lit in the truth illuminate a path
    Truth abides on the other side of the mirror.

    i have no idea what it means
  5. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    Thank you very much for your thoughtful discussions. Xuanzang and Gilgamesh sure are stronger than John and Wagner but I find they are a different class of genes involving a different battle strategy. For players who like the Wagner style of attack, it's typically because she is fast, has first move advantage every battle turn, juggles, fills up the break gauge, and matches Leary's thunder element.

    John on Elroux works well with Wagner because he is just as fast, almost always hits straight after Wagner, guarantees 5 hits with A. lotus, which ups to 15 on Elroux, and matches her dark elemental weapon. Just between the two of them they will max out the break gauge with approx. 50 hits and allow for AA finish every turn if you use magnum and lotus. Not to mention the third party member may also have magnum or lotus.

    The advantage of John over Wagner is that his blue skills can be modded, and he has critx2 innately. Say what will about critx2 but it's something Wagner cannot learn (until someone can describe how to fuse these monthly genes), which to me gives John an advantage over Wagner. And having stress on John is more flexible than having bolt on Wagner in case the enemy blocks physical attacks or absorbs elemental damage. So if I had to pick between John and Wagner I would pick John, but I use them together for max. effect.

    Thank you for the interesting discussion again.
  6. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #966 Spinda, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    What exactly will Wagner use Crit x2 for? It won't work on Magnum Fang. Crit First Attack with Crit x2 will only deal 2x damage, which is far weaker than Magnum Fang's 6x damage

    And still doesn't compare to Kenshin which has Phys Boost and Emperor Mode naturally, Auto Counter so its Crit 2x can possibly be put to use. Then just have Magnum Fang and Crit Boost in its blue slots.

    Also if a boss resists Physical, that's what a dedicated Magic Gene is for. Settling for whatever John Doe can do with only Stress and Adv Odette doesn't really compare to a Gene with all the boosts can do.

    Even the boss that switches, Super Mariv, can easily be killed with a dedicated caster gene before it puts up its magic barrier.
  7. Lessica

    Lessica Well-Known Member

    Jun 4, 2015
    "Requested by The Agent

    'You fought well. Those apes roared too loudly. They had to be culled. Silence is the law here.'"

    The Agent is a grumpy old man, confirmed.

    Basically, just mirror the arrangement of switches. so instead of xoo, make it oox (or whatever it was)
  8. ho1yski3s

    ho1yski3s Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    This sounds stupid but after oox nothing happens. I even reset the quest :/
  9. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    What I'm reading is, you're essentially saying while Wagner won't need critx2 with magnum, it's essential for your Kenshin to have magnum or at least lotus with Critx2.
  10. Jazzys

    Jazzys Member

    Jun 12, 2015
    Kenshins a 4 star. Can 4 star SR be comparable to 5 star SR?
  11. Evokerz

    Evokerz Active Member

    Jun 8, 2015
    I agree, John and Wagner are good where I can customise John blue slot with stuff and Wagner has innate physical booster + magnum fang.
    Also about the downside of Xuanzang, despite he has a very high attack stat, his very low speed stat makes him missing hit often due to low accuracy if I tried to fight lvl. 120+ monsters, his very low luck stat also lower his chance to crit.
  12. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #972 Spinda, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    Counterattacks are normal attacks. So it's possible that Crit 2x can affect them. Either way Auto Counter means more damage whether or not Crit 2x affects a crit form a counter attack.

    Stats (mainly Attack) and skills matter more than stars.

    Sun Wukong has worse attack than Goemon, only has Fire Booster while Goemon has Magic Booster and Attribute Affection, Goemon has Berserk Mode All while Wukong has single target Berserk Mode. Resistance Buster is a pretty terrible skill since it doesn't negate Block or Absorb, or normal resistance from an enemy's Attribute.

    Sun Wukong only has a Aug Single Target for its second element (unless you want to use a weak AoE spell) while Goemon has Aug AoE. Plus Aug ST spells can always be learned using Gifts so it really doesn't matter if a Gene has them or not.
  13. Nils

    Nils Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2009
    A plattform will raise. Go to the wall and use a bomb
  14. Ctown20

    Ctown20 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015

    I prefer Lord of Starmine and Al's AA they're powerful and a little badass...
    Indeed, it's so dope, it's almost the principal reason I like incarnatus mode.
  15. Ctown20

    Ctown20 Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015

    For most the # of stars determine the stats, there are some exceptions though, like some powerful 3-4* but most if not all 5* have overall powerful stats.
  16. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    Thank you for sharing your experience on using Kenshin. Kenshin is a great gene, don't get me wrong. It sounds like you're in a further part of the game than I am currently, and if you are working with Xuanzang and Gilgamesh I can understand why those three would work well together because they are very similar in their battle styles. Total combined physical damage output may be higher with these three compared to the JD/Wagner/Shizuka team I am currently using. However, if you're using Kenshin with Wagner you won't be able to sync their attacks together since one is too fast for another. Which would mean less chance of AA per turn. To me if you're using Wagner, JD is a better partner.

    Also Kenshin is fire element so at least at where I am in the game I would have to resort to a weaker weapon to match the weapon elemental boost, or use the final weapon with lesser elemental bonus. I'm skeptical Kenshin's emperor mode and crit boosts would make up for using a weaker weapon, and if I'm using the 50-coins weapons it seems the game is channelling me towards either light/dark or bolt/earth genes. So my gene choices do reflect weapon choices as well.

    At the end of the day, all 4* and 5* genes are good genes and they all have their pros and cons. It depends on how they fit together, and if your team can beat the game then they are good genes. Downside to being too physically focused is this can be a problem being up against spell casting opponents. My solution is to farm the somas to fight the bosses.

    Thank you again for sharing your knowledge.
  17. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    #977 Spinda, Jun 12, 2015
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2015
    Why exactly would a Kenshin user need a Fire Weapon?

    Kenshin is a Phys Gene so obviously use a weapon with more Power than trying to match the Element. If you're fighting a boss where magic deals more damage than phys,use an actual Magic Gene. Like Nuwa, The Lionheart or Goemon. Or whatver their counterparts are of the Element that a character's weapon has.

    Also the solution to sync attacks is simple. Use two Kenshins.

    I'm not really sure why where people are in the game matters if a player somehow has John Doe. They should be able to beat all the main quests with a SR 4* or 5* Gene running mostly on mass or auto battle given how easy Story Mode is.
  18. Humperdinck

    Humperdinck Active Member

    Jun 6, 2015
    Ah I didn't realise low speed and luck decrease accuracy and crit%, respectively.

    The downside of JD/Wagner combo is they're too one-dimensional. If an opponent has physical block and resistant to their respective elements then they essentially resort to either guard or throwing elemental somas. But being too slow means cannot hit/crit and will need to rely on spells/somas too. So it sounds like 6 of one and half a dozen of the other at higher lv dungeons.
  19. Spinda

    Spinda Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2013
    So teach them an Augmented spell of an opposite element.

    The only enemies that somehow resist 2 opposing elements and Physical attacks are those that need one specific Element to hit them.

    Also Kenshin has no trouble hitting or critting with Magnum Fang on 120-130 enemies no idea why Wagner or John Doe would. When I was using The Lionheart (low speed) it had no trouble hitting an 120-130 enemy that resisted Fire and Ice with R.Lotus.

    Or for that matter Cleopatra (less Speed than John Doe)
  20. bajooong

    bajooong Member

    Jun 10, 2015
    You can get thousand voyagers suit at battle mode in September first week. :)

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